draft-iab-xml2rfc-04.txt   draft-iab-xml2rfc-latest.txt 
Network Working Group P. Hoffman Network Working Group P. Hoffman
Internet-Draft ICANN Internet-Draft ICANN
Obsoletes: 7749 (if approved) June 22, 2016 Obsoletes: 7749 (if approved) March 1, 2025
Intended status: Informational Intended status: Informational
Expires: December 24, 2016 Expires: September 2, 2025
The "xml2rfc" version 3 Vocabulary The "xml2rfc" version 3 Vocabulary
draft-iab-xml2rfc-04 draft-iab-xml2rfc-latest
Abstract Abstract
This document defines the "xml2rfc" version 3 vocabulary: an XML- This document defines the "xml2rfc" version 3 vocabulary: an XML-
based language used for writing RFCs and Internet-Drafts. It is based language used for writing RFCs and Internet-Drafts. It is
heavily derived from the version 2 vocabulary that is also under heavily derived from the version 2 vocabulary that is also under
discussion. This document obsoletes the v2 grammar described in RFC discussion. This document obsoletes the v2 grammar described in RFC
2629 and its followup, RFC 7749. 7749.
Editorial Note (To be removed by RFC Editor) Editorial Note (To be removed by RFC Editor)
Discussion of this draft takes place on the rfc-interest mailing list Discussion of this draft takes place on the rfc-interest mailing list
(rfc-interest@rfc-editor.org), which has its home page at (rfc-interest@rfc-editor.org), which has its home page at
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/mailman/listinfo/rfc-interest>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/mailman/listinfo/rfc-interest>.
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provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.
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This Internet-Draft will expire on December 24, 2016. This Internet-Draft will expire on September 2, 2025.
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Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the Copyright (c) 2025 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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Table of Contents Table of Contents
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1. Expected Updates to the Specification . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1. Expected Updates to the Specification . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2. Design Criteria for the Changes in v3 . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2. Design Criteria for the Changes in v3 . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3. Differences from v2 to v3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3. Differences from v2 to v3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.1. New Elements in v3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3.1. New Elements in v3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.2. New Attributes for Existing Elements . . . . . . . . 7 1.3.2. New Attributes for Existing Elements . . . . . . . . 7
1.3.3. Elements and Attributes Deprecated from v2 . . . . . 8 1.3.3. Elements and Attributes Deprecated from v2 . . . . . 8
1.3.4. Additional Changes from v2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.3.4. Additional Changes from v2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4. Syntax Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.4. Syntax Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2. Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1. <abstract> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1. <abstract> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2. <address> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.2. <address> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3. <annotation> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.3. <annotation> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4. <area> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.4. <area> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5. <artwork> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.5. <artwork> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.6. <aside> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.6. <aside> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.7. <author> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.7. <author> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.8. <back> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.8. <back> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.9. <bcp14> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.9. <bcp14> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.10. <blockquote> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.10. <blockquote> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.11. <boilerplate> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.11. <boilerplate> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.12. <br> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.12. <br> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.13. <city> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.13. <city> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.14. <code> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.14. <code> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.15. <country> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.15. <country> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.16. <cref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.16. <cref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.17. <date> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.17. <date> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.18. <dd> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.18. <dd> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.19. <displayreference> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.19. <displayreference> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.20. <dl> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.20. <dl> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.21. <dt> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.21. <dt> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.22. <em> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2.22. <em> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.23. <email> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.23. <email> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.24. <eref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.24. <eref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.25. <figure> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.25. <figure> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.26. <front> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.26. <front> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.27. <iref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.27. <iref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.28. <keyword> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.28. <keyword> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.29. <li> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.29. <li> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.30. <link> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.30. <link> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.31. <middle> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.31. <middle> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.32. <name> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.32. <name> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.33. <note> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.33. <note> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.34. <ol> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.34. <ol> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.35. <organization> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.35. <organization> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.36. <phone> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.36. <phone> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.37. <postal> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.37. <postal> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.38. <postalLine> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.38. <postalLine> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.39. <refcontent> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.39. <refcontent> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.40. <reference> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.40. <reference> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.41. <referencegroup> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.41. <referencegroup> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.42. <references> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.42. <references> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.43. <region> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.43. <region> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.44. <relref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.44. <relref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.45. <rfc> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2.45. <rfc> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.46. <section> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2.46. <section> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.47. <seriesInfo> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2.47. <seriesInfo> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.48. <sourcecode> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 2.48. <sourcecode> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.49. <street> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2.49. <street> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.50. <strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2.50. <strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.51. <sub> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 2.51. <sub> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.52. <sup> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 2.52. <sup> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.53. <t> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 2.53. <t> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.54. <table> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2.54. <table> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.55. <tbody> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2.55. <tbody> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.56. <td> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 2.56. <td> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.57. <tfoot> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 2.57. <tfoot> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.58. <th> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 2.58. <th> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.59. <thead> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 2.59. <thead> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.60. <title> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 2.60. <title> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.61. <tr> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 2.61. <tr> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.62. <tt> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 2.62. <tt> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.63. <ul> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 2.63. <ul> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.64. <uri> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2.64. <uri> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.65. <workgroup> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2.65. <workgroup> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.66. <xref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2.66. <xref> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3. Elements from v2 That Have Been Deprecated . . . . . . . . . 74 3. Elements from v2 That Have Been Deprecated . . . . . . . . . 74
3.1. <c> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3.1. <c> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.2. <facsimile> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 3.2. <facsimile> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.3. <format> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 3.3. <format> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.4. <list> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.4. <list> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.5. <postamble> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.5. <postamble> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.6. <preamble> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 3.6. <preamble> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.7. <spanx> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 3.7. <spanx> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.8. <texttable> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 3.8. <texttable> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.9. <ttcol> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3.9. <ttcol> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.10. <vspace> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3.10. <vspace> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4. SVG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4. SVG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5. Use of CDATA Structures and Escaping . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 5. Use of CDATA Structures and Escaping . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6. Internationalization Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 6. Internationalization Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
7. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 7. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
8. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 8. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
8.1. Internet Media Type Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 8.1. Internet Media Type Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
8.2. Link Relation Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 8.2. Link Relation Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 9. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
9.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 9.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
9.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 9.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Appendix A. Front-Page ("Boilerplate") Generation . . . . . . . 88 Appendix A. Front-Page ("Boilerplate") Generation . . . . . . . 89
A.1. The "ipr" Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 A.1. The "ipr" Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
A.1.1. Current Values: "*trust200902" . . . . . . . . . . . 89 A.1.1. Current Values: "*trust200902" . . . . . . . . . . . 89
A.1.2. Historic Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 A.1.2. Historic Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
A.2. The "submissionType" Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 A.2. The "submissionType" Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
A.3. The "consensus" Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 A.3. The "consensus" Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Appendix B. The v3 Format and Processing Tools . . . . . . . . . 92 Appendix B. The v3 Format and Processing Tools . . . . . . . . . 93
B.1. Including External Text with XInclude . . . . . . . . . . 93 B.1. Including External Text with XInclude . . . . . . . . . . 94
B.2. Anchors and IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 B.2. Anchors and IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
B.2.1. Overlapping Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 B.2.1. Overlapping Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
B.3. Attributes Controlled by the Prep Tool . . . . . . . . . 96 B.3. Attributes Controlled by the Prep Tool . . . . . . . . . 97
Appendix C. Relax NG Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Appendix C. RELAX NG Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Appendix D. Schema Differences from v2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Appendix D. Schema Differences from v2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Appendix E. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
IAB Members at the Time of Approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
This document describes version 3 ("v3") of the "xml2rfc" vocabulary; This document describes version 3 ("v3") of the "xml2rfc" vocabulary:
an XML-based language ("Extensible Markup Language", [XML]) used for an XML-based language ("Extensible Markup Language" [XML]) used for
writing RFCs ([RFC7322]) and Internet-Drafts ([IDGUIDE]). writing RFCs [RFC7322] and Internet-Drafts [IDGUIDE].
This document obsoletes the version 2 vocabulary ("v2") [RFC7749], This document obsoletes the version 2 vocabulary ("v2") [RFC7749],
which contains the extended language definition. That document in which contains the extended language definition. That document in
turn obsoletes the original version ("v1") [RFC2629]. This document turn obsoletes the original version ("v1") [RFC2629]. This document
directly copies the material from [RFC7749] where possible; as that directly copies the material from [RFC7749] where possible.
document makes its way toward RFC publication, this document will
incorporate as many of the changes as possible.
The v3 format will be used as part of the new RFC series format The v3 format will be used as part of the new RFC Series format
described in [RFC6949]. The new format will be handled by one or described in [RFC6949]. The new format will be handled by one or
more new tools for preparing the XML and converting it to other more new tools for preparing the XML and converting it to other
representations. Features of the expected tools are described in representations. Features of the expected tools are described in
Appendix B. That section defines some terms used throughout this Appendix B. That section defines some terms used throughout this
document, such as "prep tool" and "formatter". document, such as "prep tool" and "formatter".
Note that the vocabulary contains certain constructs that might not Note that the vocabulary contains certain constructs that might not
be used when generating the final text; however, they can provide be used when generating the final text; however, they can provide
useful data for other uses (such as index generation, populating a useful data for other uses (such as index generation, populating a
keyword database, or syntax checks). keyword database, or syntax checks).
In this document, the term "format" is used when describing types of In this document, the term "format" is used when describing types of
documents, primarily XML and HTML. The term "representation" is used documents, primarily XML and HTML. The term "representation" is used
when talking about a specific instatiation of a format, such as an when talking about a specific instantiation of a format, such as an
XML document or an HTML document that was created by an XML document. XML document or an HTML document that was created by an XML document.
1.1. Expected Updates to the Specification 1.1. Expected Updates to the Specification
Non-interoperable changes in later versions of this specification are Non-interoperable changes in later versions of this specification are
likely based on experience gained in implementing the RFC production likely based on experience gained in implementing the new publication
center toolset. Revised documents will be published capturing those toolsets. Revised documents will be published capturing those
changes as the toolset is completed. Other implementers must not changes as the toolsets are completed. Other implementers must not
expect those changes to remain backwards-compatible with the details expect those changes to remain backwards-compatible with the details
described in this document. described in this document.
1.2. Design Criteria for the Changes in v3 1.2. Design Criteria for the Changes in v3
The design criteria of the changes from v2 to v3 are: The design criteria of the changes from v2 to v3 are as follows:
o The intention is that starting and editing a v3 document will be o The intention is that starting and editing a v3 document will be
easier than for a v2 document. easier than for a v2 document.
o There will be good v2-to-v3 conversion tools for when an author o There will be good v2-to-v3 conversion tools for when an author
wants to change versions. wants to change versions.
o There are no current plans to make v3 XML the required submission o There are no current plans to make v3 XML the required submission
format for drafts or RFCs. That might happen eventually, but it format for drafts or RFCs. That might happen eventually, but it
is likely to be years away. is likely to be years away.
There is a desire to keep as much of the v2 grammar as makes sense There is a desire to keep as much of the v2 grammar as makes sense
within the above design criteria and not to make gratuitous changes within the above design criteria and not to make gratuitous changes
to the v2 grammar. Another way to say this is "we would rather to the v2 grammar. Another way to say this is "we would rather
encourage backward compatibility but not be constrained by it". encourage backwards compatibility but not be constrained by it."
Still, the goal of starting and editing a v3 document being easier Still, the goal of starting and editing a v3 document being easier
than for a v2 document is more important than backwards compatibility than for a v2 document is more important than backwards compatibility
with v2, given the latter two design criteria. with v2, given the latter two design criteria.
v3 is upwards compatible with v2, meaning that a v2 document is meant v3 is upwards compatible with v2, meaning that a v2 document is meant
to be a valid v3 document as well. However, some features of v2 are to be a valid v3 document as well. However, some features of v2 are
deprecated in v3 in favor of new elements. Deprecated features are deprecated in v3 in favor of new elements. Deprecated features are
listed in Section 1.3.3, and are described in [RFC7749]. listed in Section 1.3.3 and are described in [RFC7749].
1.3. Differences from v2 to v3 1.3. Differences from v2 to v3
This is a a hopefully-complete list of all the technical changes This is a (hopefully) complete list of all the technical changes
between [RFC7749] and this document. between [RFC7749] and this document.
1.3.1. New Elements in v3 1.3.1. New Elements in v3
o Add <dl>, <ul>, and <ol> as new ways to make lists. This is a o Add <dl>, <ul>, and <ol> as new ways to make lists. This is a
significant change from v2 in that the child under these elements significant change from v2 in that the child under these elements
is <li>, not <t>. <li> has a model of either containing one or is <li>, not <t>. <li> has a model of either containing one or
more <t> elements, or containing the flowing text normally found more <t> elements, or containing the flowing text normally found
in <t>. These lists are children of <section>s and other lists in <t>. These lists are children of <section>s and other lists
instead of <t>. instead of <t>.
o Add <strong>, <em>, <tt>, <sub>, and <sup> for character o Add <strong>, <em>, <tt>, <sub>, and <sup> for character
formatting. formatting.
o Add <aside> for incidental text that will be indented when o Add <aside> for incidental text that will be indented when
displayed. displayed.
o Add <sourcecode> to differentiate from <artwork>. o Add <sourcecode> to differentiate from <artwork>.
o Add <table>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, <tr>, <td>, and <th> to o Add <table>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, <tr>, <td>, and <th> to
give table functionality like that in HTML. give table functionality like that in HTML.
o Add <boilerplate> to hold the automatically-generated boilerplate o Add <boilerplate> to hold the automatically generated boilerplate
text. text.
o Add <blockquote> to indicate a quotation as in a paragraph-like o Add <blockquote> to indicate a quotation as in a paragraph-like
format. format.
o Add <name> to sections, notes, figures, and texttables to allow o Add <name> to sections, notes, figures, and texttables to allow
character formatting (fixed-width font) in their titles, and to character formatting (fixed-width font) in their titles and to
allow references in the names. allow references in the names.
o Add <postalLine>, free text that represents one line of the o Add <postalLine>, free text that represents one line of the
address. address.
o Add <displayreference> to allow display of more mnemonic anchor o Add <displayreference> to allow display of more mnemonic anchor
names for automatically-included references. names for automatically included references.
o Add <refcontent> to allow better control of text in a reference. o Add <refcontent> to allow better control of text in a reference.
o Add <referencegroup> to allow referencing multi-RFC documents such o Add <referencegroup> to allow referencing multi-RFC documents such
as STDs and BCPs. as STDs and BCPs.
o Add <relref> to allow referencing specific sections or anchors in o Add <relref> to allow referencing specific sections or anchors in
references. references.
o Add <link> to point to a resource related to the RFC. o Add <link> to point to a resource related to the RFC.
skipping to change at page 8, line 9 skipping to change at page 7, line 40
o Add "anchor" attributes to many block elements to allow them to be o Add "anchor" attributes to many block elements to allow them to be
linked with <relref> and <xref>. linked with <relref> and <xref>.
o Add the "section", "relative", and "sectionFormat" attributes to o Add the "section", "relative", and "sectionFormat" attributes to
<xref>. <xref>.
o Add the "numbered" and "removeInRFC" attributes to <section>. o Add the "numbered" and "removeInRFC" attributes to <section>.
o Add the "removeInRFC" attribute to <note>. o Add the "removeInRFC" attribute to <note>.
o Add "pn" to <artwork>, <aside>, <blockquote>, <boilerplate>,<dt>, o Add "pn" to <artwork>, <aside>, <blockquote>, <boilerplate>, <dt>,
<figure>, <iref>, <li>, <references>, <section>, <sourcecode>, <figure>, <iref>, <li>, <references>, <section>, <sourcecode>,
<t>, and <table> to hold automatically generated numbers for items <t>, and <table> to hold automatically generated numbers for items
in a section that don't have their own numbering (namely figures in a section that don't have their own numbering (namely figures
and tables). and tables).
o Add "display" to <cref> to indicate to tools whether or not to o Add "display" to <cref> to indicate to tools whether or not to
display the comment. display the comment.
o Add "keepWithNext" and "keepWithPrevious" to <t> as a hint to o Add "keepWithNext" and "keepWithPrevious" to <t> as a hint to
tools that do pagination that they should try to keep the tools that do pagination that they should try to keep the
paragraph with the next/previous element. paragraph with the next/previous element.
1.3.3. Elements and Attributes Deprecated from v2 1.3.3. Elements and Attributes Deprecated from v2
Deprecated elements and attributes are legacy vocabulary from v2 that Deprecated elements and attributes are legacy vocabulary from v2 that
are supported for input to v3 tools. They are likely to be removed are supported for input to v3 tools. They are likely to be removed
from those tools in the future. Instead of being listed in from those tools in the future. Deprecated attributes are still
Section 2, they are listed in Section 3. See Appendix B for more listed in Section 2, and deprecated elements are listed in Section 3.
information on tools and how they will handle deprecated features. See Appendix B for more information on tools and how they will handle
deprecated features.
o Deprecate <list> in favor of <dl>, <ul>, and <ol>. o Deprecate <list> in favor of <dl>, <ul>, and <ol>.
o Deprecate <spanx>; replace it with <strong>, <em>, and <tt>. o Deprecate <spanx>; replace it with <strong>, <em>, and <tt>.
o Deprecate <vspace> because the major use for it, creating pseudo- o Deprecate <vspace> because the major use for it, creating pseudo-
paragraph-breaks in lists, is now handled properly. paragraph-breaks in lists, is now handled properly.
o Deprecate <texttable>, <ttcol>, and <c>; replace them with the new o Deprecate <texttable>, <ttcol>, and <c>; replace them with the new
table elements (<table> and the elements that can be contained table elements (<table> and the elements that can be contained
within it). within it).
o Deprecate <facsimile> because it is rarely used. o Deprecate <facsimile> because it is rarely used.
o Deprecate <format> because it is not useful and has caused o Deprecate <format> because it is not useful and has caused
surprise for authors in the past. If the goal is to provide a surprise for authors in the past. If the goal is to provide a
single URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for a reference, use the single URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for a reference, use the
"target" attribute on <reference> instead. "target" attribute in <reference> instead.
o Deprecate <preamble> and <postamble> in favor of simply using <t> o Deprecate <preamble> and <postamble> in favor of simply using <t>
before or after the figure. This also deprecates the "align" before or after the figure. This also deprecates the "align"
attribute in <figure>. attribute in <figure>.
o Deprecate the "title" attribute in <section>, <note>, <figure>, o Deprecate the "title" attribute in <section>, <note>, <figure>,
<references>, and <texttable> in favor of the new <name>. <references>, and <texttable> in favor of the new <name>.
o Deprecate the "alt", and "src" attributes in <figure> because they o Deprecate the "alt" and "src" attributes in <figure> because they
overlap with the attributes in <artwork>. overlap with the attributes in <artwork>.
o Deprecate the "xml:space" attribute in <artwork> because there was o Deprecate the "xml:space" attribute in <artwork> because there was
only one useful value. Deprecate "height" and "width" attribute only one useful value. Deprecate the "height" and "width"
in both <artwork> and <figure> because they are not needed for the attributes in both <artwork> and <figure> because they are not
new output formats. needed for the new output formats.
o Deprecate the "pageno" attribute in <xref> because it was unused o Deprecate the "pageno" attribute in <xref> because it was unused
in v2. Deprecate the "none" values for the "format" attribute in in v2. Deprecate the "none" values for the "format" attribute in
<xref> because it makes no sense semantically. <xref> because it makes no sense semantically.
1.3.4. Additional Changes from v2 1.3.4. Additional Changes from v2
o Allow non-ASCII characters in the format; the characters that are o Allow non-ASCII characters in the format; the characters that are
actually allowed will be determined by the RFC Series Editor. actually allowed will be determined by the RFC Series Editor.
o Allow <artwork> and <sourcecode> to be used on their own in o Allow <artwork> and <sourcecode> to be used on their own in
<section> (no longer confine them to a figure). <section> (no longer confine them to a figure).
o Give more specifics of handling the "type" attribute in <artwork>. o Give more specifics of handling the "type" attribute in <artwork>.
o Allow <strong>, <em>, <tt>, <eref>, and <xref> in <cref>. o Allow <strong>, <em>, <tt>, <eref>, and <xref> in <cref>.
o Allow the sub-elements inside a <reference> to be in any order. o Allow the sub-elements inside a <reference> to be in any order.
o Turned off the autogeneration of anchors in <cref> because there o Turn off the autogeneration of anchors in <cref> because there is
is no use case for them that cannot be achieved in other ways. no use case for them that cannot be achieved in other ways.
o Allow more than one <artwork>, or more than one <sourcecode>, in o Allow more than one <artwork>, or more than one <sourcecode>, in
<figure>. <figure>.
o In <front>, make <date> optional. o In <front>, make <date> optional.
o In <date>, added restrictions to the "date" and "year" attribute o In <date>, add restrictions to the "date" and "year" attributes
when used in the <front> for the document's boilerplate text. when used in the <front> for the document's boilerplate text.
o In <postal>, allow the sub-elements to be in any order. Also o In <postal>, allow the sub-elements to be in any order. Also
allow the inclusion of the new <postalLine> instead of the older allow the inclusion of the new <postalLine> instead of the older
elements. elements.
o In <section>, restricted the names of the anchors that can be used o In <section>, restrict the names of the anchors that can be used
on some types of sections. on some types of sections.
o Made <seriesInfo> a child of <front>, and deprecated it as a child o Make <seriesInfo> a child of <front>, and deprecated it as a child
of <reference>. This also deprecates some of the attributes from of <reference>. This also deprecates some of the attributes from
<rfc> and moves them into <seriesInfo>. <rfc> and moves them into <seriesInfo>.
o <t> now only contains non-block elements, so it no longer contains o <t> now only contains non-block elements, so it no longer contains
<figure> elements. <figure> elements.
o Do not generate the grammar from a DTD, but instead get it o Do not generate the grammar from a DTD, but instead get it
directly from the Relax Next Generation (RNG) grammar [RNG]. directly from the RELAX Next Generation (RNG) grammar [RNG].
1.4. Syntax Notation 1.4. Syntax Notation
The XML vocabulary here is defined in prose, based on the Relax NG The XML vocabulary here is defined in prose, based on the RELAX NG
schema ([RNC]) contained in Appendix C (specified in Relax NG Compact schema [RNC] contained in Appendix C (specified in RELAX NG Compact
Notation, (RNC)). Notation (RNC)).
Note that the schema can be used for automated validity checks, but Note that the schema can be used for automated validity checks, but
certain constraints are only described in prose (example: the certain constraints are only described in prose (example: the
conditionally required presence of the "abbrev" attribute). conditionally required presence of the "abbrev" attribute).
2. Elements 2. Elements
The sections below describe all elements and their attributes. The sections below describe all elements and their attributes.
Note that attributes not labeled "mandatory" are optional. Note that attributes not labeled "mandatory" are optional.
Many elements have an optional "anchor" attribute. In all cases, the Many elements have an optional "anchor" attribute. In all cases, the
value of the "anchor" attribute needs to be a valid XML "Name" value of the "anchor" attribute needs to be a valid XML "Name"
(Section 2.3 of [XML]), additionally constrained to US-ASCII (Section 2.3 of [XML]), additionally constrained to US-ASCII
characters ([USASCII]). Thus, the character repertoire consists of characters [USASCII]. Thus, the character repertoire consists of
"A-Z", "a-z", "0-9", "_", "-", ".", and ":", where "0-9", ".", and "A-Z", "a-z", "0-9", "_", "-", ".", and ":", where "0-9", ".", and
"-" are disallowed as start characters. Anchors are described in "-" are disallowed as start characters. Anchors are described in
more detail in Appendix B.2. more detail in Appendix B.2.
Tools interpreting the XML described here will collapse horizontal Tools interpreting the XML described here will collapse horizontal
whitespace and line breaks to a single whitespace (except inside whitespace and line breaks to a single whitespace (except inside
<artwork> and <sourcecode>), and will trim leading and trailing <artwork> and <sourcecode>) and will trim leading and trailing
whitespace. Tab characters (U+0009) inside <artwork> and whitespace. Tab characters (U+0009) inside <artwork> and
<sourcecode> are prohibited. <sourcecode> are prohibited.
Some of the elements have attributes that are not described in this Some of the elements have attributes that are not described in this
section because those attributes are specific to the prep tool. section because those attributes are specific to the prep tool.
People writing tools to process this format should read all of the People writing tools to process this format should read all of the
appendices for a complete description of these attributes. appendices for a complete description of these attributes.
Every element in the v3 vocabulary can have an "xml:lang" attribute, Every element in the v3 vocabulary can have an "xml:lang" attribute,
an "xml:base" attribute, or both. The xml:lang attribute specifies an "xml:base" attribute, or both. The xml:lang attribute specifies
the language used in the element. This is sometimes useful for the language used in the element. This is sometimes useful for
renderers which display different fonts for ideographic characters renderers that display different fonts for ideographic characters
used in China and Japan. The xml:base attribute is sometimes added used in China and Japan. The xml:base attribute is sometimes added
to an XML file when doing XML-to-XML conversion where the base file to an XML file when doing XML-to-XML conversion where the base file
has XInclude atttributes (see Appendix B.1). has XInclude attributes (see Appendix B.1).
2.1. <abstract> 2.1. <abstract>
Contains the Abstract of the document. See [RFC7322] for more Contains the Abstract of the document. See [RFC7322] for more
information on restrictions for the Abstract. information on restrictions for the Abstract.
This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26). This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26).
Content model: Content model:
skipping to change at page 12, line 7 skipping to change at page 11, line 39
2. One optional <phone> element (Section 2.36) 2. One optional <phone> element (Section 2.36)
3. One optional <facsimile> element (Section 3.2) 3. One optional <facsimile> element (Section 3.2)
4. One optional <email> element (Section 2.23) 4. One optional <email> element (Section 2.23)
5. One optional <uri> element (Section 2.64) 5. One optional <uri> element (Section 2.64)
2.3. <annotation> 2.3. <annotation>
Provides additional prose augmenting a bibliographical reference. Provides additional prose augmenting a bibliographic reference. This
This text is intended to be shown after the rest of the generated text is intended to be shown after the rest of the generated
reference text. reference text.
This element appears as a child element of <reference> This element appears as a child element of <reference>
(Section 2.40). (Section 2.40).
Content model: Content model:
In any order: In any order:
o Text o Text
skipping to change at page 12, line 51 skipping to change at page 12, line 33
o <xref> elements (Section 2.66) o <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
2.4. <area> 2.4. <area>
Provides information about the IETF area to which this document Provides information about the IETF area to which this document
relates (currently not used when generating documents). relates (currently not used when generating documents).
The value ought to be either the full name or the abbreviation of one The value ought to be either the full name or the abbreviation of one
of the IETF areas as listed on <http://www.ietf.org/iesg/area.html>. of the IETF areas as listed on <http://www.ietf.org/iesg/area.html>.
The list will be kept by the RFC Series Editor. A list of full names and abbreviations will be kept by the RFC Series
This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26). This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26).
Content model: only text content. Content model: only text content.
2.5. <artwork> 2.5. <artwork>
This element allows the inclusion of "artwork" in the document. This element allows the inclusion of "artwork" in the document.
<artwork> provides full control of horizontal whitespace and line <artwork> provides full control of horizontal whitespace and line
breaks; thus is used for a variety of things, such as diagrams ("line breaks; thus, it is used for a variety of things, such as diagrams
art") and protocol unit diagrams. Tab characters (U+0009) inside of ("line art") and protocol unit diagrams. Tab characters (U+0009)
this element are prohibited. inside of this element are prohibited.
Alternatively, the "src" attribute allows referencing an external Alternatively, the "src" attribute allows referencing an external
graphics file, such as a vector drawing in SVG or a bitmap graphic graphics file, such as a vector drawing in SVG or a bitmap graphic
file, using a URI. In this case, the textual content acts as a file, using a URI. In this case, the textual content acts as a
fallback for output representations that do not support graphics; fallback for output representations that do not support graphics;
thus, it ought to contain either (1) a "line art" variant of the thus, it ought to contain either (1) a "line art" variant of the
graphics or (2) prose that describes the included image in sufficient graphics or (2) prose that describes the included image in sufficient
detail. detail.
In [RFC7749], the <artwork> element was also used for source code and In [RFC7749], the <artwork> element was also used for source code and
formal languages; in v3, this is now done with <sourcecode>. formal languages; in v3, this is now done with <sourcecode>.
There are at least five ways to include SVG in artwork in Internet- There are at least five ways to include SVG in artwork in Internet-
Drafts: Drafts:
o Inline, by including all of the SVG in the content of the element, o Inline, by including all of the SVG in the content of the element,
such as: <artwork type="svg"><svg such as: <artwork type="svg"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ..."> svg...">
o Inline, but using XInclude (see Appendix B.1), such as: <artwork o Inline, but using XInclude (see Appendix B.1), such as: <artwork
type="svg"><xi:include href=...> type="svg"><xi:include href=...>
o As a data: URI, such as: <artwork type="svg" src="data:image/ o As a data: URI, such as: <artwork type="svg" src="data:image/
svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3..."> svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3...">
o As a URI to an external entity, such as: <artwork type="svg" o As a URI to an external entity, such as: <artwork type="svg"
src="http://www.example.com/..."> src="http://www.example.com/...">
o As a local file, such as: <artwork type="svg" src="diagram12.svg"> o As a local file, such as: <artwork type="svg" src="diagram12.svg">
The use of SVG in Internet-Drafts and RFCs is covered in much more The use of SVG in Internet-Drafts and RFCs is covered in much more
detail in [SVGforRFCs]. detail in [RFC7996].
The above methods for inclusion of SVG art can also be used for The above methods for inclusion of SVG art can also be used for
including text artwork, but using a data: URI is probably confusing including text artwork, but using a data: URI is probably confusing
for text artwork. for text artwork.
Formatters that do pagination should attempt to keep artwork on a Formatters that do pagination should attempt to keep artwork on a
single page. This is to prevent artwork that is split across pages single page. This is to prevent artwork that is split across pages
from looking like two separate pieces of artwork. from looking like two separate pieces of artwork.
See Section 5 for a description of to deal with issues of using "&" See Section 5 for a description of how to deal with issues of using
and "<" characters in artwork. "&" and "<" characters in artwork.
This element appears as a child element of <aside> (Section 2.6), This element appears as a child element of <aside> (Section 2.6),
<blockquote> (Section 2.10), <dd> (Section 2.18), <figure> <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <dd> (Section 2.18), <figure>
(Section 2.25), <li> (Section 2.29), <section> (Section 2.46), <td> (Section 2.25), <li> (Section 2.29), <section> (Section 2.46), <td>
(Section 2.56), and <th> (Section 2.58). (Section 2.56), and <th> (Section 2.58).
Content model: Content model:
Either: Either:
Text Text
Or: Or:
<svg> elements (Section 4) <svg> elements (Section 4)
2.5.1. "align" Attribute 2.5.1. "align" Attribute
Controls whether the artwork appears left justified (default), Controls whether the artwork appears left justified (default),
centered, or right justified. Artwork is aligned relative to left centered, or right justified. Artwork is aligned relative to the
margin of document. left margin of the document.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "left" (default) o "left" (default)
o "center" o "center"
o "right" o "right"
2.5.2. "alt" Attribute 2.5.2. "alt" Attribute
Alternative text description of the artwork (which is more than just Alternative text description of the artwork (which is more than just
a summary or caption). When the art comes from the "src" attribute, a summary or caption). When the art comes from the "src" attribute
and the format of that artwork supports alternate text, the and the format of that artwork supports alternate text, the
alternative text comes from the text of the artwork itself, not from alternative text comes from the text of the artwork itself, not from
this attribute. The contents of this attribute are important to this attribute. The contents of this attribute are important to
readers who are visually impaired, as well as those reading on readers who are visually impaired, as well as those reading on
devices that cannot show the artwork well, or at all. devices that cannot show the artwork well, or at all.
2.5.3. "anchor" Attribute 2.5.3. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for this artwork. Document-wide unique identifier for this artwork.
2.5.4. "height" Attribute 2.5.4. "height" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
2.5.5. "name" Attribute 2.5.5. "name" Attribute
A filename suitable for the contents (such as for extraction to a A filename suitable for the contents (such as for extraction to a
local file). This attribute can be helpful for other kinds of tools local file). This attribute can be helpful for other kinds of tools
(such as automated syntax checkers, which work by extracting the (such as automated syntax checkers, which work by extracting the
artwork). Note that the "name" attribute does not need to be unique artwork). Note that the "name" attribute does not need to be unique
for artwork elements in a document. If multiple artwork elements for <artwork> elements in a document. If multiple <artwork> elements
have the same name attribute, a processing tool might assume that the have the same "name" attribute, a processing tool might assume that
elements are all fragments of a single file, and the tool can collect the elements are all fragments of a single file, and the tool can
those fragments for later processing. See Section 7 for a discussion collect those fragments for later processing. See Section 7 for a
of possible problems with the value of this attribute. discussion of possible problems with the value of this attribute.
2.5.6. "src" Attribute 2.5.6. "src" Attribute
The URI reference of a graphics file ([RFC3986]), or the name of a The URI reference of a graphics file [RFC3986], or the name of a file
file on the local disk. This can be a "data" URI [RFC2397] that on the local disk. This can be a "data" URI [RFC2397] that contains
contains the contents of the graphics file. Note that the inclusion the contents of the graphics file. Note that the inclusion of art
of art with the "src" attribute depends on the capabilities of the with the "src" attribute depends on the capabilities of the
processing tool reading the XML document. Tools need to be able to processing tool reading the XML document. Tools need to be able to
handle the file: URI, and should be able to handle http: and https: handle the file: URI, and they should be able to handle http: and
URIs as well. The prep tool will be able to handle reading the "src" https: URIs as well. The prep tool will be able to handle reading
attribute. the "src" attribute.
If no URI scheme is given in the attribute, the attribute is If no URI scheme is given in the attribute, the attribute is
considered to be a local file name relative to the current directory. considered to be a local filename relative to the current directory.
Processing tools must be careful to not accept dangerous values for Processing tools must be careful to not accept dangerous values for
the filename, particularly those that contain absolute references the filename, particularly those that contain absolute references
outside the current directory. Document creators should think hard outside the current directory. Document creators should think hard
before using relative URIs due to possible later problems if files before using relative URIs due to possible later problems if files
move around on the disk. Also, documents should most likely use move around on the disk. Also, documents should most likely use
explicit URI schemes wherever possible. explicit URI schemes wherever possible.
In some cases, the prep tool may remove the "src" attribute after In some cases, the prep tool may remove the "src" attribute after
processing its value. See [PREPTOOL] for a description of this. processing its value. See [RFC7998] for a description of this.
It is an error to have both a "src" attribute and content in the It is an error to have both a "src" attribute and content in the
<artwork> element. <artwork> element.
2.5.7. "type" Attribute 2.5.7. "type" Attribute
Specifies the type of the artwork. The value of this attribute is Specifies the type of the artwork. The value of this attribute is
free text with certain values designated as preferred. free text with certain values designated as preferred.
The preferred values for <artwork> types are: The preferred values for <artwork> types are:
skipping to change at page 16, line 23 skipping to change at page 15, line 51
o binary-art o binary-art
o call-flow o call-flow
o hex-dump o hex-dump
o svg o svg
The RFC Series Editor will maintain a complete list of the preferred The RFC Series Editor will maintain a complete list of the preferred
values on its web site, and that list is expected to be updated over values on the RFC Editor web site, and that list is expected to be
time. Thus, a consumer of v3 XML should not cause a failure when it updated over time. Thus, a consumer of v3 XML should not cause a
encounters an unexpected type or no type is specified. The table failure when it encounters an unexpected type or no type is
will also indicate which type of art can appear in plaintext output specified. The table will also indicate which type of art can appear
(for example, type="svg" cannot). in plain-text output (for example, type="svg" cannot).
2.5.8. "width" Attribute 2.5.8. "width" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
2.5.9. "xml:space" Attribute 2.5.9. "xml:space" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
2.6. <aside> 2.6. <aside>
skipping to change at page 17, line 29 skipping to change at page 17, line 12
Document-wide unique identifier for this aside. Document-wide unique identifier for this aside.
2.7. <author> 2.7. <author>
Provides information about a document's author. This is used both Provides information about a document's author. This is used both
for the document itself (at the beginning of the document) and for for the document itself (at the beginning of the document) and for
referenced documents. referenced documents.
The <author> elements contained within the document's <front> element The <author> elements contained within the document's <front> element
are used to fill the boilerplate, and also to generate the "Author's are used to fill the boilerplate and also to generate the "Author's
Address" section (see [RFC7322]). Address" section (see [RFC7322]).
Note that an "author" can also be just an organization (by not Note that an "author" can also be just an organization (by not
specifying any of the name attributes, but adding the <organization> specifying any of the "name" attributes, but adding the
child element). <organization> child element).
Furthermore, the "role" attribute can be used to mark an author as Furthermore, the "role" attribute can be used to mark an author as
"editor". This is reflected both on the front page and in the "editor". This is reflected both on the front page and in the
"Author's Address" section, as well as in bibliographical references. "Author's Address" section, as well as in bibliographic references.
Note that this specification does not define a precise meaning for Note that this specification does not define a precise meaning for
the term "editor". the term "editor".
See Section "Authors vs. Contributors" of [RFC7322] for more
This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26). This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26).
Content model: Content model:
In this order: In this order:
1. One optional <organization> element (Section 2.35) 1. One optional <organization> element (Section 2.35)
2. One optional <address> element (Section 2.2) 2. One optional <address> element (Section 2.2)
skipping to change at page 18, line 36 skipping to change at page 18, line 18
section). Although this attribute is optional, if one or more of the section). Although this attribute is optional, if one or more of the
"asciiFullname", "asciiInitials", or "asciiSurname" attributes have "asciiFullname", "asciiInitials", or "asciiSurname" attributes have
values, the "fullname" attribute is required. values, the "fullname" attribute is required.
2.7.5. "initials" Attribute 2.7.5. "initials" Attribute
An abbreviated variant of the given name(s), to be used in An abbreviated variant of the given name(s), to be used in
conjunction with the separately specified surname. It usually conjunction with the separately specified surname. It usually
appears on the front page, in footers, and in references. appears on the front page, in footers, and in references.
Some processors will post-process the value, for instance when it Some processors will post-process the value -- for instance, when it
only contains a single letter (in which case they might add a only contains a single letter (in which case they might add a
trailing dot). Relying on this kind of post-processing can lead to trailing dot). Relying on this kind of post-processing can lead to
results varying across formatters and thus ought to be avoided. results varying across formatters and thus ought to be avoided.
2.7.6. "role" Attribute 2.7.6. "role" Attribute
Specifies the role the author had in creating the document. Specifies the role the author had in creating the document.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
skipping to change at page 19, line 30 skipping to change at page 19, line 7
In this order: In this order:
1. Optional <displayreference> elements (Section 2.19) 1. Optional <displayreference> elements (Section 2.19)
2. Optional <references> elements (Section 2.42) 2. Optional <references> elements (Section 2.42)
3. Optional <section> elements (Section 2.46) 3. Optional <section> elements (Section 2.46)
2.9. <bcp14> 2.9. <bcp14>
Marks text that are phrases defined in BCP 14 such as "MUST", "SHOULD Marks text that are phrases defined in [BCP14] such as "MUST",
NOT", and so on. When shown in some of the output representations, "SHOULD NOT", and so on. When shown in some of the output
the text in this element might be highlighted. The use of this representations, the text in this element might be highlighted. The
element is optional. use of this element is optional.
This element is only to be used around the actual phrase from BCP 14, This element is only to be used around the actual phrase from BCP 14,
not the full definition of a requirement. For example, it is correct not the full definition of a requirement. For example, it is correct
to say "The packet <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be dropped.", but it is not to say "The packet <bcp14>MUST</bcp14> be dropped.", but it is not
correct to say "<bcp14>The packet MUST be dropped.</bcp14>". correct to say "<bcp14>The packet MUST be dropped.</bcp14>".
This element appears as a child element of <annotation> This element appears as a child element of <annotation>
(Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <dd> (Section 2.18), <dt> (Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <dd> (Section 2.18), <dt>
(Section 2.21), <em> (Section 2.22), <li> (Section 2.29), <preamble> (Section 2.21), <em> (Section 2.22), <li> (Section 2.29), <preamble>
(Section 3.6), <refcontent> (Section 2.39), <strong> (Section 2.50), (Section 3.6), <refcontent> (Section 2.39), <strong> (Section 2.50),
<sub> (Section 2.51), <sup> (Section 2.52), <t> (Section 2.53), <td> <sub> (Section 2.51), <sup> (Section 2.52), <t> (Section 2.53), <td>
(Section 2.56), <th> (Section 2.58), and <tt> (Section 2.62). (Section 2.56), <th> (Section 2.58), and <tt> (Section 2.62).
Content model: only text content. Content model: only text content.
2.10. <blockquote> 2.10. <blockquote>
Specifies a block of text is a quotation. Specifies that a block of text is a quotation.
This element appears as a child element of <section> (Section 2.46). This element appears as a child element of <section> (Section 2.46).
Content model: Content model:
Either: Either:
In any order, but at least one of: In any order, but at least one of:
* <artwork> elements (Section 2.5) * <artwork> elements (Section 2.5)
skipping to change at page 21, line 4 skipping to change at page 20, line 26
* <eref> elements (Section 2.24) * <eref> elements (Section 2.24)
* <iref> elements (Section 2.27) * <iref> elements (Section 2.27)
* <relref> elements (Section 2.44) * <relref> elements (Section 2.44)
* <strong> elements (Section 2.50) * <strong> elements (Section 2.50)
* <sub> elements (Section 2.51) * <sub> elements (Section 2.51)
* <sup> elements (Section 2.52) * <sup> elements (Section 2.52)
* <tt> elements (Section 2.62) * <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
* <xref> elements (Section 2.66) * <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
2.10.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.10.1. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for this quotation. Document-wide unique identifier for this quotation.
2.10.2. "cite" Attribute 2.10.2. "cite" Attribute
The source of the citation. This must be a URI. If the quotedFrom The source of the citation. This must be a URI. If the "quotedFrom"
attribute is given, this URI will be used by processing tools as the attribute is given, this URI will be used by processing tools as the
link for the text of that attribute. link for the text of that attribute.
2.10.3. "quotedFrom" Attribute 2.10.3. "quotedFrom" Attribute
Name of person or document the text in this element is quoted from. Name of person or document the text in this element is quoted from.
A formatter should render this as visible text at the end of the A formatter should render this as visible text at the end of the
quotation. quotation.
2.11. <boilerplate> 2.11. <boilerplate>
Holds the boilerplate text for the document. This section is filled Holds the boilerplate text for the document. This element is filled
in by the prep tool. in by the prep tool.
This element contains <section> elements. Every <section> element in This element contains <section> elements. Every <section> element in
this element must have the "numbered" attribute set to "false". this element must have the "numbered" attribute set to "false".
This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26). This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26).
Content model: Content model:
One or more <section> elements (Section 2.46) One or more <section> elements (Section 2.46)
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When the prep tool is used to create Internet-Drafts, it will When the prep tool is used to create Internet-Drafts, it will
reject a submitted Internet-Draft that has a <date> element in the reject a submitted Internet-Draft that has a <date> element in the
boilerplate for itself that is anything other than today. That boilerplate for itself that is anything other than today. That
is, the tool will not allow a submitter to specify a date other is, the tool will not allow a submitter to specify a date other
than the day of submission. To avoid this problem, authors might than the day of submission. To avoid this problem, authors might
simply not include a <date> element in the boilerplate. simply not include a <date> element in the boilerplate.
Bibliographic references: In dates in <reference> elements, the date Bibliographic references: In dates in <reference> elements, the date
information can have prose text for the month or year. For information can have prose text for the month or year. For
example, vague dates (year="ca. 2000"), date ranges (year="2012- example, vague dates (year="ca. 2000"), date ranges
2013"), non-specific months (month="Second quarter") and so on are (year="2012-2013"), non-specific months (month="Second quarter"),
allowed. and so on are allowed.
This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26). This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26).
Content model: this element does not have any contents. Content model: this element does not have any contents.
2.17.1. "day" Attribute 2.17.1. "day" Attribute
The day of publication. The day of publication.
2.17.2. "month" Attribute 2.17.2. "month" Attribute
skipping to change at page 26, line 26 skipping to change at page 26, line 9
* <xref> elements (Section 2.66) * <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
2.18.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.18.1. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for this definition. Document-wide unique identifier for this definition.
2.19. <displayreference> 2.19. <displayreference>
This element gives a mapping between the anchor of a reference and a This element gives a mapping between the anchor of a reference and a
name that will be displayed instead. This allows authors to display name that will be displayed instead. This allows authors to display
more mnemonic anchor names for automatically-included references. more mnemonic anchor names for automatically included references.
The mapping in this element only applies to <xref> elements whose The mapping in this element only applies to <xref> elements whose
format is "default". For example, if the reference uses the anchor format is "default". For example, if the reference uses the anchor
"RFC6949", the following would cause that anchor in the body of "RFC6949", the following would cause that anchor in the body of
displayed documents to be "RFC-dev": displayed documents to be "RFC-dev":
<displayreference target="RFC6449" to="RFC-dev"/> <displayreference target="RFC6949" to="RFC-dev"/>
If a reference section is sorted, this element changes the sort If a reference section is sorted, this element changes the sort
order. order.
It is expected that this element will only be valid in input It is expected that this element will only be valid in input
documents. It will be likely be removed by prep tools when preparing documents. It will likely be removed by prep tools when preparing a
a final version after those tools have replaced all of the associated final version after those tools have replaced all of the associated
anchors, targets, and derivedContent attributes. anchors, targets, and "derivedContent" attributes.
This element appears as a child element of <back> (Section 2.8). This element appears as a child element of <back> (Section 2.8).
Content model: this element does not have any contents. Content model: this element does not have any contents.
2.19.1. "target" Attribute (Mandatory) 2.19.1. "target" Attribute (Mandatory)
This attribute must be the name of an anchor in a <reference> or This attribute must be the name of an anchor in a <reference> or
<referencegroup> element. <referencegroup> element.
2.19.2. "to" Attribute (Mandatory) 2.19.2. "to" Attribute (Mandatory)
This attribute is a name that will be displayed as the anchor instead This attribute is a name that will be displayed as the anchor instead
of the anchor that is given in the <reference> element. The string of the anchor that is given in the <reference> element. The string
given must start with one of the following characters: 0-9, a-z, A-Z. given must start with one of the following characters: 0-9, a-z, or
The other characters in the string must be 0-9, a-z, A-Z, "-", ".", A-Z. The other characters in the string must be 0-9, a-z, A-Z, "-",
and "_". ".", or "_".
2.20. <dl> 2.20. <dl>
A definition list. Each entry has a pair of elements: a term (<dt>) A definition list. Each entry has a pair of elements: a term (<dt>)
and a definition (<dd>). (This is slightly different and simpler and a definition (<dd>). (This is slightly different and simpler
than the model used in HTML, which allows for multiple terms for a than the model used in HTML, which allows for multiple terms for a
single definition.) single definition.)
This element appears as a child element of <abstract> (Section 2.1), This element appears as a child element of <abstract> (Section 2.1),
<aside> (Section 2.6), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <dd> <aside> (Section 2.6), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <dd>
skipping to change at page 27, line 39 skipping to change at page 27, line 19
1. One <dt> element 1. One <dt> element
2. One <dd> element 2. One <dd> element
2.20.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.20.1. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for the list. Document-wide unique identifier for the list.
2.20.2. "hanging" Attribute 2.20.2. "hanging" Attribute
The hanging attribute defines whether or not the term appears on the The "hanging" attribute defines whether or not the term appears on
same line as the definition. hanging="true" indicates that the term the same line as the definition. hanging="true" indicates that the
is to the left of the definition, while hanging="false" indicates term is to the left of the definition, while hanging="false"
that the term will be on a separate line. indicates that the term will be on a separate line.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "false" o "false"
o "true" (default) o "true" (default)
2.20.3. "spacing" Attribute 2.20.3. "spacing" Attribute
Defines whether or not there is a blank line between entries. Defines whether or not there is a blank line between entries.
skipping to change at page 29, line 11 skipping to change at page 28, line 32
o <tt> elements (Section 2.62) o <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
o <xref> elements (Section 2.66) o <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
2.21.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.21.1. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for this term. Document-wide unique identifier for this term.
2.22. <em> 2.22. <em>
Indicates text that is semantically emphasized. This element will be Indicates text that is semantically emphasized. Text enclosed within
displayed as italic after processing. This element can be combined this element will be displayed as italic after processing. This
with other character formatting elements, and the formatting will be element can be combined with other character formatting elements, and
additive. the formatting will be additive.
This element appears as a child element of <annotation> This element appears as a child element of <annotation>
(Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <cref> (Section 2.16), (Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <cref> (Section 2.16),
<dd> (Section 2.18), <dt> (Section 2.21), <li> (Section 2.29), <dd> (Section 2.18), <dt> (Section 2.21), <li> (Section 2.29),
<preamble> (Section 3.6), <refcontent> (Section 2.39), <strong> <preamble> (Section 3.6), <refcontent> (Section 2.39), <strong>
(Section 2.50), <sub> (Section 2.51), <sup> (Section 2.52), <t> (Section 2.50), <sub> (Section 2.51), <sup> (Section 2.52), <t>
(Section 2.53), <td> (Section 2.56), <th> (Section 2.58), and <tt> (Section 2.53), <td> (Section 2.56), <th> (Section 2.58), and <tt>
(Section 2.62). (Section 2.62).
Content model: Content model:
skipping to change at page 30, line 28 skipping to change at page 29, line 45
The ASCII equivalent of the author's email address. This is only The ASCII equivalent of the author's email address. This is only
used if the email address has any internationalized components. used if the email address has any internationalized components.
2.24. <eref> 2.24. <eref>
Represents an "external" link (as specified in the "target" Represents an "external" link (as specified in the "target"
attribute). This is useful for embedding URIs in the body of a attribute). This is useful for embedding URIs in the body of a
document. document.
If the <eref> element has non-empty text content, formatters should If the <eref> element has non-empty text content, formatters should
use the content as the displayed text that is linked. Otherwise the use the content as the displayed text that is linked. Otherwise, the
formatter should use the value of the "target" attribute as the formatter should use the value of the "target" attribute as the
displayed text. Formatters will link the displayed text to the value displayed text. Formatters will link the displayed text to the value
of the "target" attribute in a manner appropriate for the output of the "target" attribute in a manner appropriate for the output
format. format.
For example, with an input of: For example, with an input of:
This is described at This is described at
<eref target="http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html"/>. <eref target="http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html"/>.
An HTML formatter might generate An HTML formatter might generate:
This is described at This is described at
<a href="http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html"> <a href="http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html">
http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html</a>. http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html</a>.
With an input of: With an input of:
This is described This is described
<eref target="http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html"> <eref target="http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html">
in this interesting report</eref>. in this interesting report</eref>.
An HTML formatter might generate An HTML formatter might generate:
This is described This is described
<a href="http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html"> <a href="http://www.example.com/reports/r12.html">
in this interesting report</a>. in this interesting report</a>.
This element appears as a child element of <annotation> This element appears as a child element of <annotation>
(Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <c> (Section 3.1), <cref> (Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <c> (Section 3.1), <cref>
(Section 2.16), <dd> (Section 2.18), <dt> (Section 2.21), <em> (Section 2.16), <dd> (Section 2.18), <dt> (Section 2.21), <em>
(Section 2.22), <li> (Section 2.29), <name> (Section 2.32), (Section 2.22), <li> (Section 2.29), <name> (Section 2.32),
<postamble> (Section 3.5), <preamble> (Section 3.6), <strong> <postamble> (Section 3.5), <preamble> (Section 3.6), <strong>
(Section 2.50), <sub> (Section 2.51), <sup> (Section 2.52), <t> (Section 2.50), <sub> (Section 2.51), <sup> (Section 2.52), <t>
(Section 2.53), <td> (Section 2.56), <th> (Section 2.58), <tt> (Section 2.53), <td> (Section 2.56), <th> (Section 2.58), <tt>
(Section 2.62), and <ttcol> (Section 3.9). (Section 2.62), and <ttcol> (Section 3.9).
Content model: only text content. Content model: only text content.
2.24.1. "target" Attribute (Mandatory) 2.24.1. "target" Attribute (Mandatory)
URI of the link target ([RFC3986]). This must begin with a scheme URI of the link target [RFC3986]. This must begin with a scheme name
name (such as "https://") and thus not be relative to the URL of the (such as "https://") and thus not be relative to the URL of the
current document. current document.
2.25. <figure> 2.25. <figure>
Contains a figure with a caption with the figure number. If the Contains a figure with a caption with the figure number. If the
element contains a <name> element, the caption will also show that element contains a <name> element, the caption will also show that
name. name.
This element appears as a child element of <aside> (Section 2.6), This element appears as a child element of <aside> (Section 2.6),
<blockquote> (Section 2.10), <dd> (Section 2.18), <li> <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <dd> (Section 2.18), <li>
skipping to change at page 32, line 25 skipping to change at page 31, line 40
o "left" (default) o "left" (default)
o "center" o "center"
o "right" o "right"
2.25.2. "alt" Attribute 2.25.2. "alt" Attribute
Deprecated. If the goal is to provide a single URI for a reference, Deprecated. If the goal is to provide a single URI for a reference,
use the "target" attribute on <reference> instead. use the "target" attribute in <reference> instead.
2.25.3. "anchor" Attribute 2.25.3. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for this figure. Document-wide unique identifier for this figure.
2.25.4. "height" Attribute 2.25.4. "height" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
2.25.5. "src" Attribute 2.25.5. "src" Attribute
skipping to change at page 33, line 18 skipping to change at page 32, line 36
2.25.8. "width" Attribute 2.25.8. "width" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
2.26. <front> 2.26. <front>
Represents the "front matter": metadata (such as author information), Represents the "front matter": metadata (such as author information),
the Abstract, and additional notes. the Abstract, and additional notes.
A <front> element may have more than one <seriesInfo> elements. A A <front> element may have more than one <seriesInfo> element. A
<seriesInfo> element determines the document number (for RFCs) or <seriesInfo> element determines the document number (for RFCs) or
name (for Internet-Drafts). Another <seriesInfo> element determines name (for Internet-Drafts). Another <seriesInfo> element determines
the "maturity level" (defined in [RFC2026]), using values of "std" the "maturity level" (defined in [RFC2026]), using values of "std"
for "Standards Track", "bcp" for "BCP", "info" for "Informational", for "Standards Track", "bcp" for "BCP", "info" for "Informational",
"exp" for "Experimental", and "historic" for "Historic". The "name" "exp" for "Experimental", and "historic" for "Historic". The "name"
attributes of those multiple <seriesInfo> elements interact as attributes of those multiple <seriesInfo> elements interact as
described in the section on <seriesInfo>. described in Section 2.47.
This element appears as a child element of <reference> (Section 2.40) This element appears as a child element of <reference> (Section 2.40)
and <rfc> (Section 2.45). and <rfc> (Section 2.45).
Content model: Content model:
In this order: In this order:
1. One <title> element (Section 2.60) 1. One <title> element (Section 2.60)
2. Optional <seriesInfo> elements (Section 2.47) 2. Optional <seriesInfo> elements (Section 2.47)
3. One or more <author> elements (Section 2.7) 3. One or more <author> elements (Section 2.7)
4. One optional <date> element (Section 2.17) 4. One optional <date> element (Section 2.17)
5. Optional <area> elements (Section 2.4) 5. Optional <area> elements (Section 2.4)
6. Optional <workgroup> elements (Section 2.65) 6. Optional <workgroup> elements (Section 2.65)
skipping to change at page 36, line 42 skipping to change at page 36, line 16
Document-wide unique identifier for this list item. Document-wide unique identifier for this list item.
2.30. <link> 2.30. <link>
A link to an external document that is related to the RFC. A link to an external document that is related to the RFC.
The following are the supported types of external documents that can The following are the supported types of external documents that can
be pointed to in a <link> element: be pointed to in a <link> element:
o The current ISSN for the RFC series. The value for the "rel" o The current International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the
attribute is "item". The link should use the form "urn:issn:". RFC Series. The value for the "rel" attribute is "item". The
link should use the form "urn:issn:".
o The DOI for this document. The value for the "rel" attribute is o The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for this document. The value
"describedBy". The link should use the form specified in for the "rel" attribute is "describedBy". The link should use the
[RFC7669]. form specified in [RFC7669]; this is expected to change in the
o The Internet-Draft that was submitted to the RFC Editor to become o The Internet-Draft that was submitted to the RFC Editor to become
the published RFC. The value for the "rel" attribute is the published RFC. The value for the "rel" attribute is
"convertedFrom". The link should be to an IETF-controlled web "convertedFrom". The link should be to an IETF-controlled web
site that retains copies of Internet-Drafts. site that retains copies of Internet-Drafts.
o A representation of the document offered by the document author. o A representation of the document offered by the document author.
The value for the "rel" attribute is "alternate". The link can be The value for the "rel" attribute is "alternate". The link can be
to a personally-run web site. to a personally run web site.
In RFC production mode, the prep tool needs to check the values for In RFC production mode, the prep tool needs to check the values for
<link> before an RFC is published. In draft production mode, the <link> before an RFC is published. In draft production mode, the
prep tool might remove some <link> elements during the draft prep tool might remove some <link> elements during the draft
submission process. submission process.
This element appears as a child element of <rfc> (Section 2.45). This element appears as a child element of <rfc> (Section 2.45).
Content model: this element does not have any contents. Content model: this element does not have any contents.
2.30.1. "href" Attribute (Mandatory) 2.30.1. "href" Attribute (Mandatory)
The URI of the external document. The URI of the external document.
2.30.2. "rel" Attribute 2.30.2. "rel" Attribute
The relationship of the external document to this one. The The relationship of the external document to this one. The
relationships are taken from Link Relations registry maintained by relationships are taken from the "Link Relations" registry maintained
2.31. <middle> 2.31. <middle>
Represents the main content of the document. Represents the main content of the document.
This element appears as a child element of <rfc> (Section 2.45). This element appears as a child element of <rfc> (Section 2.45).
Content model: Content model:
One or more <section> elements (Section 2.46) One or more <section> elements (Section 2.46)
2.32. <name> 2.32. <name>
The name of the section, note, figure, or texttable. This name can The name of the section, note, figure, or texttable. This name can
have flow markup such as to make some characters use a fixed-width indicate markup of flowing text (for example, including references or
font, or to include references. making some characters use a fixed-width font).
This element appears as a child element of <figure> (Section 2.25), This element appears as a child element of <figure> (Section 2.25),
<note> (Section 2.33), <references> (Section 2.42), <section> <note> (Section 2.33), <references> (Section 2.42), <section>
(Section 2.46), <table> (Section 2.54), and <texttable> (Section 2.46), <table> (Section 2.54), and <texttable>
(Section 3.8). (Section 3.8).
Content model: Content model:
In any order: In any order:
skipping to change at page 38, line 24 skipping to change at page 37, line 47
o <tt> elements (Section 2.62) o <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
o <xref> elements (Section 2.66) o <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
2.33. <note> 2.33. <note>
Creates an unnumbered, titled block of text that appears after the Creates an unnumbered, titled block of text that appears after the
Abstract. Abstract.
It is usually used for additional information to reviewers (working It is usually used for additional information to reviewers (Working
group information, mailing list, ...), or for additional publication Group information, mailing list, ...) or for additional publication
information such as "IESG Notes". information such as "IESG Notes".
This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26). This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26).
Content model: Content model:
In this order: In this order:
1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32) 1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32)
skipping to change at page 39, line 4 skipping to change at page 38, line 26
* <t> elements (Section 2.53) * <t> elements (Section 2.53)
* <ul> elements (Section 2.63) * <ul> elements (Section 2.63)
2.33.1. "removeInRFC" Attribute 2.33.1. "removeInRFC" Attribute
If set to "true", this note is marked in the prep tool with text If set to "true", this note is marked in the prep tool with text
indicating that it should be removed before the document is published indicating that it should be removed before the document is published
as an RFC. That text will be "This note is to be removed before as an RFC. That text will be "This note is to be removed before
publishing as an RFC.". publishing as an RFC."
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "true" o "true"
o "false" (default) o "false" (default)
2.33.2. "title" Attribute 2.33.2. "title" Attribute
Deprecated. Use <name> instead. Deprecated. Use <name> instead.
skipping to change at page 39, line 39 skipping to change at page 39, line 16
2.34.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.34.1. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for the list. Document-wide unique identifier for the list.
2.34.2. "group" Attribute 2.34.2. "group" Attribute
When the prep tool sees an <ol> element with a "group" attribute that When the prep tool sees an <ol> element with a "group" attribute that
has already been seen, it continues the numbering of the list from has already been seen, it continues the numbering of the list from
where the previous list with the same group name left off. If an where the previous list with the same group name left off. If an
<ol> element has both a "group" and "start" attribute, the group's <ol> element has both a "group" attribute and a "start" attribute,
numbering is reset to the given start value. the group's numbering is reset to the given start value.
2.34.3. "spacing" Attribute 2.34.3. "spacing" Attribute
Defines whether or not there is a blank line between entries. Defines whether or not there is a blank line between entries.
spacing="normal" indicates a single blank line, while spacing="normal" indicates a single blank line, while
spacing="compact" indicates no space between. spacing="compact" indicates no space between.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "normal" (default) o "normal" (default)
o "compact" o "compact"
2.34.4. "start" Attribute 2.34.4. "start" Attribute
The ordinal value to start the list at. This defaults to "1", and The ordinal value at which to start the list. This defaults to "1"
must be an integer of 0 or greater. and must be an integer of 0 or greater.
2.34.5. "type" Attribute 2.34.5. "type" Attribute
The type of the labels on list items. If the length of the type The type of the labels on list items. If the length of the type
value is 1, the meaning is the same as it is for HTML: value is 1, the meaning is the same as it is for HTML:
a Lowercase letters (a, b, c, ...) a Lowercase letters (a, b, c, ...)
A Uppercase letters (A, B, C, ...) A Uppercase letters (A, B, C, ...)
1 Decimal numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) 1 Decimal numbers (1, 2, 3, ...)
i Lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...) i Lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...)
I Uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III, ...) I Uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III, ...)
For type "a" and "A", after the 26th entry, the numbering starts at For types "a" and "A", after the 26th entry, the numbering starts at
"aa"/"AA", then "ab"/"AB", and so on. "aa"/"AA", then "ab"/"AB", and so on.
If the length of the type value is greater than 1, the value must If the length of the type value is greater than 1, the value must
contain a percent-encoded indicator and other text. The value is a contain a percent-encoded indicator and other text. The value is a
free-form text that allows counter values to be inserted using a free-form text that allows counter values to be inserted using a
"percent-letter" format. For instance, "[REQ%d]" generates labels of "percent-letter" format. For instance, "[REQ%d]" generates labels of
the form "[REQ1]", where "%d" inserts the item number as a decimal the form "[REQ1]", where "%d" inserts the item number as a decimal
number. number.
The following formats are supported: The following formats are supported:
skipping to change at page 41, line 4 skipping to change at page 40, line 23
%c Lowercase letters (a, b, c, ...) %c Lowercase letters (a, b, c, ...)
%C Uppercase letters (A, B, C, ...) %C Uppercase letters (A, B, C, ...)
%d Decimal numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) %d Decimal numbers (1, 2, 3, ...)
%i Lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...) %i Lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...)
%I Uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III, ...) %I Uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III, ...)
%% Represents a percent sign %% Represents a percent sign
Other formats are reserved for future use. Only one percent encoding Other formats are reserved for future use. Only one percent encoding
other than "%%" is allowed in a type string. other than "%%" is allowed in a type string.
It is an error for the type string to be empty. For bulleted lists, It is an error for the type string to be empty. For bulleted lists,
use the <ul> element. For lists that have neither bullets nor use the <ul> element. For lists that have neither bullets nor
numbers, use the <ul> element with the 'empty="true"' attribute. numbers, use the <ul> element with the 'empty="true"' attribute.
If no type attribute is given, the default type is the same as If no type attribute is given, the default type is the same as
"type='%d.'". "type='%d.'".
2.35. <organization> 2.35. <organization>
Specifies the affiliation ([RFC7322]) of an author. Specifies the affiliation [RFC7322] of an author.
This information appears both in the "Author's Address" section and This information appears both in the "Author's Address" section and
on the front page (see [RFC7322] for more information). If the value on the front page (see [RFC7322] for more information). If the value
is long, an abbreviated variant can be specified in the "abbrev" is long, an abbreviated variant can be specified in the "abbrev"
attribute. attribute.
This element appears as a child element of <author> (Section 2.7). This element appears as a child element of <author> (Section 2.7).
Content model: only text content. Content model: only text content.
skipping to change at page 41, line 42 skipping to change at page 41, line 18
2.35.2. "ascii" Attribute 2.35.2. "ascii" Attribute
The ASCII equivalent of the organization's name. The ASCII equivalent of the organization's name.
2.36. <phone> 2.36. <phone>
Represents a phone number. Represents a phone number.
The value is expected to be the scheme-specific part of a "tel" URI The value is expected to be the scheme-specific part of a "tel" URI
(so does not include the prefix "tel:"), using the "global-number- (and so does not include the prefix "tel:"), using the "global-
digits" syntax. See Section 3 of [RFC3966] for details. number-digits" syntax. See Section 3 of [RFC3966] for details.
This element appears as a child element of <address> (Section 2.2). This element appears as a child element of <address> (Section 2.2).
Content model: only text content. Content model: only text content.
2.37. <postal> 2.37. <postal>
Contains optional child elements providing postal information. These Contains optional child elements providing postal information. These
elements will be displayed in an order that is specific to elements will be displayed in an order that is specific to
formatters. A postal address can contain only a set of <street>, formatters. A postal address can contain only a set of <street>,
skipping to change at page 43, line 35 skipping to change at page 43, line 4
pamphlet, April 2000. pamphlet, April 2000.
This element appears as a child element of <reference> This element appears as a child element of <reference>
(Section 2.40). (Section 2.40).
Content model: Content model:
In any order: In any order:
o Text o Text
o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9) o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9)
o <em> elements (Section 2.22) o <em> elements (Section 2.22)
o <strong> elements (Section 2.50) o <strong> elements (Section 2.50)
o <sub> elements (Section 2.51) o <sub> elements (Section 2.51)
o <sup> elements (Section 2.52) o <sup> elements (Section 2.52)
o <tt> elements (Section 2.62) o <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
2.40. <reference> 2.40. <reference>
Represents a bibliographical reference. Represents a bibliographic reference.
This element appears as a child element of <referencegroup> This element appears as a child element of <referencegroup>
(Section 2.41) and <references> (Section 2.42). (Section 2.41) and <references> (Section 2.42).
Content model: Content model:
In this order: In this order:
1. One <front> element (Section 2.26) 1. One <front> element (Section 2.26)
skipping to change at page 44, line 27 skipping to change at page 43, line 44
* <refcontent> elements (Section 2.39) * <refcontent> elements (Section 2.39)
* <seriesInfo> elements (Section 2.47; deprecated in this * <seriesInfo> elements (Section 2.47; deprecated in this
context) context)
2.40.1. "anchor" Attribute (Mandatory) 2.40.1. "anchor" Attribute (Mandatory)
Document-wide unique identifier for this reference. Usually, this Document-wide unique identifier for this reference. Usually, this
will be used both to "label" the reference in the "References" will be used both to "label" the reference in the "References"
section, and as an identifier in links to this reference entry. section and as an identifier in links to this reference entry.
2.40.2. "quoteTitle" Attribute 2.40.2. "quoteTitle" Attribute
Specifies whether or not the title in the reference should be quoted. Specifies whether or not the title in the reference should be quoted.
This can be used to prevent quoting, such as on errata. This can be used to prevent quoting, such as on errata.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "true" (default) o "true" (default)
o "false" o "false"
2.40.3. "target" Attribute 2.40.3. "target" Attribute
Holds the URI for the reference. Holds the URI for the reference.
2.41. <referencegroup> 2.41. <referencegroup>
Represents a list of bibliographic references that will be Represents a list of bibliographic references that will be
represented as a single reference. This is most often used for represented as a single reference. This is most often used to
references in the STD and BCP series, where a single reference (such reference STDs and BCPs, where a single reference (such as "BCP 9")
as "BCP 9") encompasses more than one RFC. may encompass more than one RFC.
This element appears as a child element of <references> This element appears as a child element of <references>
(Section 2.42). (Section 2.42).
Content model: Content model:
One or more <reference> elements (Section 2.40) One or more <reference> elements (Section 2.40)
2.41.1. "anchor" Attribute (Mandatory) 2.41.1. "anchor" Attribute (Mandatory)
Document-wide unique identifier for this reference group. Usually, Document-wide unique identifier for this reference group. Usually,
this will be used both to "label" the reference group in the this will be used both to "label" the reference group in the
"References" section, and as an identifier in links to this reference "References" section and as an identifier in links to this reference
entry. entry.
2.42. <references> 2.42. <references>
Contains a set of bibliographical references. Contains a set of bibliographic references.
In the early days of the RFC series, there was only one "References" In the early days of the RFC Series, there was only one "References"
section per RFC. This convention was later changed to group section per RFC. This convention was later changed to group
references into two sets, "Normative" and "Informative", as described references into two sets, "Normative" and "Informative", as described
in [RFC7322]). This vocabulary supports the split with the <name> in [RFC7322]. This vocabulary supports the split with the <name>
child element. In general, the title should be either "Normative child element. In general, the title should be either "Normative
References" or "Informative References". References" or "Informative References".
This element appears as a child element of <back> (Section 2.8). This element appears as a child element of <back> (Section 2.8).
Content model: Content model:
In this order: In this order:
1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32) 1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32)
2. In any order: 2. In any order:
* <reference> elements (Section 2.40) * <reference> elements (Section 2.40)
* <referencegroup> elements (Section 2.41) * <referencegroup> elements (Section 2.41)
2.42.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.42.1. "anchor" Attribute
An optional user-supplied for this section. An optional user-supplied identifier for this set of references.
2.42.2. "title" Attribute 2.42.2. "title" Attribute
Deprecated. Use <name> instead. Deprecated. Use <name> instead.
2.43. <region> 2.43. <region>
Provides the region name in a postal address. Provides the region name in a postal address.
This element appears as a child element of <postal> (Section 2.37). This element appears as a child element of <postal> (Section 2.37).
skipping to change at page 46, line 32 skipping to change at page 45, line 48
Represents a link to a specific part of a document that appears in a Represents a link to a specific part of a document that appears in a
<reference> element. Formatters that have links (such as HTML and <reference> element. Formatters that have links (such as HTML and
PDF) render <relref> elements as external hyperlinks to the specified PDF) render <relref> elements as external hyperlinks to the specified
part of the reference, creating the link target by combining the base part of the reference, creating the link target by combining the base
URI from the <reference> element with the "relative" attribute from URI from the <reference> element with the "relative" attribute from
this element. The "target" attribute is required, and it must be the this element. The "target" attribute is required, and it must be the
anchor of a <reference> element. anchor of a <reference> element.
The "section" attribute is required, and the "relative" attribute is The "section" attribute is required, and the "relative" attribute is
option. If reference is not an RFC or Internet-Draft that is in the optional. If the reference is not an RFC or Internet-Draft that is
v3 format, the element MUST have a "relative" attribute; in this in the v3 format, the element needs to have a "relative" attribute;
case, the value of the "section" attribute is ignored. in this case, the value of the "section" attribute is ignored.
An example of the <relref> element with text content might be: An example of the <relref> element with text content might be:
See See
<relref section="2.3" target="RFC7878" displayFormat="bare"> <relref section="2.3" target="RFC9999" displayFormat="bare">
the protocol overview</relref> the protocol overview</relref>
for more information. for more information.
An HTML formatter might generate: An HTML formatter might generate:
See See
<a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7878.html#s-2.3"> <a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9999.html#s-2.3">
the protocol overview</a> the protocol overview</a>
for more information. for more information.
Note that the URL in the above example might be different when the Note that the URL in the above example might be different when the
RFC Editor deploys the v3 format. RFC Editor deploys the v3 format.
This element appears as a child element of <annotation> This element appears as a child element of <annotation>
(Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <cref> (Section 2.16), (Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <cref> (Section 2.16),
<dd> (Section 2.18), <dt> (Section 2.21), <em> (Section 2.22), <li> <dd> (Section 2.18), <dt> (Section 2.21), <em> (Section 2.22), <li>
(Section 2.29), <name> (Section 2.32), <preamble> (Section 3.6), (Section 2.29), <name> (Section 2.32), <preamble> (Section 3.6),
skipping to change at page 47, line 33 skipping to change at page 47, line 6
"of" "of"
A formatter should display the relative reference as the word A formatter should display the relative reference as the word
"Section" followed by a space, the contents of the "section" "Section" followed by a space, the contents of the "section"
attribute followed by a space, the word "of", another space, and attribute followed by a space, the word "of", another space, and
the value from the "target" attribute enclosed in square brackets. the value from the "target" attribute enclosed in square brackets.
For example, with an input of: For example, with an input of:
See See
<relref section="2.3" target="RFC7878" displayFormat="of"/> <relref section="2.3" target="RFC9999" displayFormat="of"/>
for an overview. for an overview.
An HTML formatter might generate: An HTML formatter might generate:
See See
<a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7878#s-2.3"> <a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9999#s-2.3">
Section 2.3</a> of Section 2.3</a> of
[<a href="#RFC7878">RFC7878</a>] [<a href="#RFC9999">RFC9999</a>]
for an overview. for an overview.
Note that "displayFormat='of'" is the default for <relref> so it Note that "displayFormat='of'" is the default for <relref>, so it
does not need to be given in a <relref> element if that format is does not need to be given in a <relref> element if that format is
desired. desired.
"comma" "comma"
A formatter should display the relative reference as the value A formatter should display the relative reference as the value
from the "target" attribute enclosed in square brackets, a comma, from the "target" attribute enclosed in square brackets, a comma,
a space, the word "Section" followed by a space, and the "section" a space, the word "Section" followed by a space, and the "section"
attribute. attribute.
For example, with an input of: For example, with an input of:
See See
<relref section="2.3" target="RFC7878" displayFormat="comma"/>, <relref section="2.3" target="RFC9999" displayFormat="comma"/>,
for an overview. for an overview.
An HTML formatter might generate: An HTML formatter might generate:
See See
[<a href="#RFC7878">RFC7878</a>], [<a href="#RFC9999">RFC9999</a>],
<a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7878#s-2.3"> <a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9999#s-2.3">
Section 2.3</a>, for an overview. Section 2.3</a>, for an overview.
"parens" "parens"
A formatter should display the relative reference as the value A formatter should display the relative reference as the value
from the "target" attribute enclosed in square brackets, a space, from the "target" attribute enclosed in square brackets, a space,
a left parenthesis, the word "Section" followed by a space, the a left parenthesis, the word "Section" followed by a space, the
"section" attribute, and a right parenthesis. "section" attribute, and a right parenthesis.
For example, with an input of: For example, with an input of:
See See
<relref section="2.3" target="RFC7878" displayFormat="parens"/> <relref section="2.3" target="RFC9999" displayFormat="parens"/>
for an overview. for an overview.
An HTML formatter might generate An HTML formatter might generate:
See See
[<a href="#RFC7878">RFC7878</a>] [<a href="#RFC9999">RFC9999</a>]
(<a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7878#s-2.3"> (<a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9999#s-2.3">
Section 2.3</a>) Section 2.3</a>)
for an overview. for an overview.
"bare" "bare"
A formatter should display the relative reference as the contents A formatter should display the relative reference as the contents
of the "section" attribute and nothing else. This is useful when of the "section" attribute and nothing else. This is useful when
there are multiple relative references to a single base reference. there are multiple relative references to a single base reference.
For example: For example:
See Section See Sections
<relref section="2.3" target="RFC7878" displayFormat="bare"/> <relref section="2.3" target="RFC9999" displayFormat="bare"/>
and and
<relref section="2.4" target="RFC7878" displayFormat="of"/> <relref section="2.4" target="RFC9999" displayFormat="of"/>
for an overview. for an overview.
An HTML formatter might generate: An HTML formatter might generate:
See Section See Sections
<a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7878#s-2.3"> <a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9999#s-2.3">
2.3</a> 2.3</a>
and and
<a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7878#s-2.4"> <a href="http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9999#s-2.4">
Section 2.4</a> of Section 2.4</a> of
[<a href="#RFC7878">RFC7878</a>] [<a href="#RFC9999">RFC9999</a>]
for an overview. for an overview.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "of" (default) o "of" (default)
o "comma" o "comma"
o "parens" o "parens"
skipping to change at page 51, line 31 skipping to change at page 51, line 9
A comma-separated list of RFC numbers or Internet-Draft names. A comma-separated list of RFC numbers or Internet-Draft names.
The prep tool will parse the attribute value so that incorrect The prep tool will parse the attribute value so that incorrect
references can be detected. references can be detected.
2.45.9. "prepTime" Attribute 2.45.9. "prepTime" Attribute
The date that the XML was processed by a prep tool. This is included The date that the XML was processed by a prep tool. This is included
in the XML file just before it is saved to disk. The value is in the XML file just before it is saved to disk. The value is
formatted using the 'date-time' format defined in Section 5.6 of formatted using the "date-time" format defined in Section 5.6 of
[RFC3339]. The "time-offset" should be "Z". [RFC3339]. The "time-offset" should be "Z".
2.45.10. "seriesNo" Attribute 2.45.10. "seriesNo" Attribute
Deprecated; instead, use the "value" attribute in <seriesInfo>. Deprecated; instead, use the "value" attribute in <seriesInfo>.
2.45.11. "sortRefs" Attribute 2.45.11. "sortRefs" Attribute
Specifies whether or not the prep tool will sort the references in Specifies whether or not the prep tool will sort the references in
each reference section. each reference section.
skipping to change at page 52, line 34 skipping to change at page 52, line 7
the references come out as numbers (such as "[3]"). the references come out as numbers (such as "[3]").
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "true" (default) o "true" (default)
o "false" o "false"
2.45.14. "tocDepth" Attribute 2.45.14. "tocDepth" Attribute
Specifies number of levels of heading that formatter is requested to Specifies the number of levels of headings that a formatter is
include in the table of contents; the default is "3". requested to include in the table of contents; the default is "3".
2.45.15. "tocInclude" Attribute 2.45.15. "tocInclude" Attribute
Specifies whether or not a formatter is requested to include a table Specifies whether or not a formatter is requested to include a table
of contents in generated files. of contents in generated files.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "true" (default) o "true" (default)
skipping to change at page 54, line 4 skipping to change at page 53, line 24
* <iref> elements (Section 2.27) * <iref> elements (Section 2.27)
* <ol> elements (Section 2.34) * <ol> elements (Section 2.34)
* <sourcecode> elements (Section 2.48) * <sourcecode> elements (Section 2.48)
* <t> elements (Section 2.53) * <t> elements (Section 2.53)
* <table> elements (Section 2.54) * <table> elements (Section 2.54)
* <texttable> elements (Section 3.8) * <texttable> elements (Section 3.8)
* <ul> elements (Section 2.63) * <ul> elements (Section 2.63)
3. Optional <section> elements (Section 2.46) 3. Optional <section> elements (Section 2.46)
2.46.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.46.1. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for this section. Document-wide unique identifier for this section.
2.46.2. "numbered" Attribute 2.46.2. "numbered" Attribute
If set to "false", the formatter is requested to not display a If set to "false", the formatter is requested to not display a
section number. The prep tool will verify that such a section is not section number. The prep tool will verify that such a section is not
followed by a numbered section in a part, and will verify that the followed by a numbered section in this part of the document and will
section is a top-level section. verify that the section is a top-level section.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "true" (default) o "true" (default)
o "false" o "false"
2.46.3. "removeInRFC" Attribute 2.46.3. "removeInRFC" Attribute
If set to "true", this note is marked in the prep tool with text If set to "true", this note is marked in the prep tool with text
indicating that it should be removed before the document is published indicating that it should be removed before the document is published
as an RFC. That text will be "This note is to be removed before as an RFC. That text will be "This note is to be removed before
publishing as an RFC.". publishing as an RFC."
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "true" o "true"
o "false" (default) o "false" (default)
2.46.4. "title" Attribute 2.46.4. "title" Attribute
Deprecated. Use <name> instead. Deprecated. Use <name> instead.
2.46.5. "toc" Attribute 2.46.5. "toc" Attribute
Indicates to a formatter whether or not the section is to be included Indicates to a formatter whether or not the section is to be included
in a table of contents, if such a table of contents is produced. in a table of contents, if such a table of contents is produced.
This only takes effect if the level of the section would have This only takes effect if the level of the section would have
appeared in the table of contents based on the "tocDepth" attribute appeared in the table of contents based on the "tocDepth" attribute
of the <rfc> element, and of course only if the table of contents is of the <rfc> element, and of course only if the table of contents is
being created based on the "tocInclude" attribute of the <rfc> being created based on the "tocInclude" attribute of the <rfc>
element. If this is set to "exclude", any section below this one element. If this is set to "exclude", any section below this one
will be excluded as well. The "default" value indicates to include will be excluded as well. The "default" value indicates inclusion of
the section if it would be included by the tocDepth attribute of the the section if it would be included by the tocDepth attribute of the
<rfc> element. <rfc> element.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "include" o "include"
o "exclude" o "exclude"
o "default" (default) o "default" (default)
2.47. <seriesInfo> 2.47. <seriesInfo>
Specifies the document series in which this document appears, and Specifies the document series in which this document appears, and
also specifies an identifier within that series. also specifies an identifier within that series.
A processing tool determines if it is working on an RFC or an A processing tool determines whether it is working on an RFC or an
Internet-Draft by inspecting the "name" attribute of a <seriesInfo> Internet-Draft by inspecting the "name" attribute of a <seriesInfo>
element inside the <front> element inside the <rfc> element, looking element inside the <front> element inside the <rfc> element, looking
for "RFC" or "Internet-Draft". (Specifying neither value in any of for "RFC" or "Internet-Draft". (Specifying neither value in any of
the <seriesInfo> elements can be useful for producing other types of the <seriesInfo> elements can be useful for producing other types of
documents, but is out of scope for this specification.) documents but is out of scope for this specification.)
It is invalid to have multiple <seriesInfo> elements inside the same It is invalid to have multiple <seriesInfo> elements inside the same
<front> element containing the same "name" value. Some combinations <front> element containing the same "name" value. Some combinations
of <seriesInfo> name attribute values make no sense, such as having of <seriesInfo> "name" attribute values make no sense, such as having
both <seriesInfo name="rfc"/> and <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft"/> both <seriesInfo name="rfc"/> and <seriesInfo name="Internet-Draft"/>
in the same <front> element. in the same <front> element.
This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26) and This element appears as a child element of <front> (Section 2.26) and
<reference> (Section 2.40; deprecated in this context). <reference> (Section 2.40; deprecated in this context).
Content model: this element does not have any contents. Content model: this element does not have any contents.
2.47.1. "asciiName" Attribute 2.47.1. "asciiName" Attribute
The ASCII equivalent of the name field. The ASCII equivalent of the name field.
2.47.2. "asciiValue" Attribute 2.47.2. "asciiValue" Attribute
The ASCII equivalent of the value field. The ASCII equivalent of the value field.
2.47.3. "name" Attribute (Mandatory) 2.47.3. "name" Attribute (Mandatory)
The name of the series. The currently-known values are "RFC", The name of the series. The currently known values are "RFC",
"Internet-Draft" and "DOI". The RFC Series Editor may change this "Internet-Draft", and "DOI". The RFC Series Editor may change this
list in the future. list in the future.
Some of the values for "name" interact as follows: Some of the values for "name" interact as follows:
o If a <front> element contains a <seriesInfo> element with a name o If a <front> element contains a <seriesInfo> element with a name
of "Internet-Draft", it can also have at most one additional of "Internet-Draft", it can also have at most one additional
<seriesInfo> element with a "status" attribute whose value is of <seriesInfo> element with a "status" attribute whose value is of
"standard", "full-standard", "bcp", "fyi", "informational", "standard", "full-standard", "bcp", "fyi", "informational",
"experimental", or "historic" to indicate the intended status of "experimental", or "historic" to indicate the intended status of
this Internet-Draft, if it were to be later published as an RFC. this Internet-Draft, if it were to be later published as an RFC.
If such an additional <seriesInfo> element has one of those If such an additional <seriesInfo> element has one of those
statuses, the name MUST be "". statuses, the name needs to be "".
o If a <front> element contains a <seriesInfo> element with a name o If a <front> element contains a <seriesInfo> element with a name
of "RFC", it can also have at most one additional <seriesInfo> of "RFC", it can also have at most one additional <seriesInfo>
element with a "status" attribute whose value is of "full- element with a "status" attribute whose value is of "full-
standard", "bcp", or "fyi" to indicate the current status of this standard", "bcp", or "fyi" to indicate the current status of this
RFC. If such an additional <seriesInfo> element has one of those RFC. If such an additional <seriesInfo> element has one of those
statuses, the value attribute for that name MUST be the number statuses, the "value" attribute for that name needs to be the
within that series. That <front> element might also contain an number within that series. That <front> element might also
additional <seriesInfo> with the status of "info, "exp", or contain an additional <seriesInfo> element with the status of
"historic" and a name of "" to indicate the status of the RFC. "info", "exp", or "historic" and a name of "" to indicate the
status of the RFC.
o A <front> element that has a <seriesInfo> element that has the o A <front> element that has a <seriesInfo> element that has the
name "Internet-Draft" MUST NOT also have a <seriesInfo> element name "Internet-Draft" cannot also have a <seriesInfo> element that
that has the name "RFC". has the name "RFC".
o The <seriesInfo> can contain the DOI for the referenced document. o The <seriesInfo> element can contain the DOI for the referenced
This MUST NOT be used when <seriesInfo> element is an eventual document. This cannot be used when the <seriesInfo> element is an
child element of a <rfc> element, only as an enventual child of a eventual child element of an <rfc> element -- only as an eventual
<reference> element. The value attribute should use the form child of a <reference> element. The "value" attribute should use
specified in [RFC7669]. the form specified in [RFC7669].
2.47.4. "status" Attribute 2.47.4. "status" Attribute
The status of this document. The currently-known values are The status of this document. The currently known values are
"standard", "informational", "experimental", "bcp", "fyi", and "full- "standard", "informational", "experimental", "bcp", "fyi", and "full-
standard". The RFC Series Editor may change this list in the future. standard". The RFC Series Editor may change this list in the future.
2.47.5. "stream" Attribute 2.47.5. "stream" Attribute
The stream (as described in [RFC7841]) that originated of this The stream (as described in [RFC7841]) that originated the document.
document. (The RFC Series Editor may change this list in the (The RFC Series Editor may change this list in the future.)
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "IETF" (default) o "IETF" (default)
o "IAB" o "IAB"
o "IRTF" o "IRTF"
o "independent" o "independent"
2.47.6. "value" Attribute (Mandatory) 2.47.6. "value" Attribute (Mandatory)
The identifier within the series specified by the "name" attribute. The identifier within the series specified by the "name" attribute.
For BCPs, FYIs, RFCs, and STDs, this is the number within the series. For BCPs, FYIs, RFCs, and STDs, this is the number within the series.
For Internet-Drafts, it is the full draft name (ending with the two- For Internet-Drafts, it is the full draft name (ending with the two-
digit version number). For DOIs, the value is given such as digit version number). For DOIs, the value is given, such as
"10.17487/rfc1149", as described in [RFC7669]. "10.17487/rfc1149", as described in [RFC7669].
The name in the value should be the document name without any file The name in the value should be the document name without any file
extension. For Internet-Drafts, the value for this attribute should extension. For Internet-Drafts, the value for this attribute should
be "draft-ietf-somewg-someprotocol-07", not be "draft-ietf-somewg-someprotocol-07", not "draft-ietf-somewg-
"draft-ietf-somewg-someprotocol-07.txt". someprotocol-07.txt".
2.48. <sourcecode> 2.48. <sourcecode>
This element allows the inclusion of sourcecode into the document. This element allows the inclusion of source code into the document.
When rendered, sourcecode is always shown in a monospace font. When When rendered, source code is always shown in a monospace font. When
<sourcecode> is a child of <figure> or <section>, it provides full <sourcecode> is a child of <figure> or <section>, it provides full
control of horizontal whitespace and line breaks. When formatted, it control of horizontal whitespace and line breaks. When formatted, it
is indented indented relative to the left margin of the enclosing is indented relative to the left margin of the enclosing element. It
element. It is thus useful for source code and formal languages is thus useful for source code and formal languages (such as ABNF
(such as ABNF [RFC5234] or the RNC notation used in this document). [RFC5234] or the RNC notation used in this document). (When
(When <sourcecode> is a child of other elements, if flows with the <sourcecode> is a child of other elements, it flows with the text
text that surrounds it.) Tab characters (U+0009) inside of this that surrounds it.) Tab characters (U+0009) inside of this element
element are prohibited. are prohibited.
For artwork such as character-based art, diagrams of message layouts, For artwork such as character-based art, diagrams of message layouts,
and so on, use the <artwork> element instead. and so on, use the <artwork> element instead.
Output formatters that do pagination should attempt to keep source Output formatters that do pagination should attempt to keep source
code on a single page. This is to prevent source code that is split code on a single page. This is to prevent source code that is split
across pages from looking like two separate pieces of code. across pages from looking like two separate pieces of code.
See Section 5 for a description of to deal with issues of using "&" See Section 5 for a description of how to deal with issues of using
and "<" characters in sourcecode. "&" and "<" characters in source code.
This element appears as a child element of <blockquote> This element appears as a child element of <blockquote>
(Section 2.10), <dd> (Section 2.18), <figure> (Section 2.25), <li> (Section 2.10), <dd> (Section 2.18), <figure> (Section 2.25), <li>
(Section 2.29), <section> (Section 2.46), <td> (Section 2.56), and (Section 2.29), <section> (Section 2.46), <td> (Section 2.56), and
<th> (Section 2.58). <th> (Section 2.58).
Content model: only text content. Content model: only text content.
2.48.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.48.1. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for this sourcecode. Document-wide unique identifier for this source code.
2.48.2. "name" Attribute 2.48.2. "name" Attribute
A filename suitable for the contents (such as for extraction to a A filename suitable for the contents (such as for extraction to a
local file). This attribute can be helpful for other kinds of tools local file). This attribute can be helpful for other kinds of tools
(such as automated syntax checkers which work by extracting the (such as automated syntax checkers, which work by extracting the
source code). Note that the "name" attribute does not need to be source code). Note that the "name" attribute does not need to be
unique for artwork elements in a document. If multiple sourcecode unique for <artwork> elements in a document. If multiple
elements have the same name attribute, a formatter might assume that <sourcecode> elements have the same "name" attribute, a formatter
the elements are all fragments of a single file, and such a formatter might assume that the elements are all fragments of a single file,
can collect those fragments for later processing. and such a formatter can collect those fragments for later
2.48.3. "src" Attribute 2.48.3. "src" Attribute
The URI reference of a source file ([RFC3986]). The URI reference of a source file [RFC3986].
It is an error to have both a "src" attribute and content in the It is an error to have both a "src" attribute and content in the
<sourcecode> element. <sourcecode> element.
2.48.4. "type" Attribute 2.48.4. "type" Attribute
Specifies the type of the sourcecode. The value of this attribute is Specifies the type of the source code. The value of this attribute
free text with certain values designated as preferred. is free text with certain values designated as preferred.
The preferred values for <sourcecode> types are: The preferred values for <sourcecode> types are:
o abnf o abnf
o asn.1 o asn.1
o bash o bash
o c++ o c++
skipping to change at page 59, line 25 skipping to change at page 59, line 4
o pseudocode o pseudocode
o python o python
o rnc o rnc
o xml o xml
o yang o yang
The RFC Series Editor will maintain a complete list of the preferred The RFC Series Editor will maintain a complete list of the preferred
values on its web site, and that list is expected to be updated over values on the RFC Editor web site, and that list is expected to be
time. Thus, a consumer of v3 XML should not cause a failure when it updated over time. Thus, a consumer of v3 XML should not cause a
encounters an unexpected type or no type is specified. failure when it encounters an unexpected type or no type is
2.49. <street> 2.49. <street>
Provides a street address. Provides a street address.
This element appears as a child element of <postal> (Section 2.37). This element appears as a child element of <postal> (Section 2.37).
Content model: only text content. Content model: only text content.
2.49.1. "ascii" Attribute 2.49.1. "ascii" Attribute
The ASCII equivalent of the street address. The ASCII equivalent of the street address.
2.50. <strong> 2.50. <strong>
Indicates text that is semantically strong. This element will be Indicates text that is semantically strong. Text enclosed within
displayed as bold after processing. This element can be combined this element will be displayed as bold after processing. This
with other character formatting elements, and the formatting will be element can be combined with other character formatting elements, and
additive. the formatting will be additive.
This element appears as a child element of <annotation> This element appears as a child element of <annotation>
(Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <cref> (Section 2.16), (Section 2.3), <blockquote> (Section 2.10), <cref> (Section 2.16),
<dd> (Section 2.18), <dt> (Section 2.21), <em> (Section 2.22), <li> <dd> (Section 2.18), <dt> (Section 2.21), <em> (Section 2.22), <li>
(Section 2.29), <preamble> (Section 3.6), <refcontent> (Section 2.29), <preamble> (Section 3.6), <refcontent>
(Section 2.39), <sub> (Section 2.51), <sup> (Section 2.52), <t> (Section 2.39), <sub> (Section 2.51), <sup> (Section 2.52), <t>
(Section 2.53), <td> (Section 2.56), <th> (Section 2.58), and <tt> (Section 2.53), <td> (Section 2.56), <th> (Section 2.58), and <tt>
(Section 2.62). (Section 2.62).
Content model: Content model:
skipping to change at page 63, line 4 skipping to change at page 62, line 30
o <list> elements (Section 3.4) o <list> elements (Section 3.4)
o <relref> elements (Section 2.44) o <relref> elements (Section 2.44)
o <spanx> elements (Section 3.7) o <spanx> elements (Section 3.7)
o <strong> elements (Section 2.50) o <strong> elements (Section 2.50)
o <sub> elements (Section 2.51) o <sub> elements (Section 2.51)
o <sup> elements (Section 2.52) o <sup> elements (Section 2.52)
o <tt> elements (Section 2.62) o <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
o <vspace> elements (Section 3.10) o <vspace> elements (Section 3.10)
o <xref> elements (Section 2.66) o <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
2.53.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.53.1. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for this paragraph. Document-wide unique identifier for this paragraph.
2.53.2. "hangText" Attribute 2.53.2. "hangText" Attribute
Deprecated. Instead use <dd> inside of a definition list (<dl>). Deprecated. Instead, use <dd> inside of a definition list (<dl>).
2.53.3. "keepWithNext" Attribute 2.53.3. "keepWithNext" Attribute
Acts as a hint to the output formatters that do pagination to do a Acts as a hint to the output formatters that do pagination to do a
best effort attempt to keep the paragraph with the next element, best-effort attempt to keep the paragraph with the next element,
whatever that happens to be. For example, the HTML output @media whatever that happens to be. For example, the HTML output @media
print CSS might translate this to page-break-after: avoid. For PDF, print CSS ("CSS" refers to Cascading Style Sheets) might translate
the paginator could attempt to keep the paragraph with the next this to page-break-after: avoid. For PDF, the paginator could
element. Note: this attribute is strictly a hint and not always attempt to keep the paragraph with the next element. Note: this
actionable. attribute is strictly a hint and not always actionable.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "false" (default) o "false" (default)
o "true" o "true"
2.53.4. "keepWithPrevious" Attribute 2.53.4. "keepWithPrevious" Attribute
Acts as a hint to the output formatters that do pagination to do a Acts as a hint to the output formatters that do pagination to do a
best effort attempt to keep the paragraph with the previous element, best-effort attempt to keep the paragraph with the previous element,
whatever that happens to be. For example, the HTML output @media whatever that happens to be. For example, the HTML output @media
print CSS might translate this to page-break-before: avoid. For PDF, print CSS might translate this to page-break-before: avoid. For PDF,
the paginator could attempt to keep the paragraph with the previous the paginator could attempt to keep the paragraph with the previous
element. Note: this attribute is strictly a hint and not always element. Note: this attribute is strictly a hint and not always
actionable. actionable.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "false" (default) o "false" (default)
o "true" o "true"
2.54. <table> 2.54. <table>
Contains a table with a caption with the table number. If the Contains a table with a caption with the table number. If the
element contains a <name> element, the caption will also show that element contains a <name> element, the caption will also show that
name. name.
Inside the <table> element is optionally a <thead> element to contain Inside the <table> element is, optionally, a <thead> element to
the rows that will be the table's heading and optionally a <tfoot> contain the rows that will be the table's heading and, optionally, a
element to contain the rows of the table's footer. If the XML is <tfoot> element to contain the rows of the table's footer. If the
converted to a representation that has page breaks (such as PDFs, or XML is converted to a representation that has page breaks (such as
printed HTML), the header and footer are meant to appear on each PDFs or printed HTML), the header and footer are meant to appear on
page. each page.
This element appears as a child element of <aside> (Section 2.6) and This element appears as a child element of <aside> (Section 2.6) and
<section> (Section 2.46). <section> (Section 2.46).
Content model: Content model:
In this order: In this order:
1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32) 1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32)
2. Optional <iref> elements (Section 2.27) 2. Optional <iref> elements (Section 2.27)
3. One optional <thead> element (Section 2.59) 3. One optional <thead> element (Section 2.59)
4. One or more <tbody> elements (Section 2.55) 4. One or more <tbody> elements (Section 2.55)
5. One optional <tfoot> element (Section 2.57) 5. One optional <tfoot> element (Section 2.57)
2.54.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.54.1. "anchor" Attribute
skipping to change at page 66, line 4 skipping to change at page 65, line 27
* <br> elements (Section 2.12) * <br> elements (Section 2.12)
* <cref> elements (Section 2.16) * <cref> elements (Section 2.16)
* <em> elements (Section 2.22) * <em> elements (Section 2.22)
* <eref> elements (Section 2.24) * <eref> elements (Section 2.24)
* <iref> elements (Section 2.27) * <iref> elements (Section 2.27)
* <relref> elements (Section 2.44) * <relref> elements (Section 2.44)
* <strong> elements (Section 2.50) * <strong> elements (Section 2.50)
* <sub> elements (Section 2.51) * <sub> elements (Section 2.51)
* <sup> elements (Section 2.52) * <sup> elements (Section 2.52)
* <tt> elements (Section 2.62) * <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
* <xref> elements (Section 2.66) * <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
2.56.1. "align" Attribute 2.56.1. "align" Attribute
Controls whether the content of the cell appears left justified Controls whether the content of the cell appears left justified
(default), centered, or right justified. Note that "center" or (default), centered, or right justified. Note that "center" or
"right" probably only work well in cells with plain text; any other "right" will probably only work well in cells with plain text; any
elements might make the contents render badly. other elements might make the contents render badly.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "left" (default) o "left" (default)
o "center" o "center"
o "right" o "right"
2.56.2. "anchor" Attribute 2.56.2. "anchor" Attribute
skipping to change at page 68, line 21 skipping to change at page 68, line 4
* <eref> elements (Section 2.24) * <eref> elements (Section 2.24)
* <iref> elements (Section 2.27) * <iref> elements (Section 2.27)
* <relref> elements (Section 2.44) * <relref> elements (Section 2.44)
* <strong> elements (Section 2.50) * <strong> elements (Section 2.50)
* <sub> elements (Section 2.51) * <sub> elements (Section 2.51)
* <sup> elements (Section 2.52) * <sup> elements (Section 2.52)
* <tt> elements (Section 2.62) * <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
* <xref> elements (Section 2.66) * <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
2.58.1. "align" Attribute 2.58.1. "align" Attribute
Controls whether the content of the cell appears left justified Controls whether the content of the cell appears left justified
(default), centered, or right justified. Note that "center" or (default), centered, or right justified. Note that "center" or
"right" probably only work well in cells with plain text; any other "right" will probably only work well in cells with plain text; any
elements might make the contents render badly. other elements might make the contents render badly.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "left" (default) o "left" (default)
o "center" o "center"
o "right" o "right"
2.58.2. "anchor" Attribute 2.58.2. "anchor" Attribute
skipping to change at page 71, line 31 skipping to change at page 71, line 18
One or more <li> elements (Section 2.29) One or more <li> elements (Section 2.29)
2.63.1. "anchor" Attribute 2.63.1. "anchor" Attribute
Document-wide unique identifier for the list. Document-wide unique identifier for the list.
2.63.2. "empty" Attribute 2.63.2. "empty" Attribute
Defines whether or not the label is empty. empty="true" indicates Defines whether or not the label is empty. empty="true" indicates
that no label be shown. that no label will be shown.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "false" (default) o "false" (default)
o "true" o "true"
2.63.3. "spacing" Attribute 2.63.3. "spacing" Attribute
Defines whether or not there is a blank line between entries. Defines whether or not there is a blank line between entries.
skipping to change at page 73, line 14 skipping to change at page 72, line 51
2.66.1. "format" Attribute 2.66.1. "format" Attribute
This attribute signals to formatters what the desired format of the This attribute signals to formatters what the desired format of the
reference should be. Formatters for document types that have linking reference should be. Formatters for document types that have linking
capability should wrap the displayed text in hyperlinks. capability should wrap the displayed text in hyperlinks.
"counter" "counter"
The "derivedContent" attribute will contain just a counter. This The "derivedContent" attribute will contain just a counter. This
is used for targets that are <section>, <figure>, <table>, or item is used for targets that are <section>, <figure>, <table>, or
in an ordered list. Using "format='counter'" where the target is items in an ordered list. Using "format='counter'" where the
any other type of element is an error. target is any other type of element is an error.
For example, with an input of: For example, with an input of:
<section anchor="overview">Protocol Overview</section> <section anchor="overview">Protocol Overview</section>
. . . . . .
See Section <xref target="overview" format="counter"/> See Section <xref target="overview" format="counter"/>
for an overview. for an overview.
An HTML formatter might generate "See Section <a href="# An HTML formatter might generate:
overview">1.7</a> for an overview.".
See Section <a href="#overview">1.7</a> for an overview.
"default" "default"
If the element has no content, the "derivedContent" attribute will If the element has no content, the "derivedContent" attribute will
contain a text fragment that describes the referenced part contain a text fragment that describes the referenced part
completely, such as "XML" for a target that is a <reference>, or completely, such as "XML" for a target that is a <reference>, or
"Section 2" or "Table 4" for a target to a non-reference. (If the "Section 2" or "Table 4" for a target to a non-reference. (If the
element has content, the "derivedContent" attribute is filled with element has content, the "derivedContent" attribute is filled with
the content.) the content.)
For example, with an input of: For example, with an input of:
<section anchor="overview">Protocol Overview</section> <section anchor="overview">Protocol Overview</section>
. . . . . .
See <xref target="overview"/> for an overview. See <xref target="overview"/> for an overview.
An HTML formatter might generate "See <a href="#overview">Section An HTML formatter might generate:
1.7</a> for an overview.".
See <a href="#overview">Section 1.7</a> for an overview.
"none" "none"
Deprecated. Deprecated.
"title" "title"
If the target is a <reference> element, the "derivedContent" If the target is a <reference> element, the "derivedContent"
attribute will contain the name of the reference, extracted from attribute will contain the name of the reference, extracted from
the <title> child of the <front> child of the reference. Or, if the <title> child of the <front> child of the reference. Or, if
the target element has a <name> child element, the the target element has a <name> child element, the
"derivedContent" attribute will contain the text content of that "derivedContent" attribute will contain the text content of that
<name> element concatenated with the text content of each <name> element concatenated with the text content of each
descendant node of <name> (that is, stripping out all of the XML descendant node of <name> (that is, stripping out all of the XML
markup, leaving only the text). Or, if the target element does markup, leaving only the text). Or, if the target element does
not contain a <name> child element, the "derivedContent" attribute not contain a <name> child element, the "derivedContent" attribute
will contain the name of the "anchor" attribute of that element will contain the name of the "anchor" attribute of that element
skipping to change at page 74, line 40 skipping to change at page 74, line 31
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "true" o "true"
o "false" (default) o "false" (default)
2.66.3. "target" Attribute (Mandatory) 2.66.3. "target" Attribute (Mandatory)
Identifies the document component being referenced. The value needs Identifies the document component being referenced. The value needs
to match the value of the "anchor" attribute of an element in the to match the value of the "anchor" attribute of an element in the
document, otherwise it is an error. document; otherwise, it is an error.
3. Elements from v2 That Have Been Deprecated 3. Elements from v2 That Have Been Deprecated
This section lists the elements from v2 that have been deprecated. This section lists the elements from v2 that have been deprecated.
Note that some elements in v3 have attributes from v2 that are Note that some elements in v3 have attributes from v2 that are
deprecated; those are not listed here. deprecated; those are not listed here.
3.1. <c> 3.1. <c>
Deprecated. Instead, use <tr>, <td>, and <th>. Deprecated. Instead, use <tr>, <td>, and <th>.
This element appears as a child element of: <texttable> This element appears as a child element of <texttable> (Section 3.8).
(Section 3.8).
Content model: Content model:
In any order: In any order:
o Text o Text
o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9) o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9)
o <cref> elements (Section 2.16) o <cref> elements (Section 2.16)
o <em> elements (Section 2.22) o <em> elements (Section 2.22)
o <eref> elements (Section 2.24) o <eref> elements (Section 2.24)
o <iref> elements (Section 2.27) o <iref> elements (Section 2.27)
o <spanx> elements (Section 3.7) o <spanx> elements (Section 3.7)
skipping to change at page 75, line 41 skipping to change at page 75, line 29
o <tt> elements (Section 2.62) o <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
o <xref> elements (Section 2.66) o <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
3.2. <facsimile> 3.2. <facsimile>
Deprecated. The <email> element is a much more useful way to get in Deprecated. The <email> element is a much more useful way to get in
touch with authors. touch with authors.
This element appears as a child element of: <address> (Section 2.2). This element appears as a child element of <address> (Section 2.2).
Content model: only text content. Content model: only text content.
3.3. <format> 3.3. <format>
Deprecated. If the goal is to provide a single URI for a reference, Deprecated. If the goal is to provide a single URI for a reference,
use the "target" attribute on <reference> instead. use the "target" attribute in <reference> instead.
This element appears as a child element of: <reference> This element appears as a child element of <reference>
(Section 2.40). (Section 2.40).
Content model: this element does not have any contents. Content model: this element does not have any contents.
3.3.1. 'octets' attribute 3.3.1. "octets" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
3.3.2. 'target' attribute 3.3.2. "target" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
3.3.3. 'type' attribute (mandatory) 3.3.3. "type" Attribute (Mandatory)
Deprecated. Deprecated.
3.4. <list> 3.4. <list>
Deprecated. Instead, use <dl> for list/@style "hanging"; <ul> for Deprecated. Instead, use <dl> for list/@style "hanging"; <ul> for
list/@style "empty" or "symbols"; and <ol> for list/@style "letters", list/@style "empty" or "symbols"; and <ol> for list/@style "letters",
"numbers", "counter", or "format". "numbers", "counter", or "format".
This element appears as a child element of: <t> (Section 2.53). This element appears as a child element of <t> (Section 2.53).
Content model: Content model:
One or more <t> elements (Section 2.53) One or more <t> elements (Section 2.53)
3.4.1. 'counter' attribute 3.4.1. "counter" Attribute
Deprecated. The functionality of this attribute has been replaced Deprecated. The functionality of this attribute has been replaced
with <ol>/@start. with <ol>/@start.
3.4.2. 'hangIndent' attribute 3.4.2. "hangIndent" Attribute
Deprecated. Use <dl> instead. Deprecated. Use <dl> instead.
3.4.3. 'style' attribute 3.4.3. "style" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
3.5. <postamble> 3.5. <postamble>
Deprecated. Instead, use a regular paragraph after the figure or Deprecated. Instead, use a regular paragraph after the figure or
table. table.
This element appears as a child element of: <figure> (Section 2.25), This element appears as a child element of <figure> (Section 2.25)
and <texttable> (Section 3.8). and <texttable> (Section 3.8).
Content model: Content model:
In any order: In any order:
o Text o Text
o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9) o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9)
skipping to change at page 77, line 36 skipping to change at page 77, line 25
o <tt> elements (Section 2.62) o <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
o <xref> elements (Section 2.66) o <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
3.6. <preamble> 3.6. <preamble>
Deprecated. Instead, use a regular paragraph before the figure or Deprecated. Instead, use a regular paragraph before the figure or
table. table.
This element appears as a child element of: <figure> (Section 2.25), This element appears as a child element of <figure> (Section 2.25)
and <texttable> (Section 3.8). and <texttable> (Section 3.8).
Content model: Content model:
In any order: In any order:
o Text o Text
o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9) o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9)
skipping to change at page 78, line 4 skipping to change at page 77, line 41
o Text o Text
o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9) o <bcp14> elements (Section 2.9)
o <cref> elements (Section 2.16) o <cref> elements (Section 2.16)
o <em> elements (Section 2.22) o <em> elements (Section 2.22)
o <eref> elements (Section 2.24) o <eref> elements (Section 2.24)
o <iref> elements (Section 2.27) o <iref> elements (Section 2.27)
o <spanx> elements (Section 3.7) o <spanx> elements (Section 3.7)
o <strong> elements (Section 2.50) o <strong> elements (Section 2.50)
o <sub> elements (Section 2.51) o <sub> elements (Section 2.51)
o <sup> elements (Section 2.52) o <sup> elements (Section 2.52)
o <tt> elements (Section 2.62) o <tt> elements (Section 2.62)
o <xref> elements (Section 2.66) o <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
3.7. <spanx> 3.7. <spanx>
Deprecated. Deprecated.
This element appears as a child element of: <annotation> This element appears as a child element of <annotation>
(Section 2.3), <c> (Section 3.1), <postamble> (Section 3.5), (Section 2.3), <c> (Section 3.1), <postamble> (Section 3.5),
<preamble> (Section 3.6), and <t> (Section 2.53). <preamble> (Section 3.6), and <t> (Section 2.53).
Content model: only text content. Content model: only text content.
3.7.1. 'style' attribute 3.7.1. "style" Attribute
Deprecated. Instead of <spanx style="emph">, use <em>; instead of Deprecated. Instead of <spanx style="emph">, use <em>; instead of
<spanx style="strong">, use <strong>; instead of <spanx <spanx style="strong">, use <strong>; instead of <spanx
style="verb">, use <tt>. style="verb">, use <tt>.
3.7.2. 'xml:space' attribute 3.7.2. "xml:space" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "default" o "default"
o "preserve" (default) o "preserve" (default)
3.8. <texttable> 3.8. <texttable>
Deprecated. Use <table> instead. Deprecated. Use <table> instead.
This element appears as a child element of: <aside> (Section 2.6), This element appears as a child element of <aside> (Section 2.6) and
and <section> (Section 2.46). <section> (Section 2.46).
Content model: Content model:
In this order: In this order:
1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32) 1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32)
2. One optional <preamble> element (Section 3.6) 2. One optional <preamble> element (Section 3.6)
3. One or more <ttcol> elements (Section 3.9) 3. One or more <ttcol> elements (Section 3.9)
skipping to change at page 79, line 14 skipping to change at page 79, line 4
In this order: In this order:
1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32) 1. One optional <name> element (Section 2.32)
2. One optional <preamble> element (Section 3.6) 2. One optional <preamble> element (Section 3.6)
3. One or more <ttcol> elements (Section 3.9) 3. One or more <ttcol> elements (Section 3.9)
4. Optional <c> elements (Section 3.1) 4. Optional <c> elements (Section 3.1)
5. One optional <postamble> element (Section 3.5) 5. One optional <postamble> element (Section 3.5)
3.8.1. 'align' attribute 3.8.1. "align" Attribute
Deprecated Deprecated.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "left" o "left"
o "center" (default) o "center" (default)
o "right" o "right"
3.8.2. 'anchor' attribute 3.8.2. "anchor" Attribute
Deprecated Deprecated.
3.8.3. 'style' attribute 3.8.3. "style" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
3.8.4. 'suppress-title' attribute 3.8.4. "suppress-title" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "true" o "true"
o "false" (default) o "false" (default)
3.8.5. 'title' attribute 3.8.5. "title" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
3.9. <ttcol> 3.9. <ttcol>
Deprecated. Instead, use <tr>, <td>, and <th>. Deprecated. Instead, use <tr>, <td>, and <th>.
This element appears as a child element of: <texttable> This element appears as a child element of <texttable> (Section 3.8).
(Section 3.8).
Content model: Content model:
In any order: In any order:
o Text
o <cref> elements (Section 2.16) o <cref> elements (Section 2.16)
o <eref> elements (Section 2.24) o <eref> elements (Section 2.24)
o <iref> elements (Section 2.27) o <iref> elements (Section 2.27)
o <xref> elements (Section 2.66) o <xref> elements (Section 2.66)
o Text 3.9.1. "align" Attribute
3.9.1. 'align' attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
Allowed values: Allowed values:
o "left" (default) o "left" (default)
o "center" o "center"
o "right" o "right"
3.9.2. 'width' attribute 3.9.2. "width" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
3.10. <vspace> 3.10. <vspace>
Deprecated. In earlier versions of this format, <vspace> was often Deprecated. In earlier versions of this format, <vspace> was often
used to get an extra blank line in a list element; in the v3 used to get an extra blank line in a list element; in the v3
vocabulary, that can be done instead by using multiple <t> elements vocabulary, that can be done instead by using multiple <t> elements
inside the <li> element. Other uses have no direct replacement. inside the <li> element. Other uses have no direct replacement.
This element appears as a child element of: <t> (Section 2.53). This element appears as a child element of <t> (Section 2.53).
Content model: this element does not have any contents. Content model: this element does not have any contents.
3.10.1. 'blankLines' attribute 3.10.1. "blankLines" Attribute
Deprecated. Deprecated.
4. SVG 4. SVG
The discussion of the use of SVG can be found in [SVGforRFCs]. This The discussion of the use of SVG can be found in [RFC7996]. This
element is part of the namespace "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg". element is part of the namespace "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg".
5. Use of CDATA Structures and Escaping 5. Use of CDATA Structures and Escaping
A common problem authors have with <artwork> and <sourcecode> A common problem authors have with <artwork> and <sourcecode>
elements is that the XML processor returns errors if the text in the elements is that the XML processor returns errors if the text in the
artwork contains either the "&" or "<" character, or the string artwork contains either the "&" or "<" character, or the string
"]]>". To avoid these problems, the "&" and "<" characters may be "]]>". To avoid these problems, the "&" and "<" characters may be
escaped using the strings "&amp;" and "&lt;", respectively; the "]]>" escaped using the strings "&amp;" and "&lt;", respectively; the "]]>"
string can be represented as "]]&gt;". Alternatively, they may be string can be represented as "]]&gt;". Alternatively, they may be
skipping to change at page 81, line 38 skipping to change at page 81, line 29
<sourcecode> <sourcecode>
allowed-chars = "." | "," | "&amp;" | "&lt;" | "&gt;" | "|" allowed-chars = "." | "," | "&amp;" | "&lt;" | "&gt;" | "|"
</sourcecode> </sourcecode>
Using CDATA: Using CDATA:
<sourcecode> <sourcecode>
<![CDATA[ allowed-chars = "." | "," | "&" | "<" | ">" | "|"]]> <![CDATA[ allowed-chars = "." | "," | "&" | "<" | ">" | "|"]]>
</sourcecode> </sourcecode>
Using CDATA is not a panacea, but it does help prevent having to use Using CDATA is not a panacea, but it does help prevent having to use
escapes in places where using using escapes can cause other problems, escapes in places where using escapes can cause other problems, such
such as difficulty of inclusion from other documents. as difficulty of inclusion from other documents.
6. Internationalization Considerations 6. Internationalization Considerations
This format is based on [XML] and thus does not have any issues This format is based on [XML] and thus does not have any issues
representing arbitrary Unicode [UNICODE] characters in text content. representing arbitrary Unicode [UNICODE] characters in text content.
The RFC Series Editor may restrict some of the characters that can be The RFC Series Editor may restrict some of the characters that can be
used in a particular RFC; the rules for such restrictions are covered used in a particular RFC; the rules for such restrictions are covered
in [NONASCII]. in [RFC7997].
7. Security Considerations 7. Security Considerations
The "name" attribute of the <artwork> element (Section 2.5.5) can be The "name" attribute of the <artwork> element (Section 2.5.5) can be
used to derive a filename for saving to a local file system. used to derive a filename for saving to a local file system.
Trusting this kind of information without pre-processing is a known Trusting this kind of information without pre-processing is a known
security risk; see Section 4.3 of [RFC6266] for more information. security risk; see Section 4.3 of [RFC6266] for more information.
The "src" attribute on the <artwork> element can be used to read The "src" attribute of the <artwork> element can be used to read
files from the local system. Processing tools must be careful to not files from the local system. Processing tools must be careful to not
accept dangerous values for the filename, particularly those that accept dangerous values for the filename, particularly those that
contain absolute references outside the current directory. contain absolute references outside the current directory.
The "type" attribute of the <artwork> and <sourcecode> elements is The "type" attribute of the <artwork> and <sourcecode> elements is
meant to encourage formatters to automatically extract known types of meant to encourage formatters to automatically extract known types of
content from an RFC or Internet-Draft. While extraction is probably content from an RFC or Internet-Draft. While extraction is probably
safe, those tools might also think that they could further process safe, those tools might also think that they could further process
the extracted content such as by rendering artwork or executing code. the extracted content, such as by rendering artwork or executing
Doing so without first sanity-checking the extracted content is code. Doing so without first sanity-checking the extracted content
clearly a terrible idea from a security perspective. More generally, is clearly a terrible idea from a security perspective. More
a tool that is reading XML input needs to be suspicious of any generally, a tool that is reading XML input needs to be suspicious of
content that it intends to post-process. any content that it intends to post-process.
When there is an external reference to a URL, a processor or renderer When there is an external reference to a URL, a processor or renderer
should fetch the content into a sandbox, and should have only a should fetch the content into a sandbox and should have only a
localized impact on the document processing and rendering. localized impact on the document processing and rendering.
All security considerations related to XML processing are relevant as All security considerations related to XML processing are relevant as
well (see Section 7 of [RFC3470]). well (see Section 7 of [RFC3470]).
8. IANA Considerations 8. IANA Considerations
8.1. Internet Media Type Registration 8.1. Internet Media Type Registration
IANA maintains the registry of Internet Media Types [BCP13] at IANA maintains the registry of Internet Media Types [RFC6838] at
<https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types>. <https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types>.
This document updates the specification for the Internet Media Type This document updates the specification for the Internet Media Type
"application/rfc+xml" from the one in [RFC7749]. The following has "application/rfc+xml" from the one in [RFC7749]. The following has
been registered with IANA. been registered with IANA.
Type name: application Type name: application
Subtype name: rfc+xml Subtype name: rfc+xml
skipping to change at page 83, line 33 skipping to change at page 83, line 19
Applications that use this Media Type: Applications that transform Applications that use this Media Type: Applications that transform
xml2rfc to output representations such as plain text or HTML, plus xml2rfc to output representations such as plain text or HTML, plus
additional analysis tools. additional analysis tools.
Fragment identifier considerations: The "anchor" attribute is used Fragment identifier considerations: The "anchor" attribute is used
for assigning document-wide unique identifiers that can be used as for assigning document-wide unique identifiers that can be used as
shorthand pointers, as described in [XPOINTER]. shorthand pointers, as described in [XPOINTER].
Additional information: Additional information:
Deprecated alias names for this type: None. Deprecated alias names for this type: None
Magic number(s): As specified for "application/xml" in [RFC7303]. Magic number(s): As specified for "application/xml" in [RFC7303].
File extension(s): .xml or .rfcxml when disambiguation from other File extension(s): .xml or .rfcxml when disambiguation from other
XML files is needed XML files is needed
Macintosh file type code(s): TEXT Macintosh file type code(s): TEXT
Person & email address to contact for further information: See the Person & email address to contact for further information: See the
Author's Address section of RFC 7749. Author's Address section of RFC 7991.
Intended usage: COMMON Intended usage: COMMON
Restrictions on usage: None Restrictions on usage: None
Author: See the Author's Address section of RFC 7749. Author: See the Author's Address section of RFC 7991.
Change controller: RFC Series Editor (rse@rfc-editor.org) Change controller: RFC Series Editor (rse@rfc-editor.org)
8.2. Link Relation Registration 8.2. Link Relation Registration
The following is a proposed addition to [LINKRELATIONS]. IANA has registered "convertedFrom" in the "Link Relation Types"
Relation Name: convertedFrom Relation Name: convertedFrom
Description: The document linked to was later converted to the Description: The document linked to was later converted to the
document that contains this link relation. For example, an RFC can document that contains this link relation. For example, an RFC can
have a link to the Internet-Draft that became the RFC; in that case, have a link to the Internet-Draft that became the RFC; in that case,
the link relation would be "convertedFrom". the link relation would be "convertedFrom".
Reference: This document. Reference: This document.
Notes: This relation is different than "predecessor-version" in that Notes: This relation is different than "predecessor-version" in that
"predecessor-version" is for items in a version control system. It "predecessor-version" is for items in a version control system. It
is also different that "previous" in that this relation is used for is also different than "previous" in that this relation is used for
converted resources, not those that are part of a sequence of converted resources, not those that are part of a sequence of
resources. resources.
Application Data: none Application Data: None
9. References 9. References
9.1. Normative References 9.1. Normative References
[XML] Maler, E., Yergeau, F., Paoli, J., Sperberg-McQueen, [BCP14] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
M., and T. Bray, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997,
1.0 (Fifth Edition)", W3C Recommendation REC-xml- <http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp14>.
20081126, November 2008,
Latest version available at [XML] Bray, T., Paoli, J., Sperberg-McQueen, C., Maler, E., and
<http://www.w3.org/TR/xml>. F. Yergeau, "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth
Edition)", W3C Recommendation REC-xml-20081126, November
2008, <https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/>.
9.2. Informative References Latest version available at <http://www.w3.org/TR/xml>.
[BCP13] Freed, N., Klensin, J., and T. Hansen, "Media Type 9.2. Informative References
Specifications and Registration Procedures", BCP 13,
RFC 6838, January 2013,
[IDGUIDE] Housley, R., "Guidelines to Authors of Internet- [IDGUIDE] Housley, R., "Guidelines to Authors of Internet-Drafts",
Drafts", December 2010,
<https://www.ietf.org/id-info/guidelines.html>. <https://www.ietf.org/id-info/guidelines.html>.
[LINKRELATIONS] IANA, "Link Relations", <https://www.iana.org/ [LINKRELATIONS]
assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml>. IANA, "Link Relations", <https://www.iana.org/assignments/
[NONASCII] Flanagan, H., "The Use of Non-ASCII Characters in [RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision
RFCs", draft-iab-rfc-nonascii (work in progress), 3", BCP 9, RFC 2026, DOI 10.17487/RFC2026, October 1996,
2016. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2026>.
[PREPTOOL] Hoffman, P. and J. Hildebrand, "RFC v3 Prep Tool [RFC2397] Masinter, L., "The "data" URL scheme", RFC 2397,
Description", draft-iab-rfcv3-preptool (work in DOI 10.17487/RFC2397, August 1998,
progress), 2016. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2397>.
[RFC2026] Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- [RFC2629] Rose, M., "Writing I-Ds and RFCs using XML", RFC 2629,
Revision 3", BCP 9, RFC 2026, DOI 10.17487/RFC2026, DOI 10.17487/RFC2629, June 1999,
October 1996, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2629>.
[RFC2397] Masinter, L., "The "data" URL scheme", RFC 2397, [RFC3339] Klyne, G. and C. Newman, "Date and Time on the Internet:
DOI 10.17487/RFC2397, August 1998, Timestamps", RFC 3339, DOI 10.17487/RFC3339, July 2002,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2397>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3339>.
[RFC2629] Rose, M., "Writing I-Ds and RFCs using XML", [RFC3470] Hollenbeck, S., Rose, M., and L. Masinter, "Guidelines for
RFC 2629, DOI 10.17487/RFC2629, June 1999, the Use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) within IETF
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2629>. Protocols", BCP 70, RFC 3470, DOI 10.17487/RFC3470,
January 2003, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3470>.
[RFC3339] Klyne, G. and C. Newman, "Date and Time on the [RFC3667] Bradner, S., "IETF Rights in Contributions", RFC 3667,
Internet: Timestamps", RFC 3339, DOI 10.17487/ DOI 10.17487/RFC3667, February 2004,
RFC3339, July 2002, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3667>.
[RFC3470] Hollenbeck, S., Rose, M., and L. Masinter, [RFC3966] Schulzrinne, H., "The tel URI for Telephone Numbers",
"Guidelines for the Use of Extensible Markup RFC 3966, DOI 10.17487/RFC3966, December 2004,
Language (XML) within IETF Protocols", BCP 70, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3966>.
RFC 3470, DOI 10.17487/RFC3470, January 2003,
[RFC3667] Bradner, S., "IETF Rights in Contributions", [RFC3978] Bradner, S., Ed., "IETF Rights in Contributions",
RFC 3667, DOI 10.17487/RFC3667, February 2004, RFC 3978, DOI 10.17487/RFC3978, March 2005,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3667>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3978>.
[RFC3966] Schulzrinne, H., "The tel URI for Telephone [RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
Numbers", RFC 3966, DOI 10.17487/RFC3966, Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
December 2004, RFC 3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC3986, January 2005,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3966>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3986>.
[RFC3978] Bradner, S., Ed., "IETF Rights in Contributions", [RFC5234] Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
RFC 3978, DOI 10.17487/RFC3978, March 2005, Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3978>. DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,
[RFC3986] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, [RFC5378] Bradner, S., Ed. and J. Contreras, Ed., "Rights
"Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", Contributors Provide to the IETF Trust", BCP 78, RFC 5378,
STD 66, RFC 3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC5378, November 2008,
January 2005, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5378>.
[RFC5234] Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for [RFC6068] Duerst, M., Masinter, L., and J. Zawinski, "The 'mailto'
Syntax Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234, URI Scheme", RFC 6068, DOI 10.17487/RFC6068, October 2010,
DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6068>.
[RFC5378] Bradner, S., Ed. and J. Contreras, Ed., "Rights [RFC6266] Reschke, J., "Use of the Content-Disposition Header Field
Contributors Provide to the IETF Trust", BCP 78, in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)", RFC 6266,
RFC 5378, DOI 10.17487/RFC5378, November 2008, DOI 10.17487/RFC6266, June 2011,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5378>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6266>.
[RFC5743] Falk, A., "Definition of an Internet Research Task [RFC6838] Freed, N., Klensin, J., and T. Hansen, "Media Type
Force (IRTF) Document Stream", RFC 5743, Specifications and Registration Procedures", BCP 13,
DOI 10.17487/RFC5743, December 2009, RFC 6838, DOI 10.17487/RFC6838, January 2013,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5743>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6838>.
[RFC6068] Duerst, M., Masinter, L., and J. Zawinski, "The [RFC6949] Flanagan, H. and N. Brownlee, "RFC Series Format
'mailto' URI Scheme", RFC 6068, DOI 10.17487/ Requirements and Future Development", RFC 6949,
RFC6068, October 2010, DOI 10.17487/RFC6949, May 2013,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6068>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6949>.
[RFC6266] Reschke, J., "Use of the Content-Disposition Header [RFC7303] Thompson, H. and C. Lilley, "XML Media Types", RFC 7303,
Field in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)", DOI 10.17487/RFC7303, July 2014,
RFC 6266, DOI 10.17487/RFC6266, June 2011, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7303>.
[RFC6949] Flanagan, H. and N. Brownlee, "RFC Series Format [RFC7322] Flanagan, H. and S. Ginoza, "RFC Style Guide", RFC 7322,
Requirements and Future Development", RFC 6949, DOI 10.17487/RFC7322, September 2014,
DOI 10.17487/RFC6949, May 2013, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7322>.
[RFC7303] Thompson, H. and C. Lilley, "XML Media Types", [RFC7669] Levine, J., "Assigning Digital Object Identifiers to
RFC 7303, DOI 10.17487/RFC7303, July 2014, RFCs", RFC 7669, DOI 10.17487/RFC7669, October 2015,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7303>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7669>.
[RFC7322] Flanagan, H. and S. Ginoza, "RFC Style Guide", [RFC7749] Reschke, J., "The "xml2rfc" Version 2 Vocabulary",
RFC 7322, DOI 10.17487/RFC7322, September 2014, RFC 7749, DOI 10.17487/RFC7749, February 2016,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7322>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7749>.
[RFC7669] Levine, J., "Assigning Digital Object Identifiers to [RFC7841] Halpern, J., Ed., Daigle, L., Ed., and O. Kolkman, Ed.,
RFCs", RFC 7669, DOI 10.17487/RFC7669, October 2015, "RFC Streams, Headers, and Boilerplates", RFC 7841,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7669>. DOI 10.17487/RFC7841, May 2016,
[RFC7749] Reschke, J., "The "xml2rfc" Version 2 Vocabulary", [RFC7996] Brownlee, N., "SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC",
RFC 7749, DOI 10.17487/RFC7749, February 2016, RFC 7996, DOI 10.17487/RFC7996, December 2016,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7749>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7996>.
[RFC7841] Halpern, J., Ed., Daigle, L., Ed., and O. Kolkman, [RFC7997] Flanagan, H., Ed., "The Use of Non-ASCII Characters in
Ed., "RFC Streams, Headers, and Boilerplates", RFCs", RFC 7997, DOI 10.17487/RFC7997, December 2016,
RFC 7841, DOI 10.17487/RFC7841, May 2016, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7997>.
[RNC] Clark, J., "RELAX NG Compact Syntax", OASIS , [RFC7998] Hoffman, P. and J. Hildebrand, ""xml2rfc" Version 3
November 2002, <https://www.oasis-open.org/ Preparation Tool Description", RFC 7998,
committees/relax-ng/compact-20021121.html>. DOI 10.17487/RFC7998, December 2016,
[RNG] ISO/IEC, "Information Technology - Document Schema [RNC] Clark, J., "RELAX NG Compact Syntax", The Organization for
Definition Languages (DSDL) - Part 2: Regular- the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
Grammar-Based Validation - RELAX NG. Second (OASIS) , November 2002, <https://www.oasis-
Edition.", ISO/IEC 19757-2:2008(E), December 2008. open.org/committees/relax-ng/compact-20021121.html>.
A useful source of RNG-related information is [RNG] ISO/IEC, "Information Technology - Document Schema
<http://relaxng.org/>. Definition Languages (DSDL) - Part 2: Regular-Grammar-
Based Validation - RELAX NG (Second Edition)", ISO/
IEC 19757-2:2008(E), December 2008.
[SVGforRFCs] Brownlee, N., "SVG Drawings for RFCs: SVG 1.2 RFC", A useful source of RNG-related information is
draft-iab-svg-rfc (work in progress), 2016. <http://relaxng.org/>.
[TLP1.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF [TLP1.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents",
Documents", November 2008, <http://trustee.ietf.org/ November 2008,
license-info/IETF-TLP-1.htm>. <http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info/IETF-TLP-1.htm>.
[TLP2.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF [TLP2.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents",
Documents", February 2009, <http://trustee.ietf.org/ February 2009,
license-info/IETF-TLP-2.htm>. <http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info/IETF-TLP-2.htm>.
[TLP3.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF [TLP3.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents",
Documents", September 2009, <http:// September 2009,
trustee.ietf.org/license-info/IETF-TLP-3.htm>. <http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info/IETF-TLP-3.htm>.
[TLP4.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF [TLP4.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents",
Documents", December 2009, <http://trustee.ietf.org/ December 2009,
license-info/IETF-TLP-4.htm>. <http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info/IETF-TLP-4.htm>.
[TLP5.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF [TLP5.0] IETF Trust, "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents",
Documents", March 2015, <http://trustee.ietf.org/ March 2015,
license-info/IETF-TLP-5.htm>. <http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info/IETF-TLP-5.htm>.
[UAX24] The Unicode Consortium, "UAX #24: Unicode Script [UAX24] The Unicode Consortium, "UAX #24: Unicode Script
Property", <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr24/>. Property", <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr24/>.
[UNICODE] The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode Standard", [UNICODE] The Unicode Consortium, "The Unicode Standard",
<http://www.unicode.org/versions/latest/>. <http://www.unicode.org/versions/latest/>.
[USASCII] American National Standards Institute, "Coded [USASCII] American National Standards Institute, "Coded Character
Character Set -- 7-bit American Standard Code for Set -- 7-bit American Standard Code for Information
Information Interchange", ANSI X3.4, 1986. Interchange", ANSI X3.4, 1986.
[XInclude] Marsh, J., Orchard, D., and D. Veillard, "XML [XInclude]
Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0 (Second Edition)", Marsh, J., Orchard, D., and D. Veillard, "XML Inclusions
W3C Recommendation REC-xinclude-20061115, (XInclude) Version 1.0 (Second Edition)", W3C
November 2006, <http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/>. Recommendation REC-xinclude-20061115, November 2006,
Latest version available at Latest version available at <http://www.w3.org/TR/
<http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/>. xinclude/>.
[XPOINTER] Grosso, P., Maler, E., Marsh, J., and N. Walsh, [XPOINTER]
"XPointer Framework", W3C Recommendation REC-xptr- Grosso, P., Maler, E., Marsh, J., and N. Walsh, "XPointer
framework-20030325, March 2003, <http://www.w3.org/ Framework", W3C Recommendation REC-xptr-framework-
TR/2003/REC-xptr-framework-20030325/>. 20030325, March 2003,
Latest version available at Latest version available at <http://www.w3.org/TR/xptr-
<http://www.w3.org/TR/xptr-framework/>. framework/>.
Appendix A. Front-Page ("Boilerplate") Generation Appendix A. Front-Page ("Boilerplate") Generation
The values listed here will be defined by the RFC Series Editor. The values listed here will be defined by the RFC Series Editor.
Those listed here are believed to be the current values in use. Those listed here are believed to be the current values in use.
A.1. The "ipr" Attribute A.1. The "ipr" Attribute
This attribute value can take a long list of values, each of which This attribute value can take a long list of values, each of which
describes an IPR policy for the document (Section 2.45.5). The describes an IPR policy for the document (Section 2.45.5). The
values are not the result of a grand design, but they remain simply values are not the result of a grand design, but they remain simply
for historic reasons. Of these values, only a few are currently in for historic reasons. Of these values, only a few are currently in
use; all others are supported by various tools for backwards use; all others are supported by various tools for backwards
compatibility with old source files. compatibility with old source files.
*Note:* some variations of the boilerplate are selected based on Note: Some variations of the boilerplate are selected based on the
the document's date; therefore, it is important to specify the document's date; therefore, it is important to specify the "year",
"year", "month", and "day" attributes of the <date> element when "month", and "day" attributes of the <date> element when archiving
archiving the XML source of an Internet-Draft on the day of the XML source of an Internet-Draft on the day of submission.
refer to <http://trustee.ietf.org/docs/IETF-Copyright-FAQ.pdf>. refer to <http://trustee.ietf.org/docs/IETF-Copyright-FAQ.pdf>.
For the current "Copyright Notice" text, the submissionType attribute For the current "Copyright Notice" text, the submissionType attribute
of the <rfc> element (Section 2.45.12) determines whether a statement of the <rfc> element (Section 2.45.12) determines whether a statement
about "Code Components" is inserted (which is the case for the value about "Code Components" is inserted (which is the case for the value
"IETF", which is the default). Other values, such as "independent", "IETF", which is the default). Other values, such as "independent",
suppress this part of the text. suppress this part of the text.
A.1.1. Current Values: "*trust200902" A.1.1. Current Values: "*trust200902"
The name for these values refers tto the IETF Trust's "Legal The name for these values refers to version 2.0 of the IETF Trust's
Provisions Relating to IETF Documents", sometimes simply called the "Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents", sometimes simply
"TLP", which went into effect on February 15, 2009 ([TLP2.0]). called the "TLP", which went into effect on February 15, 2009
Updates to this document were published on September 12, 2009 [TLP2.0]. Updates to the document were published on September 12,
[TLP3.0] and on December 28, 2009 [TLP4.0], modifying the license for 2009 [TLP3.0] and on December 28, 2009 [TLP4.0], modifying the
code components (see <http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info/> for license for code components (see <http://trustee.ietf.org/license-
further information). The actual text is located in Section 6 ("Text info/> for further information). The actual text is located in
to Be Included in IETF Documents") of these documents. Section 6 ("Text to Be Included in IETF Documents") of these
The prep tool automatically produces the "correct" text, depending on The prep tool automatically produces the "correct" text, depending on
the document's date information (see above): the document's date information (see above):
+----------+--------------------------------+ +----------+--------------------------------+
| TLP | starting with publication date | | TLP | starting with publication date |
+----------+--------------------------------+ +----------+--------------------------------+
| [TLP3.0] | 2009-11-01 | | [TLP3.0] | 2009-11-01 |
| [TLP4.0] | 2010-04-01 | | [TLP4.0] | 2010-04-01 |
+----------+--------------------------------+ +----------+--------------------------------+
The TLP was again updated in March 2015 ([TLP5.0]), but the The TLP was again updated in March 2015 [TLP5.0], but the changes
changes made in that version do not affect the boilerplate text. made in that version do not affect the boilerplate text.
A.1.1.1. trust200902 A.1.1.1. trust200902
This value should be used unless one of the more specific This value should be used unless one of the more specific
"*trust200902" values is a better fit. It produces the text in "*trust200902" values is a better fit. It produces the text in
Sections 6.a and 6.b of the TLP. Sections 6.a and 6.b of the TLP.
A.1.1.2. noModificationTrust200902 A.1.1.2. noModificationTrust200902
This produces additional text from Section 6.c.i of the TLP: This produces the additional text from Section 6.c.i of the TLP:
This document may not be modified, and derivative works of it may This document may not be modified, and derivative works of it may
not be created, except to format it for publication as an RFC or not be created, except to format it for publication as an RFC or
to translate it into languages other than English. to translate it into languages other than English.
*Note:* this clause is incompatible with RFCs that are published Note: this clause is incompatible with RFCs that are published on
on the Standards Track. the Standards Track.
A.1.1.3. noDerivativesTrust200902 A.1.1.3. noDerivativesTrust200902
This produces the additional text from Section 6.c.ii of the TLP: This produces the additional text from Section 6.c.ii of the TLP:
This document may not be modified, and derivative works of it may This document may not be modified, and derivative works of it may
not be created, and it may not be published except as an Internet- not be created, and it may not be published except as an Internet-
Draft. Draft.
*Note:* this clause is incompatible with RFCs. Note: this clause is incompatible with RFCs.
A.1.1.4. pre5378Trust200902 A.1.1.4. pre5378Trust200902
This produces the additional text from Section 6.c.iii of the TLP, This produces the additional text from Section 6.c.iii of the TLP,
frequently called the "pre-5378 escape clause" referring to changes frequently called the "pre-5378 escape clause" referring to changes
introduced in [RFC5378]): introduced in [RFC5378]:
This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
Contributions published or made publicly available before November Contributions published or made publicly available before November
10, 2008. The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this 10, 2008. The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow
modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process. modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.
Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s)
controlling the copyright in such materials, this document may not controlling the copyright in such materials, this document may not
be modified outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative be modified outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative
works of it may not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, works of it may not be created outside the IETF Standards Process,
except to format it for publication as an RFC or to translate it except to format it for publication as an RFC or to translate it
into languages other than English. into languages other than English.
See Section 4 of See Section 4 of <http://trustee.ietf.org/docs/IETF-Copyright-
<http://trustee.ietf.org/docs/IETF-Copyright-FAQ.pdf> for further FAQ.pdf> for further information about when to use this value.
information about when to use this value.
*Note:* this text appears under "Copyright Notice", unless the Note: this text appears under "Copyright Notice", unless the
document was published before November 2009, in which case it document was published before November 2009, in which case it
appears under "Status of This Memo". appears under "Status of This Memo".
A.1.2. Historic Values A.1.2. Historic Values
A.1.2.1. Historic Values: "*trust200811" A.1.2.1. Historic Values: "*trust200811"
The attribute values "trust200811", "noModificationTrust200811", and The attribute values "trust200811", "noModificationTrust200811", and
"noDerivativesTrust200811" are similar to their "trust200902" "noDerivativesTrust200811" are similar to their "trust200902"
counterparts, except that they use text specified in [TLP1.0]. counterparts, except that they use text specified in [TLP1.0].
skipping to change at page 91, line 24 skipping to change at page 91, line 52
similar to their counterparts above, except that they use text similar to their counterparts above, except that they use text
specified in Section 10 of [RFC2026]. specified in Section 10 of [RFC2026].
The special value "none" was also used back then; it denied the IETF The special value "none" was also used back then; it denied the IETF
any rights beyond publication as an Internet-Draft. any rights beyond publication as an Internet-Draft.
A.2. The "submissionType" Attribute A.2. The "submissionType" Attribute
The RFC Editor publishes documents from different "document streams", The RFC Editor publishes documents from different "document streams",
of which the "IETF stream" is the most prominent. Other streams are of which the "IETF stream" is the most prominent. Other streams are
the Independent Submission stream (used for things such as discussion the "Independent Submissions stream" (used for things such as
of Internet-related technologies that are not part of the IETF discussion of Internet-related technologies that are not part of the
agenda), the "IAB stream" (Internet Architecture Board) and the "IRTF IETF agenda), the "IAB stream" (Internet Architecture Board), and the
stream" (Internet Research Task Force). "IRTF stream" (Internet Research Task Force).
The values for the attribute are "IETF" (the default value), The values for the attribute are "IETF" (the default value),
"independent", "IAB", and "IRTF". "independent", "IAB", and "IRTF".
Historically, this attribute did not affect the final appearance of Historically, this attribute did not affect the final appearance of
RFCs, except for subtle differences in copyright notices. Nowadays RFCs, except for subtle differences in copyright notices. Nowadays
(as of [RFC7841]), the stream name appears in the first line of the (as of [RFC7841]), the stream name appears in the first line of the
front page, and it also affects the text in the "Status of This Memo" front page, and it also affects the text in the "Status of This Memo"
section. section.
skipping to change at page 91, line 49 skipping to change at page 92, line 28
have the following effect: have the following effect:
o For RFCs, the stream name appears in the upper left corner of the o For RFCs, the stream name appears in the upper left corner of the
first page (in Internet-Drafts, this is either "Network Working first page (in Internet-Drafts, this is either "Network Working
Group" or the value of the <workgroup> element). Group" or the value of the <workgroup> element).
o For RFCs, it affects the whole "Status of This Memo" section (see o For RFCs, it affects the whole "Status of This Memo" section (see
Section 3.2 of [RFC7841]). Section 3.2 of [RFC7841]).
o For all RFCs and Internet-Drafts, it determines whether the o For all RFCs and Internet-Drafts, it determines whether the
"Copyright Notice" mentions the Copyright on Code Components (see "Copyright Notice" section mentions the Copyright on Code
Section 6 of the TLP ("Text to Be Included in IETF Documents")). Components (see Section 6 of the TLP ("Text to Be Included in IETF
A.3. The "consensus" Attribute A.3. The "consensus" Attribute
For some of the publication streams (see Appendix A.2), the "Status For some of the publication streams (see Appendix A.2), the "Status
of This Memo" section depends on whether there was a consensus to of This Memo" section depends on whether there was a consensus to
publish (again, see Section 3.4 of [RFC7841]). publish (again, see Section 3.4 of [RFC7841]).
The consensus attribute can be used to supply this information. The The consensus attribute can be used to supply this information. The
acceptable values are "true" (the default) and "false"; "yes" and acceptable values are "true" (the default) and "false"; "yes" and
"no" from v2 are deprecated. For documents in the IRTF stream, this "no" from v2 are deprecated.
value must be "false".
The effect of this value for the various streams is: The effect of this value for the various streams is:
o "independent" and "IAB": none. o "independent": none.
o "IAB": mention that there was an IAB consensus.
o "IETF": mention that there was an IETF consensus. o "IETF": mention that there was an IETF consensus.
o "IRTF": the text needs to describe the consensus/review as o "IRTF": mention that there was a research group consensus (where
described in Section 2.1 of [RFC5743]. the name of the research group is extracted from the <workgroup>
Appendix B. The v3 Format and Processing Tools Appendix B. The v3 Format and Processing Tools
This section describes topics that are specific to v3 processing This section describes topics that are specific to v3 processing
tools. Note that there is some discussion of tools in the main body tools. Note that there is some discussion of tools in the main body
of the document as well. For example, some elements have of the document as well. For example, some elements have
descriptions of how a processing tool might create output from the descriptions of how a processing tool might create output from the
element. element.
The expected design of the tools that will be used with v3 documents The expected design of the tools that will be used with v3 documents
includes: includes:
o A "prep tool" that takes a v3 document, makes many checks, adds o A "prep tool" that takes a v3 document, makes many checks, adds
and changes many attribute values, and creates a file that is a and changes many attribute values, and creates a file that is a
"prepared document". The prepared document is a valid v3 "prepared document". The prepared document is a valid v3
document. The prep tool is described in [PREPTOOL]. document. The prep tool is described in [RFC7998].
o The prep tool is expected to have many modes: The prep tool is expected to have many modes:
* RFC mode -- The mode used by the RFC Editor to process the * RFC mode -- The mode used by the RFC Editor to process the
input from one of the RFC streams, and to process XML produced input from one of the RFC streams and to process XML produced
during the RFC editing process. The restrictions on the during the RFC editing process. The restrictions on the
canonical XML for RFCs, as well as how the non-canonical canonical XML for RFCs, as well as how the non-canonical
formats will look, are described at <https:// formats will look, are described at <https://www.rfc-
www.rfc-editor.org/rse/wiki/ editor.org/rse/wiki/doku.php?id=design:format-and-content-
doku.php?id=design:format-and-content-rfcs>. rfcs>.
* Draft mode -- The mode used by the Internet-Draft submission * Draft mode -- The mode used by the Internet-Draft submission
tool. The restrictions for the XML from this mode will be tool. The restrictions for the XML from this mode will be
described later. described later.
* Diagnostic mode -- A mode that can be used by document authors * Diagnostic mode -- A mode that can be used by document authors
to look for errors or warnings before they submit their to look for errors or warnings before they submit their
documents for publication. documents for publication.
* Consolidation mode -- Produces output where no external * Consolidation mode -- Produces output where no external
resources are required to render the file output. This resources are required to render the file output. This
includes expanding the XInclude entities and DTD entities in includes expanding the XInclude entities and DTD entities in
place, and changing all elements that have "src" attributes place, and changing all elements that have "src" attributes
with external links into either "data:" URI or content for the with external links into either "data:" URI or content for the
element, as specified in [PREPTOOL]. element, as specified in [RFC7998].
o Formatting tools that will create HTML, PDF, plain text, and o Formatting tools that will create HTML, PDF, plain text, and
possibly other output formats. These formatters will be created possibly other output formats. These formatters will be created
by the IETF, but others can create such tools as well. The IETF by the IETF, but others can create such tools as well. The IETF
tools are expected to take prepared documents as input. tools are expected to take prepared documents as input.
There may also be processing tools that are meant to run on the There may also be processing tools that are meant to run on the
computers of authors. These tools may be used to produce interim computers of authors. These tools may be used to produce interim
versions of the non-canonical representations so that authors can see versions of the non-canonical representations so that authors can see
how their XML might later be rendered; to create documents in how their XML might later be rendered, to create documents in
representations different than those supported by the RFC Editor; to representations different than those supported by the RFC Editor, to
possibly create documents that are not meant to be Internet-Drafts or possibly create documents that are not meant to be Internet-Drafts or
RFCs; and to convert XML that has external information into XML that RFCs, and to convert XML that has external information into XML that
has that external information included. has that external information included.
The prep tool is expected to have clear error reporting, giving more The prep tool is expected to have clear error reporting, giving more
context than just a line number. For example, the error messages context than just a line number. For example, the error messages
should differentiate between errors in XML and those from the v3 should differentiate between errors in XML and those from the v3
format. format.
In v2, the grammar was specified as a DTD. In v3, the grammar is In v2, the grammar was specified as a DTD. In v3, the grammar is
specified only as Relax Next Generation (RNG). This means that tools specified only as RELAX Next Generation (RNG). This means that tools
need to work from the RNG, not from a DTD. Some of the features of need to work from the RNG, not from a DTD. Some of the features of
the v3 grammar cannot be specified as a DTD. the v3 grammar cannot be specified as a DTD.
B.1. Including External Text with XInclude B.1. Including External Text with XInclude
All tools for the v3 format are expected to support XInclude All tools for the v3 format are expected to support XInclude
[XInclude]. XInclude specifies a processing model and syntax for [XInclude]. XInclude specifies a processing model and syntax for
general purpose inclusion of information that is either on the general-purpose inclusion of information that is either on the
Internet or local to the user's computer. Internet or local to the user's computer.
In the v3 syntax, XInclude is expressed as the <xi:include> element. In the v3 syntax, XInclude is expressed as the <xi:include> element.
To use this element, you need to include the "xi" namespace in the To use this element, you need to include the "xi" namespace in the
<rfc> element; that is, you need to specify <rfc> element; that is, you need to specify
xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
as one of the attributes in the <rfc> element. as one of the attributes in the <rfc> element.
The most common way to use <xi:include> is to pull in references that The most common way to use <xi:include> is to pull in references that
are already formed as XML. Currently, this can be done from are already formed as XML. Currently, this can be done from
xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org, but later is expected to be from the RFC xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org, but later this is expected to be from the RFC
Editor. For example, if a document has three normative references, Editor. For example, if a document has three normative references,
all RFCs, the document might contain: all RFCs, the document might contain:
<references> <references>
<xi:include href="http://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/ <xi:include href="http://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/
bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/> bibxml/reference.RFC.2119.xml"/>
<xi:include href="http://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/ <xi:include href="http://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/
bibxml/reference.RFC.4869.xml"/> bibxml/reference.RFC.4869.xml"/>
<xi:include href="http://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/ <xi:include href="http://xml2rfc.tools.ietf.org/public/rfc/
bibxml/reference.RFC.7169.xml"/> bibxml/reference.RFC.7169.xml"/>
</references> </references>
<xi:include> can be used anywhere an XML element could be used (but <xi:include> can be used anywhere an XML element could be used (but
not where free text is used). For example, if three Internet-Drafts not where free text is used). For example, if three Internet-Drafts
are all including a particular paragraph or section verbatim, that are all including a particular paragraph or section verbatim, that
text can be kept either in a file or somewhere on the web, and be text can be kept either in a file or somewhere on the web and can be
included with <xi:include>. An example of pulling something from the included with <xi:include>. An example of pulling something from the
local disk would be: local disk would be:
<x:include href="file://home/chris/ietf/drafts/commontext.xml"/> <x:include href="file://home/chris/ietf/drafts/commontext.xml"/>
In general, XInclude should be used instead of ENTITY references and In general, XInclude should be used instead of ENTITY references and
XML Processing Instructions (PIs) that allow external inclusions. XML Processing Instructions (PIs) that allow external inclusions.
B.2. Anchors and IDs B.2. Anchors and IDs
People writing and reading Internet-Drafts and RFCs often want to People writing and reading Internet-Drafts and RFCs often want to
make reference to specific locations in those documents. In the case make reference to specific locations in those documents. In the case
of RFC authors, it is common to want to reference another part of of RFC authors, it is common to want to reference another part of
their document, such as "see Section 3.2 of this document". Readers, their document, such as "see Section 3.2 of this document." Readers,
on the other hand, want to reference part of documents that they on the other hand, want to reference parts of documents that they
didn't write, such as "see Section 3.2 of RFC 6949". The XML didn't write, such as "see Section 3.2 of RFC 6949." The XML
vocabulary in this document attempts to support both sets of people. vocabulary in this document attempts to support both sets of people.
Authors can leave anchors in a document that can later be used for Authors can leave anchors in a document that can later be used for
references with the "anchor" attribute. Anchors can be included in references with the "anchor" attribute. Anchors can be included in
the numerous elements. The author can then refer to that anchor in the numerous elements. The author can then refer to that anchor in
the "target" attribute of the <xref> element. the "target" attribute of the <xref> element.
Readers can refer to any element that has an "anchor" attribute by Readers can refer to any element that has an "anchor" attribute by
that attribute. Note, however, that most of the time, elements won't that attribute. Note, however, that most of the time, elements won't
have anchors. In the common case, the reader wants to refer to an have anchors. In the common case, the reader wants to refer to an
element that does not have an "anchor" attribute, but that element element that does not have an "anchor" attribute, but that element
has "pn" attribute. has a "pn" attribute.
Processing tools add the "pn" attribute to many elements during Processing tools add the "pn" attribute to many elements during
processing. This attribute and its value are automatically generated processing. This attribute and its value are automatically generated
by the tool if the attribute is not there; if the attribute is by the tool if the attribute is not there; if the attribute is
already there, the tool may replace the value. already there, the tool may replace the value.
B.2.1. Overlapping Values B.2.1. Overlapping Values
In the HTML representation of this XML vocabulary, both anchors and In the HTML representation of this XML vocabulary, both anchors and
"pn" attributes will be used in the "id" attributes of elements. "pn" attributes will be used in the "id" attributes of elements.
skipping to change at page 95, line 31 skipping to change at page 96, line 23
sections can only have those anchor values. sections can only have those anchor values.
The following rules prevent this overlap: The following rules prevent this overlap:
o "pn" for regular sections always has the format "s-nnn", where o "pn" for regular sections always has the format "s-nnn", where
"nnn" is the section number, or the appendix identifier (which "nnn" is the section number, or the appendix identifier (which
starts with a letter). For example, this would be "s-2.1.3" for starts with a letter). For example, this would be "s-2.1.3" for
Section 2.1.3 and "s-a" for Appendix A. For the <abstract> Section 2.1.3 and "s-a" for Appendix A. For the <abstract>
element, it is always "s-abstract". For the <note> element, it is element, it is always "s-abstract". For the <note> element, it is
always "s-note-nnn", where "nnn" is a sequential value. For always "s-note-nnn", where "nnn" is a sequential value. For
sections in the <boilerplate> element, it is always sections in the <boilerplate> element, it is always "s-
"s-boilerplate-nnn", where "nnn" is a sequential value. boilerplate-nnn", where "nnn" is a sequential value.
o "pn" for <references> elements has the format "s-nnn". It is o "pn" for <references> elements has the format "s-nnn". It is
important to note that "nnn" is a number, not letters, even though important to note that "nnn" is a number, not letters, even though
the <references> appear in the back. It is the number that is one the <references> appear in the back. It is the number that is one
higher than the highest top-level section number in <middle>. If higher than the highest top-level section number in <middle>. If
there are two or more <references>, "nnn" will include a dot as if there are two or more <references>, "nnn" will include a dot as if
the <references> are a subsection of a section that is numbered the <references> are a subsection of a section that is numbered
one higher than the highest top-level section number in <middle>. one higher than the highest top-level section number in <middle>.
o "pn" for <figure> elements always has the format "f-nnn", where o "pn" for <figure> elements always has the format "f-nnn", where
skipping to change at page 96, line 9 skipping to change at page 96, line 49
"ttt" is the slugified item (plus a hyphen and the slugified "ttt" is the slugified item (plus a hyphen and the slugified
subitem if there is a subitem), and "nnn" is the instance of that subitem if there is a subitem), and "nnn" is the instance of that
item/subitem pair. For example, this would be "i-foo-1" for item/subitem pair. For example, this would be "i-foo-1" for
"<iref item='foo'>" and "i-foo-bar-1" for "<iref item='foo' "<iref item='foo'>" and "i-foo-bar-1" for "<iref item='foo'
subitem='bar'>". subitem='bar'>".
o "pn" for <table> elements always has the format "t-nnn", where o "pn" for <table> elements always has the format "t-nnn", where
"nnn" is the table number. For example, this would be "t-5" for "nnn" is the table number. For example, this would be "t-5" for
Table 5. Table 5.
o "pn" for all elements not listed above always has the format o "pn" for all elements not listed above always has the format "p-
"p-nnn-mmm", where "nnn" is the section number and "mmm" is the nnn-mmm", where "nnn" is the section number and "mmm" is the
relative position in the section. For example, this would be relative position in the section. For example, this would be
"p-2.1.3-7" for the seventh part number in Section 2.1.3. "p-2.1.3-7" for the seventh part number in Section 2.1.3.
o "slugifiedName" always has the format "n-ttt", where "ttt" is the o "slugifiedName" always has the format "n-ttt", where "ttt" is the
text of the name after slugification. For example, this would be text of the name after slugification. For example, this would be
"n-protocol-overview" for the name "Protocol Overview". The "n-protocol-overview" for the name "Protocol Overview". The
actual conversions done in slugification will be specified at a actual conversions done in slugification will be specified at a
later time. later time.
o Anchors must never overlap with any of the above. The easiest way o Anchors must never overlap with any of the above. The easiest way
skipping to change at page 97, line 14 skipping to change at page 98, line 6
can be used in the output formats for elements that have both can be used in the output formats for elements that have both
names and numbers. names and numbers.
o <relref> "derivedLink" attribute -- This attribute is filled with o <relref> "derivedLink" attribute -- This attribute is filled with
the link that is derived from combining the URI from the reference the link that is derived from combining the URI from the reference
and the relative part that is either a copy of the "relative" and the relative part that is either a copy of the "relative"
attribute or a section number derived from the "section" attribute or a section number derived from the "section"
attribute. attribute.
o <rfc> "expiresDate" attribute -- This attribute is filled with the o <rfc> "expiresDate" attribute -- This attribute is filled with the
date that an Internet Draft expires. The date is in the format date that an Internet-Draft expires. The date is in the format
yyyy-mm-dd. yyyy-mm-dd.
o <rfc> "mode" attribute -- This attribute is filled with a string o <rfc> "mode" attribute -- This attribute is filled with a string
that indicates what mode the prep tool was in when it processed that indicates what mode the prep tool was in when it processed
the XML, such as whether it was processing a file to become an the XML, such as whether it was processing a file to become an
Internet-Draft or an RFC. Internet-Draft or an RFC.
o <rfc> "scripts" attribute -- This attribute is filled with a list o <rfc> "scripts" attribute -- This attribute is filled with a list
of scripts needed to render this document. The list is comma- of scripts needed to render this document. The list is comma-
separated, with no spaces allowed. The order is unimportant. The separated, with no spaces allowed. The order is unimportant. The
names come from [UAX24]. For example, if the document has Chinese names come from [UAX24]. For example, if the document has Chinese
characters in it, the value might be "Common,Latin,Han". characters in it, the value might be "Common,Latin,Han".
o <sourcecode> "originalSrc" attribute -- This attribute is filled o <sourcecode> "originalSrc" attribute -- This attribute is filled
with the original value of the "src" attribute if that attribute with the original value of the "src" attribute if that attribute
is removed by the prep tool. is removed by the prep tool.
o <xref> "derivedContent" attribute -- This attribute is filled in o <xref> "derivedContent" attribute -- This attribute is filled in
if there is no content in the <xref> element. The value for this if there is no content in the <xref> element. The value for this
attribute based on the value in the "displayFormat" attribute. attribute is based on the value in the "displayFormat" attribute.
Examples of how this value is filled can be found at Examples of how this value is filled can be found in
Section 2.66.1. Section 2.66.1.
In addition, note that the contents of the <boilerplate> element is In addition, note that the contents of the <boilerplate> element are
controlled by the prep tool. controlled by the prep tool.
Appendix C. Relax NG Schema Appendix C. RELAX NG Schema
The following is the RelaxNG schema for the v3 format. The following is the RELAX NG schema for the v3 format.
namespace a = "http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0" namespace a = "http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0"
# xml2rfc Version 3 grammar # xml2rfc Version 3 grammar
rfc = rfc =
element rfc { element rfc {
attribute xml:base { text }?, attribute xml:base { text }?,
attribute xml:lang { text }?, attribute xml:lang { text }?,
attribute number { text }?, attribute number { text }?,
skipping to change at page 112, line 27 skipping to change at page 113, line 17
[ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute type { text }?, [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute type { text }?,
attribute src { text }?, attribute src { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "left" ] [ a:defaultValue = "left" ]
attribute align { "left" | "center" | "right" }?, attribute align { "left" | "center" | "right" }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute alt { text }?, [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute alt { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute width { text }?, [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute width { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute height { text }?, [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute height { text }?,
attribute originalSrc { text }?, attribute originalSrc { text }?,
(text* | svg) (text* | svg)
} }
# TODO: replace with link to RSE site, or provide an inline version # https://www.rfc-editor.org/materials/format/SVG-1.2-RFC.rnc
include "svg.rnc"
sourcecode = sourcecode =
element sourcecode { element sourcecode {
attribute xml:base { text }?, attribute xml:base { text }?,
attribute xml:lang { text }?, attribute xml:lang { text }?,
attribute anchor { xsd:ID }?, attribute anchor { xsd:ID }?,
attribute pn { text }?, attribute pn { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute name { text }?, [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute name { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute type { text }?, [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute type { text }?,
attribute src { text }?, attribute src { text }?,
attribute originalSrc { text }?, attribute originalSrc { text }?,
skipping to change at page 132, line 41 skipping to change at page 133, line 27
attribute src { text }?, attribute src { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "left" ] [ a:defaultValue = "left" ]
attribute align { "left" | "center" | "right" }?, attribute align { "left" | "center" | "right" }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute alt { text }?, [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute alt { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute width { text }?, [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute width { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute height { text }?, [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute height { text }?,
- text* - text*
+ attribute originalSrc { text }?, + attribute originalSrc { text }?,
+ (text* | svg) + (text* | svg)
+ } + }
+ # TODO: replace with link to RSE site, or provide an inline + # https://www.rfc-editor.org/materials/format/SVG-1.2-RFC.rnc
+ version
+ include "svg.rnc"
+ sourcecode = + sourcecode =
+ element sourcecode { + element sourcecode {
+ attribute xml:base { text }?, + attribute xml:base { text }?,
+ attribute xml:lang { text }?, + attribute xml:lang { text }?,
+ attribute anchor { xsd:ID }?, + attribute anchor { xsd:ID }?,
+ attribute pn { text }?, + attribute pn { text }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute name { text }?, + [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute name { text }?,
+ [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute type { text }?, + [ a:defaultValue = "" ] attribute type { text }?,
+ attribute src { text }?, + attribute src { text }?,
+ attribute originalSrc { text }?, + attribute originalSrc { text }?,
skipping to change at page 137, line 45 skipping to change at page 138, line 29
+ | xref)* + | xref)*
+ } + }
+ refcontent = + refcontent =
+ element refcontent { + element refcontent {
+ attribute xml:base { text }?, + attribute xml:base { text }?,
+ attribute xml:lang { text }?, + attribute xml:lang { text }?,
+ (text | bcp14 | em | strong | sub | sup | tt)* + (text | bcp14 | em | strong | sub | sup | tt)*
+ } + }
+ start |= rfc + start |= rfc
Appendix E. Acknowledgments
Thanks to everybody who reviewed this document and provided feedback
and/or specification text. Thanks especially go to Julian Reschke
for editing [RFC7749] and those who provided feedback on that
We also thank Marshall T. Rose for both the original design and the
reference implementation of the "xml2rfc" processor.
Index Index
abbrev 41, 69
align 14, 31, 65, 68, 79-80
alt 14, 31
anchor 11, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27-28, 31, 36, 39, 43-45, 53,
57, 62, 64, 66, 68-69, 71, 79
ascii 21-22, 29, 41-42, 45, 59, 69
asciiFullname 17
asciiInitials 17
asciiName 55
asciiSurname 17
asciiValue 55
blankLines 80
category 49
cite 20
colspan 66, 68
consensus 49
counter 76
day 24
display 23
displayFormat 46
docName 50
empty 71
format 72
fullname 18
group 39
hangIndent 76
hanging 27
hangText 62
height 14, 32
href 36
indexInclude 50
initials 18
ipr 50
iprExtract 50
item 34
keepWithNext 62
keepWithPrevious 63
month 24
name 14, 55, 57
number 50
numbered 53
obsoletes 50
octets 75
pageno 74
prepTime 51
primary 34
quotedFrom 20
quoteTitle 44
rel 36
relative 48
removeInRFC 38, 54
role 18
rowspan 66, 68
section 49
seriesNo 51
sortRefs 51
source 23
spacing 27, 39, 71
src 15, 32, 58
start 39
status 56
stream 56
style 76, 78-79
subitem 34
submissionType 51
suppress-title 32, 79
surname 18
symRefs 51
target 26, 30, 44, 49, 74-75
title 32, 38, 45, 54, 79
to 26
toc 54
tocDepth 52
tocInclude 52
type 15, 39, 58, 76
updates 52
value 56
version 52
width 16, 32, 80
xml:space 16, 78
year 24
abbrev attribute abbrev attribute
in organization element 41 in organization element 41
in title element 69 in title element 69
abstract element 11, 97 abstract element 10, 98
anchor attribute 11 anchor attribute 11
inside front 33 inside front 33
address element 11, 97 address element 11, 98
inside author 18 inside author 17
align attribute align attribute
in artwork element 14 in artwork element 14
in figure element 32 in figure element 31
in td element 66 in td element 65
in texttable element 79 in texttable element 79
in th element 68 in th element 68
in ttcol element 80 in ttcol element 80
alt attribute alt attribute
in artwork element 14 in artwork element 14
in figure element 32 in figure element 31
anchor attribute anchor attribute
in abstract element 11 in abstract element 11
in artwork element 15 in artwork element 14
in aside element 17 in aside element 16
in blockquote element 21 in blockquote element 20
in cref element 23 in cref element 23
in dd element 26 in dd element 25
in dl element 27 in dl element 27
in dt element 29 in dt element 28
in figure element 32 in figure element 31
in li element 36 in li element 36
in ol element 39 in ol element 39
in reference element 44 in reference element 43
in referencegroup element 45 in referencegroup element 44
in references element 45 in references element 45
in section element 54 in section element 53
in sourcecode element 58 in sourcecode element 57
in t element 63 in t element 62
in table element 64 in table element 64
in tbody element 64 in tbody element 64
in td element 66 in td element 66
in texttable element 79 in texttable element 79
in tfoot element 67 in tfoot element 66
in th element 68 in th element 68
in thead element 69 in thead element 69
in tr element 70 in tr element 69
in ul element 71 in ul element 71
annotation element 12, 97 annotation element 11, 98
inside reference 44 inside reference 43
application/rfc+xml Media Type 82 application/rfc+xml Media Type 82
area element 12, 97 area element 12, 98
inside front 33 inside front 33
artwork element 13, 97 artwork element 12, 98
align attribute 14 align attribute 14
alt attribute 14 alt attribute 14
anchor attribute 15 anchor attribute 14
height attribute 15 height attribute 14
inside aside 16 inside aside 16
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 19
inside dd 25 inside dd 24
inside figure 31 inside figure 31
inside li 35 inside li 35
inside section 53 inside section 53
inside td 65 inside td 64
inside th 67 inside th 67
name attribute 15 name attribute 14
src attribute 15 src attribute 15
type attribute 16 type attribute 15
width attribute 16 width attribute 16
xml:space attribute 16 xml:space attribute 16
ascii attribute ascii attribute
in city element 22 in city element 21
in code element 22 in code element 22
in country element 22 in country element 22
in email element 30 in email element 29
in organization element 41 in organization element 41
in postalLine element 42 in postalLine element 42
in region element 46 in region element 45
in street element 59 in street element 59
in title element 69 in title element 69
asciiFullname attribute asciiFullname attribute
in author element 18 in author element 17
asciiInitials attribute asciiInitials attribute
in author element 18 in author element 17
asciiName attribute asciiName attribute
in seriesInfo element 55 in seriesInfo element 55
asciiSurname attribute asciiSurname attribute
in author element 18 in author element 17
asciiValue attribute asciiValue attribute
in seriesInfo element 55 in seriesInfo element 55
aside element 16, 97 aside element 16, 98
anchor attribute 17 anchor attribute 16
inside section 53 inside section 53
Attributes author element 17, 98
abbrev 41, 69 asciiFullname attribute 17
align 14, 32, 66, 68, 79-80 asciiInitials attribute 17
alt 14, 32 asciiSurname attribute 17
anchor 11, 15, 17, 21, 23, 26-27, 29, 32, 36, 39, 44-45, 54,
58, 63-64, 66-71, 79
ascii 22, 30, 41-42, 46, 59, 69
asciiFullname 18
asciiInitials 18
asciiName 55
asciiSurname 18
asciiValue 55
blankLines 81
category 50
cite 21
colspan 66, 68
consensus 50
counter 76
day 24
display 23
displayFormat 47
docName 50
empty 71
format 73
fullname 18
group 39
hangIndent 76
hanging 27
hangText 63
height 15, 32
href 37
indexInclude 50
initials 18
ipr 51
iprExtract 51
item 34
keepWithNext 63
keepWithPrevious 63
month 24
name 15, 56, 58
number 51
numbered 54
obsoletes 51
octets 76
pageno 74
prepTime 51
primary 34
quotedFrom 21
quoteTitle 44
rel 37
relative 49
removeInRFC 38, 54
role 18
rowspan 66, 69
section 49
seriesNo 51
sortRefs 51
source 24
spacing 28, 39, 71
src 15, 32, 58
start 40
status 56
stream 56
style 76, 78-79
subitem 35
submissionType 52
suppress-title 32, 79
surname 19
symRefs 52
target 26, 31, 44, 49, 74, 76
title 33, 39, 46, 54, 79
to 27
toc 54
tocDepth 52
tocInclude 52
type 16, 40, 58, 76
updates 52
value 57
version 53
width 16, 33, 80
xml:space 16, 78
year 25
author element 17, 97
asciiFullname attribute 18
asciiInitials attribute 18
asciiSurname attribute 18
fullname attribute 18 fullname attribute 18
initials attribute 18 initials attribute 18
inside front 33 inside front 33
role attribute 18 role attribute 18
surname attribute 19 surname attribute 18
back element 19, 97 back element 18, 98
inside rfc 50 inside rfc 49
bcp14 element 19, 98
bcp14 element 19, 97 inside annotation 11
inside annotation 12
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 74
inside dd 25 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside em 29 inside em 28
inside li 36 inside li 35
inside postamble 77 inside postamble 76
inside preamble 77 inside preamble 77
inside refcontent 43 inside refcontent 43
inside strong 60 inside strong 59
inside sub 61 inside sub 60
inside sup 61 inside sup 61
inside t 62 inside t 62
inside td 65 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 67
inside tt 70 inside tt 70
blankLines attribute blankLines attribute
in vspace element 81 in vspace element 80
blockquote element 19, 97 blockquote element 19, 98
anchor attribute 21 anchor attribute 20
cite attribute 21 cite attribute 20
inside section 53 inside section 53
quotedFrom attribute 21 quotedFrom attribute 20
boilerplate element 21, 97
inside front 34 boilerplate element 21, 98
br element 21, 97 inside front 33
br element 21, 98
inside td 65 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 67
c element 74, 97 c element 74, 98
inside texttable 79 inside texttable 78
category attribute category attribute
in rfc element 50 in rfc element 49
cite attribute cite attribute
in blockquote element 21 in blockquote element 20
city element 22, 97 city element 21, 98
ascii attribute 22 ascii attribute 21
inside postal 42 inside postal 41
code element 22, 97 code element 21, 98
ascii attribute 22 ascii attribute 22
inside postal 42 inside postal 41
colspan attribute colspan attribute
in td element 66 in td element 66
in th element 68 in th element 68
consensus attribute consensus attribute
in rfc element 50 in rfc element 49
counter attribute counter attribute
in list element 76 in list element 76
country element 22, 97 country element 22, 98
ascii attribute 22 ascii attribute 22
inside postal 42 inside postal 41
cref element 22, 97 cref element 22, 98
anchor attribute 23 anchor attribute 23
display attribute 23 display attribute 23
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside dd 25 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside em 29 inside em 29
inside li 36 inside li 35
inside name 38 inside name 37
inside postamble 77 inside postamble 76
inside preamble 77 inside preamble 77
inside strong 60 inside strong 59
inside sub 61 inside sub 60
inside sup 61 inside sup 61
inside t 62 inside t 62
inside td 65 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 67
inside tt 70 inside tt 70
inside ttcol 80 inside ttcol 80
source attribute 24 source attribute 23
date element 24, 97 date element 23, 98
day attribute 24 day attribute 24
inside front 33 inside front 33
month attribute 24 month attribute 24
year attribute 25 year attribute 24
day attribute day attribute
in date element 24 in date element 24
dd element 25, 97 dd element 24, 98
anchor attribute 26 anchor attribute 25
inside dl 27 inside dl 27
display attribute display attribute
in cref element 23 in cref element 23
displayFormat attribute displayFormat attribute
in relref element 47 in relref element 46
displayreference element 26, 97 displayreference element 26, 98
inside back 19 inside back 18
target attribute 26 target attribute 26
to attribute 27 to attribute 26
dl element 26, 98
dl element 27, 97
anchor attribute 27 anchor attribute 27
hanging attribute 27 hanging attribute 27
inside abstract 11 inside abstract 11
inside aside 16 inside aside 16
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 19
inside dd 25 inside dd 24
inside li 35 inside li 35
inside note 38 inside note 38
inside section 53 inside section 53
inside td 65 inside td 64
inside th 67 inside th 67
spacing attribute 28 spacing attribute 27
docName attribute docName attribute
in rfc element 50 in rfc element 50
dt element 28, 97 dt element 27, 98
anchor attribute 29 anchor attribute 28
inside dl 27 inside dl 27
Elements Elements
abstract 11, 33 abstract 10, 33
address 11, 18 address 11, 17
annotation 12, 44 annotation 11, 43
area 12, 33 area 12, 33
artwork 13, 16, 20, 25, 31, 35, 53, 65, 67 artwork 12, 16, 19, 24, 31, 35, 53, 64, 67
aside 16, 53 aside 16, 53
author 17, 33 author 17, 33
back 19, 50 back 18, 49
bcp14 12, 19-20, 25, 28-29, 36, 43, 60-62, 65, 68, 70, 75, 77 bcp14 11, 19-20, 25, 28, 35, 43, 59-62, 65, 67, 70, 74, 76-77
blockquote 19, 53 blockquote 19, 53
boilerplate 21, 34 boilerplate 21, 33
br 21, 65, 68 br 21, 65, 67
c 74, 79 c 74, 78
city 22, 42 city 21, 41
code 22, 42 code 21, 41
country 22, 42 country 22, 41
cref 12, 20, 22, 25, 28-29, 36, 38, 60-62, 65, 68, 70, 75, 77, cref 12, 20, 22, 25, 28-29, 35, 37, 59-62, 65, 67, 70, 75-77,
80 80
date 24, 33 date 23, 33
dd 25, 27 dd 24, 27
displayreference 19, 26 displayreference 18, 26
dl 11, 16, 20, 25, 27, 35, 38, 53, 65, 67 dl 11, 16, 19, 24, 26, 35, 38, 53, 64, 67
dt 27-28 dt 27
em 12, 20, 23, 25, 28-29, 36, 43, 60-62, 65, 68, 70, 75, 77 em 12, 20, 22, 25, 28, 35, 43, 59-62, 65, 67, 70, 75-77
email 11, 30 email 11, 29
eref 12, 20, 23, 25, 28-30, 36, 38, 60-62, 65, 68, 70, 75, 77, eref 12, 20, 22, 25, 28-29, 35, 37, 59-62, 65, 67, 70, 75, 77,
80 80
facsimile 11, 75 facsimile 11, 75
figure 17, 20, 25, 31, 35, 53, 65, 67 figure 16, 19, 24, 30, 35, 53, 64, 67
format 44, 75 format 43, 75
front 33, 44, 50 front 32, 43, 49
iref 12, 17, 20, 26, 28-29, 31, 34, 36, 53, 60-62, 64-65, 68, iref 12, 16, 20, 25, 28-29, 31, 33, 35, 53, 59-62, 64-65, 67,
70, 75, 77-78, 80 70, 75, 77, 80
keyword 33, 35 keyword 33-34
li 35, 39, 71 li 34, 39, 71
link 36, 50 link 36, 49
list 17, 62, 76 list 16, 62, 76
middle 37, 50 middle 37, 49
name 31, 37-38, 45, 53, 64, 79 name 31, 37-38, 45, 52, 63, 78
note 33, 38 note 33, 37
ol 11, 17, 20, 25, 35, 38-39, 53, 65, 67 ol 11, 16, 19, 24, 35, 38, 53, 64, 67
organization 18, 41 organization 17, 40
phone 11, 41 phone 11, 41
postal 11, 42 postal 11, 41
postalLine 42 postalLine 42
postamble 32, 76, 79 postamble 31, 76, 79
preamble 31, 77, 79 preamble 31, 77-78
refcontent 43-44 refcontent 42-43
reference 43, 45 reference 43-45
referencegroup 44-45 referencegroup 44-45
references 19, 45 references 18, 44
region 42, 46 region 41, 45
relref 12, 20, 23, 26, 28-29, 36, 38, 46, 60-62, 66, 68, 70 relref 12, 20, 22, 25, 28-29, 35, 37, 45, 60-62, 65, 67, 70
rfc 49 rfc 49
section 19, 21, 37, 53-54 section 18, 21, 37, 52-53
seriesInfo 33, 44, 55 seriesInfo 33, 43, 54
sourcecode 20, 25, 32, 35, 53, 57, 65, 67 sourcecode 19, 25, 31, 35, 53, 57, 65, 67
spanx 12, 62, 75, 77-78 spanx 12, 62, 75, 77-78
street 42, 59 street 41, 59
strong 12, 20, 23, 26, 28-29, 36, 43, 59, 61-62, 66, 68, 70, strong 12, 20, 22, 25, 28-29, 35, 43, 59-62, 65, 67, 70, 75,
75, 77-78 77
sub 12, 20, 23, 26, 28-29, 36, 43, 60, 62, 66, 68, 71, 75, sub 12, 20, 22, 25, 28-29, 35, 43, 60, 62, 65, 67, 70, 75, 77
77-78 sup 12, 20, 23, 25, 28-29, 35, 43, 60-62, 65, 68, 70, 75, 77
sup 12, 21, 23, 26, 28-29, 36, 43, 60-61, 63, 66, 68, 71, 75,
svg 14 svg 14
t 11, 17, 20, 25, 35, 38, 53, 62, 65, 67, 76 t 11, 16, 19, 25, 35, 38, 53, 61, 65, 67, 76
table 17, 53, 64 table 16, 53, 63
tbody 64 tbody 64
td 65, 70 td 64, 69
texttable 54, 78 texttable 53, 78
tfoot 64, 66 tfoot 64, 66
th 67, 70 th 66, 69
thead 64, 69 thead 64, 68
title 33, 69 title 32, 69
tr 64, 67, 69 tr 64, 66, 68-69
tt 12, 21, 23, 26, 28-29, 36, 38, 43, 60-63, 66, 68, 70, 75, tt 12, 20, 23, 25, 28-29, 35, 37, 43, 60-62, 65, 68, 70, 75,
77-78 77-78
ttcol 79-80 ttcol 78-79
ul 11, 17, 20, 25, 35, 38, 54, 65, 67, 71 ul 11, 16, 19, 25, 35, 38, 53, 65, 67, 70
uri 11, 72 uri 11, 71
vspace 63, 80 vspace 62, 80
workgroup 33, 72 workgroup 33, 72
xref 12, 21, 23, 26, 28-29, 36, 38, 60-63, 66, 68, 71-72, 75, xref 12, 20, 23, 25, 28-29, 35, 37, 60-62, 65, 68, 70, 72, 75,
77-78, 80 77-78, 80
em element 29, 97 em element 28, 98
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside cref 23 inside cref 22
inside dd 25 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside li 36 inside li 35
inside postamble 77 inside postamble 76
inside preamble 77 inside preamble 77
inside refcontent 43 inside refcontent 43
inside strong 60 inside strong 59
inside sub 61 inside sub 60
inside sup 61 inside sup 61
inside t 62 inside t 62
inside td 65 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 67
inside tt 70 inside tt 70
email element 30, 97 email element 29, 98
ascii attribute 30 ascii attribute 29
inside address 11 inside address 11
empty attribute empty attribute
in ul element 71 in ul element 71
eref element 30, 97 eref element 29, 98
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside cref 23 inside cref 22
inside dd 25 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside em 29 inside em 29
inside li 36 inside li 35
inside name 38 inside name 37
inside postamble 77 inside postamble 77
inside preamble 77 inside preamble 77
inside strong 60 inside strong 59
inside sub 61 inside sub 60
inside sup 62 inside sup 61
inside t 62 inside t 62
inside td 65 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 67
inside tt 70 inside tt 70
inside ttcol 80 inside ttcol 80
target attribute 31 target attribute 30
facsimile element 75, 97 facsimile element 75, 98
inside address 11 inside address 11
figure element 31, 97 figure element 30, 98
align attribute 32 align attribute 31
alt attribute 32 alt attribute 31
anchor attribute 32 anchor attribute 31
height attribute 32 height attribute 32
inside aside 17 inside aside 16
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 19
inside dd 25 inside dd 24
inside li 35 inside li 35
inside section 53 inside section 53
inside td 65 inside td 64
inside th 67 inside th 67
src attribute 32 src attribute 32
suppress-title attribute 32 suppress-title attribute 32
title attribute 33 title attribute 32
width attribute 33 width attribute 32
format attribute format attribute
in xref element 73 in xref element 72
format element 75, 97 format element 75, 98
inside reference 44 inside reference 43
octets attribute 76 octets attribute 75
target attribute 76 target attribute 75
type attribute 76 type attribute 76
front element 33, 97 front element 32, 98
inside reference 44 inside reference 43
inside rfc 50 inside rfc 49
fullname attribute fullname attribute
in author element 18 in author element 18
group attribute group attribute
in ol element 39 in ol element 39
hangIndent attribute hangIndent attribute
in list element 76 in list element 76
hangText attribute
in t element 62
hanging attribute hanging attribute
in dl element 27 in dl element 27
hangText attribute
in t element 63
height attribute height attribute
in artwork element 15 in artwork element 14
in figure element 32 in figure element 32
href attribute href attribute
in link element 37 in link element 36
indexInclude attribute indexInclude attribute
in rfc element 50 in rfc element 50
initials attribute initials attribute
in author element 18 in author element 18
ipr attribute ipr attribute
"*2026" 91 "*2026" 91
"*3667" 91 "*3667" 91
"*3978" 90 "*3978" 91
"*trust200811" 90 "*trust200811" 91
"*trust200902" 89 "*trust200902" 89
"noDerivativesTrust200902" 89 "noDerivativesTrust200902" 90
"noModificationTrust200902" 89 "noModificationTrust200902" 90
"pre5378Trust200902" 90 "pre5378Trust200902" 90
"trust200902" 89 "trust200902" 90
in rfc element 51 in rfc element 50
iprExtract attribute iprExtract attribute
in rfc element 51 in rfc element 50
iref element 34, 97 iref element 33, 98
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside aside 17 inside aside 16
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside dd 26 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside em 29 inside em 29
inside figure 31 inside figure 31
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inside postamble 77 inside postamble 77
inside preamble 78 inside preamble 77
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inside sub 61 inside sub 60
inside sup 62 inside sup 61
inside t 62 inside t 62
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inside th 68 inside th 67
inside tt 70 inside tt 70
inside ttcol 80 inside ttcol 80
item attribute 34 item attribute 34
primary attribute 34 primary attribute 34
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item attribute item attribute
in iref element 34 in iref element 34
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in t element 63 in t element 62
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in t element 63 in t element 63
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li element 35, 97 li element 34, 98
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link element 36, 97 link element 36, 98
href attribute 37 href attribute 36
inside rfc 50 inside rfc 49
rel attribute 37 rel attribute 36
list element 76, 97 list element 76, 98
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hangIndent attribute 76 hangIndent attribute 76
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inside t 62 inside t 62
style attribute 76 style attribute 76
Media Type Media Type
application/rfc+xml 82 application/rfc+xml 82
middle element 37, 97 middle element 37, 98
inside rfc 50 inside rfc 49
month attribute month attribute
in date element 24 in date element 24
name attribute name attribute
in artwork element 15 in artwork element 14
in seriesInfo element 56 in seriesInfo element 55
in sourcecode element 58 in sourcecode element 57
name element 37, 97 name element 37, 98
inside figure 31 inside figure 31
inside note 38 inside note 38
inside references 45 inside references 45
inside section 53 inside section 52
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inside texttable 79 inside texttable 78
note element 38, 97 note element 37, 98
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title attribute 39 title attribute 38
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in rfc element 51 in rfc element 50
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in format element 76 in format element 75
ol element 39, 97 ol element 38, 98
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group attribute 39 group attribute 39
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inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 19
inside dd 25 inside dd 24
inside li 35 inside li 35
inside note 38 inside note 38
inside section 53 inside section 53
inside td 65 inside td 64
inside th 67 inside th 67
spacing attribute 39 spacing attribute 39
start attribute 40 start attribute 39
type attribute 40 type attribute 39
organization element 41, 97 organization element 40, 98
abbrev attribute 41 abbrev attribute 41
ascii attribute 41 ascii attribute 41
inside author 18 inside author 17
pageno attribute pageno attribute
in xref element 74 in xref element 74
phone element 41, 97 phone element 41, 98
inside address 11 inside address 11
postal element 42, 97 postal element 41, 98
inside address 11 inside address 11
postalLine element 42, 97 postalLine element 42, 98
ascii attribute 42 ascii attribute 42
inside postal 42 inside postal 42
postamble element 76, 97 postamble element 76, 98
inside figure 32
inside texttable 79
preamble element 77, 97
inside figure 31 inside figure 31
inside texttable 79 inside texttable 79
preamble element 77, 98
inside figure 31
inside texttable 78
prepTime attribute prepTime attribute
in rfc element 51 in rfc element 51
primary attribute primary attribute
in iref element 34 in iref element 34
quotedFrom attribute
in blockquote element 21
quoteTitle attribute quoteTitle attribute
in reference element 44 in reference element 44
quotedFrom attribute
in blockquote element 20
refcontent element 43, 97 refcontent element 42, 98
inside reference 44 inside reference 43
reference element 43, 97 reference element 43, 98
anchor attribute 44 anchor attribute 43
inside referencegroup 45 inside referencegroup 44
inside references 45 inside references 45
quoteTitle attribute 44 quoteTitle attribute 44
target attribute 44 target attribute 44
referencegroup element 44, 97 referencegroup element 44, 98
anchor attribute 45 anchor attribute 44
inside references 45 inside references 45
references element 45, 97
references element 44, 98
anchor attribute 45 anchor attribute 45
inside back 19 inside back 18
title attribute 46 title attribute 45
region element 46, 97 region element 45, 98
ascii attribute 46 ascii attribute 45
inside postal 42 inside postal 41
rel attribute rel attribute
in link element 37 in link element 36
relative attribute relative attribute
in relref element 49 in relref element 48
relref element 46, 97 relref element 45, 98
displayFormat attribute 47 displayFormat attribute 46
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inside dd 26 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside em 29 inside em 29
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inside name 38 inside name 37
inside strong 60 inside strong 60
inside sub 61 inside sub 60
inside sup 62 inside sup 61
inside t 62 inside t 62
inside td 66 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 67
inside tt 70 inside tt 70
relative attribute 49 relative attribute 48
section attribute 49 section attribute 49
target attribute 49 target attribute 49
removeInRFC attribute removeInRFC attribute
in note element 38 in note element 38
in section element 54 in section element 54
rfc element 49, 97 rfc element 49, 98
category attribute 50 category attribute 49
consensus attribute 50 consensus attribute 49
docName attribute 50 docName attribute 50
indexInclude attribute 50 indexInclude attribute 50
ipr attribute 51 ipr attribute 50
iprExtract attribute 51 iprExtract attribute 50
number attribute 51 number attribute 50
obsoletes attribute 51 obsoletes attribute 50
prepTime attribute 51 prepTime attribute 51
seriesNo attribute 51 seriesNo attribute 51
sortRefs attribute 51 sortRefs attribute 51
submissionType attribute 52 submissionType attribute 51
symRefs attribute 52 symRefs attribute 51
tocDepth attribute 52 tocDepth attribute 52
tocInclude attribute 52 tocInclude attribute 52
updates attribute 52 updates attribute 52
version attribute 53 version attribute 52
role attribute role attribute
in author element 18 in author element 18
rowspan attribute rowspan attribute
in td element 66 in td element 66
in th element 69 in th element 68
section attribute section attribute
in relref element 49 in relref element 49
section element 53, 97 section element 52, 98
anchor attribute 54 anchor attribute 53
inside back 19 inside back 18
inside boilerplate 21 inside boilerplate 21
inside middle 37 inside middle 37
inside section 54 inside section 53
numbered attribute 54 numbered attribute 53
removeInRFC attribute 54 removeInRFC attribute 54
title attribute 54 title attribute 54
toc attribute 54 toc attribute 54
seriesInfo element 55, 97 seriesInfo element 54, 98
asciiName attribute 55 asciiName attribute 55
asciiValue attribute 55 asciiValue attribute 55
inside front 33 inside front 33
inside reference 44 inside reference 43
name attribute 56 name attribute 55
status attribute 56 status attribute 56
stream attribute 56 stream attribute 56
value attribute 57 value attribute 56
seriesNo attribute seriesNo attribute
in rfc element 51 in rfc element 51
sortRefs attribute sortRefs attribute
in rfc element 51 in rfc element 51
source attribute source attribute
in cref element 24 in cref element 23
sourcecode element 57, 97 sourcecode element 57, 98
anchor attribute 58 anchor attribute 57
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 19
inside dd 25 inside dd 25
inside figure 32 inside figure 31
inside li 35 inside li 35
inside section 53 inside section 53
inside td 65 inside td 65
inside th 67 inside th 67
name attribute 58 name attribute 57
src attribute 58 src attribute 58
type attribute 58 type attribute 58
spacing attribute spacing attribute
in dl element 28 in dl element 27
in ol element 39 in ol element 39
in ul element 71 in ul element 71
spanx element 78, 97 spanx element 78, 98
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside postamble 77 inside postamble 77
inside preamble 78 inside preamble 77
inside t 62 inside t 62
style attribute 78 style attribute 78
xml:space attribute 78 xml:space attribute 78
src attribute src attribute
in artwork element 15 in artwork element 15
in figure element 32 in figure element 32
in sourcecode element 58 in sourcecode element 58
start attribute start attribute
in ol element 40 in ol element 39
status attribute status attribute
in seriesInfo element 56 in seriesInfo element 56
stream attribute stream attribute
in seriesInfo element 56 in seriesInfo element 56
street element 59, 97 street element 59, 98
ascii attribute 59 ascii attribute 59
inside postal 42 inside postal 41
strong element 59, 97 strong element 59, 98
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside cref 23 inside cref 22
inside dd 26 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside em 29 inside em 29
inside li 36 inside li 35
inside postamble 77 inside postamble 77
inside preamble 78 inside preamble 77
inside refcontent 43 inside refcontent 43
inside sub 61 inside sub 60
inside sup 62 inside sup 61
inside t 62 inside t 62
inside td 66 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 67
inside tt 70 inside tt 70
style attribute style attribute
in list element 76 in list element 76
in spanx element 78 in spanx element 78
in texttable element 79 in texttable element 79
sub element 60, 97 sub element 60, 98
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside cref 23 inside cref 22
inside dd 26 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside em 29 inside em 29
inside li 36 inside li 35
inside postamble 77 inside postamble 77
inside preamble 78 inside preamble 77
inside refcontent 43 inside refcontent 43
inside strong 60 inside strong 60
inside t 62 inside t 62
inside td 66 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 67
inside tt 71 inside tt 70
subitem attribute subitem attribute
in iref element 35 in iref element 34
submissionType attribute submissionType attribute
in rfc element 52 in rfc element 51
sup element 61, 97 sup element 61, 98
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside blockquote 21 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside cref 23 inside cref 23
inside dd 26 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside em 29 inside em 29
inside li 36 inside li 35
inside postamble 77 inside postamble 77
inside preamble 78 inside preamble 77
inside refcontent 43 inside refcontent 43
inside strong 60 inside strong 60
inside t 63 inside t 62
inside td 66 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 68
inside tt 71 inside tt 70
suppress-title attribute suppress-title attribute
in figure element 32 in figure element 32
in texttable element 79 in texttable element 79
surname attribute surname attribute
in author element 19 in author element 18
svg element svg element
inside artwork 14 inside artwork 14
symRefs attribute symRefs attribute
in rfc element 52 in rfc element 51
t element 62, 97 t element 61, 98
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hangText attribute 63 hangText attribute 62
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inside dd 25 inside dd 25
inside li 35 inside li 35
inside list 76 inside list 76
inside note 38 inside note 38
inside section 53 inside section 53
inside td 65 inside td 65
inside th 67 inside th 67
keepWithNext attribute 63 keepWithNext attribute 62
keepWithPrevious attribute 63 keepWithPrevious attribute 63
table element 64, 97 table element 63, 98
anchor attribute 64 anchor attribute 64
inside aside 17 inside aside 16
inside section 53 inside section 53
target attribute target attribute
in displayreference element 26 in displayreference element 26
in eref element 31 in eref element 30
in format element 76 in format element 75
in reference element 44 in reference element 44
in relref element 49 in relref element 49
in xref element 74 in xref element 74
tbody element 64, 97 tbody element 64, 98
anchor attribute 64 anchor attribute 64
inside table 64 inside table 64
td element 65, 97 td element 64, 98
align attribute 66 align attribute 65
anchor attribute 66 anchor attribute 66
colspan attribute 66 colspan attribute 66
inside tr 70 inside tr 69
rowspan attribute 66 rowspan attribute 66
texttable element 78, 97 texttable element 78, 98
align attribute 79 align attribute 79
anchor attribute 79 anchor attribute 79
inside section 54 inside section 53
style attribute 79 style attribute 79
suppress-title attribute 79 suppress-title attribute 79
title attribute 79 title attribute 79
tfoot element 66, 97 tfoot element 66, 98
anchor attribute 67 anchor attribute 66
inside table 64 inside table 64
th element 67, 97 th element 66, 98
align attribute 68 align attribute 68
anchor attribute 68 anchor attribute 68
colspan attribute 68 colspan attribute 68
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rowspan attribute 69 rowspan attribute 68
thead element 69, 97 thead element 68, 98
anchor attribute 69 anchor attribute 69
inside table 64 inside table 64
title attribute title attribute
in figure element 33 in figure element 32
in note element 39 in note element 38
in references element 46 in references element 45
in section element 54 in section element 54
in texttable element 79 in texttable element 79
title element 69, 97 title element 69, 98
abbrev attribute 69 abbrev attribute 69
ascii attribute 69 ascii attribute 69
inside front 33 inside front 32
to attribute to attribute
in displayreference element 27 in displayreference element 26
toc attribute toc attribute
in section element 54 in section element 54
tocDepth attribute tocDepth attribute
in rfc element 52 in rfc element 52
tocInclude attribute tocInclude attribute
in rfc element 52 in rfc element 52
tr element 69, 97 tr element 69, 98
anchor attribute 70 anchor attribute 69
inside tbody 64 inside tbody 64
inside tfoot 67 inside tfoot 66
inside thead 69 inside thead 68
tt element 70, 97 tt element 70, 98
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside blockquote 21 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside cref 23 inside cref 23
inside dd 26 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
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inside preamble 78 inside preamble 78
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inside strong 60 inside strong 60
inside sub 61 inside sub 60
inside sup 62 inside sup 61
inside t 63 inside t 62
inside td 66 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 68
ttcol element 80, 97 ttcol element 79, 98
align attribute 80 align attribute 80
inside texttable 79 inside texttable 78
width attribute 80 width attribute 80
type attribute type attribute
in artwork element 16 in artwork element 15
in format element 76 in format element 76
in ol element 40 in ol element 39
in sourcecode element 58 in sourcecode element 58
ul element 71, 97 ul element 70, 98
anchor attribute 71 anchor attribute 71
empty attribute 71 empty attribute 71
inside abstract 11 inside abstract 11
inside aside 17 inside aside 16
inside blockquote 20 inside blockquote 19
inside dd 25 inside dd 25
inside li 35 inside li 35
inside note 38 inside note 38
inside section 54 inside section 53
inside td 65 inside td 65
inside th 67 inside th 67
spacing attribute 71 spacing attribute 71
updates attribute updates attribute
in rfc element 52 in rfc element 52
uri element 72, 97 uri element 71, 98
inside address 11 inside address 11
value attribute value attribute
in seriesInfo element 57 in seriesInfo element 56
version attribute version attribute
in rfc element 53 in rfc element 52
vspace element 80, 97 vspace element 80, 98
blankLines attribute 81 blankLines attribute 80
inside t 63 inside t 62
width attribute width attribute
in artwork element 16 in artwork element 16
in figure element 33 in figure element 32
in ttcol element 80 in ttcol element 80
workgroup element 72, 97 workgroup element 72, 98
inside front 33 inside front 33
xml:space attribute xml:space attribute
in artwork element 16 in artwork element 16
in spanx element 78 in spanx element 78
xref element 72, 97 xref element 72, 98
format attribute 73 format attribute 72
inside annotation 12 inside annotation 12
inside blockquote 21 inside blockquote 20
inside c 75 inside c 75
inside cref 23 inside cref 23
inside dd 26 inside dd 25
inside dt 28 inside dt 28
inside em 29 inside em 29
inside li 36 inside li 35
inside name 38 inside name 37
inside postamble 77 inside postamble 77
inside preamble 78 inside preamble 78
inside strong 60 inside strong 60
inside sub 61 inside sub 60
inside sup 62 inside sup 61
inside t 63 inside t 62
inside td 66 inside td 65
inside th 68 inside th 68
inside tt 71 inside tt 70
inside ttcol 80 inside ttcol 80
pageno attribute 74 pageno attribute 74
target attribute 74 target attribute 74
xref formats xref formats
counter 73 counter 72
default 73 default 73
none 73 none 73
title 73 title 73
year attribute year attribute
in date element 25 in date element 24
IAB Members at the Time of Approval
The IAB members at the time this memo was approved were (in
alphabetical order):
Jari Arkko
Ralph Droms
Ted Hardie
Joe Hildebrand
Russ Housley
Lee Howard
Erik Nordmark
Robert Sparks
Andrew Sullivan
Dave Thaler
Martin Thomson
Brian Trammell
Suzanne Woolf
Thanks to everybody who reviewed this document and provided feedback
and/or specification text. Thanks especially go to Julian Reschke
for editing [RFC7749] and those who provided feedback on that
We also thank Marshall T. Rose for both the original design and the
reference implementation of the "xml2rfc" processor.
Author's Address Author's Address
Paul Hoffman Paul Hoffman
EMail: paul.hoffman@icann.org EMail: paul.hoffman@icann.org
 End of changes. 540 change blocks. 
1107 lines changed or deleted 1122 lines changed or added

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