draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-19.txt   draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-latest.txt 
HTTP Working Group M. Nottingham HTTP Working Group M. Nottingham
Internet-Draft Fastly Internet-Draft Fastly
Intended status: Standards Track P-H. Kamp Intended status: Standards Track P. Kamp
Expires: December 5, 2020 The Varnish Cache Project Expires: September 2, 2025 The Varnish Cache Project
June 3, 2020 March 1, 2025
Structured Field Values for HTTP Structured Field Values for HTTP
draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-19 draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-latest
Abstract Abstract
This document describes a set of data types and associated algorithms This document describes a set of data types and associated algorithms
that are intended to make it easier and safer to define and handle that are intended to make it easier and safer to define and handle
HTTP header and trailer fields, known as "Structured Fields", HTTP header and trailer fields, known as "Structured Fields",
"Structured Headers", or "Structured Trailers". It is intended for "Structured Headers", or "Structured Trailers". It is intended for
use by specifications of new HTTP fields that wish to use a common use by specifications of new HTTP fields that wish to use a common
syntax that is more restrictive than traditional HTTP field values. syntax that is more restrictive than traditional HTTP field values.
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material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
This Internet-Draft will expire on December 5, 2020. This Internet-Draft will expire on September 2, 2025.
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Copyright (c) 2020 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the Copyright (c) 2025 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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Table of Contents Table of Contents
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1. Intentionally Strict Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1. Intentionally Strict Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2. Notational Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2. Notational Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Defining New Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2. Defining New Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Structured Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3. Structured Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1. Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.1. Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1.1. Inner Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.1.1. Inner Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1.2. Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.1.2. Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2. Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.2. Dictionaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3. Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.3. Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3.1. Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.3.1. Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.2. Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.3.2. Decimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3.3. Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3.3. Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3.4. Tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3.4. Tokens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3.5. Byte Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3.5. Byte Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3.6. Booleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.3.6. Booleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4. Working With Structured Fields in HTTP . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4. Working with Structured Fields in HTTP . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.1. Serializing Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.1. Serializing Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.1.1. Serializing a List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.1.1. Serializing a List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.1.2. Serializing a Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.1.2. Serializing a Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.3. Serializing an Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.1.3. Serializing an Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.4. Serializing an Integer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.1.4. Serializing an Integer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1.5. Serializing a Decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.1.5. Serializing a Decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.1.6. Serializing a String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.1.6. Serializing a String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.1.7. Serializing a Token . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.1.7. Serializing a Token . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.1.8. Serializing a Byte Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.1.8. Serializing a Byte Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.1.9. Serializing a Boolean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.1.9. Serializing a Boolean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2. Parsing Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4.2. Parsing Structured Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2.1. Parsing a List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.2.1. Parsing a List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.2.2. Parsing a Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.2.2. Parsing a Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.2.3. Parsing an Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.2.3. Parsing an Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.2.4. Parsing an Integer or Decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.2.4. Parsing an Integer or Decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2.5. Parsing a String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.2.5. Parsing a String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.2.6. Parsing a Token . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.2.6. Parsing a Token . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2.7. Parsing a Byte Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4.2.7. Parsing a Byte Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.2.8. Parsing a Boolean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.2.8. Parsing a Boolean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
7.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 7.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
7.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 7.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
7.3. URIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 7.3. URIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
A.1. Why not JSON? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 A.1. Why Not JSON? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Appendix B. Implementation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Appendix B. Implementation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Appendix C. Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Appendix C. Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
C.1. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-18 . . . . . . 37 C.1. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-18 . . . . . . 37
C.2. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-17 . . . . . . 37 C.2. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-17 . . . . . . 37
C.3. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-16 . . . . . . 37 C.3. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-16 . . . . . . 37
C.4. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-15 . . . . . . 37 C.4. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-15 . . . . . . 37
C.5. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-14 . . . . . . 38 C.5. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-14 . . . . . . 38
C.6. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-13 . . . . . . 38 C.6. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-13 . . . . . . 38
C.7. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-12 . . . . . . 39 C.7. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-12 . . . . . . 39
C.8. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-11 . . . . . . 39 C.8. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-11 . . . . . . 39
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C.17. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-02 . . . . . . 41 C.17. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-02 . . . . . . 41
C.18. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-01 . . . . . . 42 C.18. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-01 . . . . . . 42
C.19. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-00 . . . . . . 42 C.19. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-00 . . . . . . 42
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
Specifying the syntax of new HTTP header (and trailer) fields is an Specifying the syntax of new HTTP header (and trailer) fields is an
onerous task; even with the guidance in Section 8.3.1 of [RFC7231], onerous task; even with the guidance in Section 8.3.1 of [RFC7231],
there are many decisions - and pitfalls - for a prospective HTTP there are many decisions -- and pitfalls -- for a prospective HTTP
field author. field author.
Once a field is defined, bespoke parsers and serializers often need Once a field is defined, bespoke parsers and serializers often need
to be written, because each field value has slightly different to be written, because each field value has a slightly different
handling of what looks like common syntax. handling of what looks like common syntax.
This document introduces a set of common data structures for use in This document introduces a set of common data structures for use in
definitions of new HTTP field values to address these problems. In definitions of new HTTP field values to address these problems. In
particular, it defines a generic, abstract model for them, along with particular, it defines a generic, abstract model for them, along with
a concrete serialization for expressing that model in HTTP [RFC7230] a concrete serialization for expressing that model in HTTP [RFC7230]
header and trailer fields. header and trailer fields.
A HTTP field that is defined as a "Structured Header" or "Structured An HTTP field that is defined as a "Structured Header" or "Structured
Trailer" (if the field can be either, it is a "Structured Field") Trailer" (if the field can be either, it is a "Structured Field")
uses the types defined in this specification to define its syntax and uses the types defined in this specification to define its syntax and
basic handling rules, thereby simplifying both its definition by basic handling rules, thereby simplifying both its definition by
specification writers and handling by implementations. specification writers and handling by implementations.
Additionally, future versions of HTTP can define alternative Additionally, future versions of HTTP can define alternative
serializations of the abstract model of these structures, allowing serializations of the abstract model of these structures, allowing
fields that use that model to be transmitted more efficiently without fields that use that model to be transmitted more efficiently without
being redefined. being redefined.
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Those abstract types can be serialized into and parsed from HTTP Those abstract types can be serialized into and parsed from HTTP
field values using the algorithms described in Section 4. field values using the algorithms described in Section 4.
1.1. Intentionally Strict Processing 1.1. Intentionally Strict Processing
This specification intentionally defines strict parsing and This specification intentionally defines strict parsing and
serialization behaviors using step-by-step algorithms; the only error serialization behaviors using step-by-step algorithms; the only error
handling defined is to fail the operation altogether. handling defined is to fail the operation altogether.
It is designed to encourage faithful implementation and therefore It is designed to encourage faithful implementation and good
good interoperability. Therefore, an implementation that tried to be interoperability. Therefore, an implementation that tried to be
helpful by being more tolerant of input would make interoperability helpful by being more tolerant of input would make interoperability
worse, since that would create pressure on other implementations to worse, since that would create pressure on other implementations to
implement similar (but likely subtly different) workarounds. implement similar (but likely subtly different) workarounds.
In other words, strict processing is an intentional feature of this In other words, strict processing is an intentional feature of this
specification; it allows non-conformant input to be discovered and specification; it allows non-conformant input to be discovered and
corrected by the producer early, and avoids both interoperability and corrected by the producer early and avoids both interoperability and
security issues that might otherwise result. security issues that might otherwise result.
Note that as a result of this strictness, if a field is appended to Note that as a result of this strictness, if a field is appended to
by multiple parties (e.g., intermediaries, or different components in by multiple parties (e.g., intermediaries or different components in
the sender), an error in one party's value is likely to cause the the sender), an error in one party's value is likely to cause the
entire field value to fail parsing. entire field value to fail parsing.
1.2. Notational Conventions 1.2. Notational Conventions
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
"OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
capitals, as shown here. capitals, as shown here.
This document uses algorithms to specify parsing and serialization This document uses algorithms to specify parsing and serialization
behaviors, and the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) notation of behaviors and the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) notation of
[RFC5234] to illustrate expected syntax in HTTP header fields. In [RFC5234] to illustrate expected syntax in HTTP header fields. In
doing so, it uses the VCHAR, SP, DIGIT, ALPHA and DQUOTE rules from doing so, it uses the VCHAR, SP, DIGIT, ALPHA, and DQUOTE rules from
[RFC5234]. It also includes the tchar and OWS rules from [RFC7230]. [RFC5234]. It also includes the tchar and OWS rules from [RFC7230].
When parsing from HTTP fields, implementations MUST have behavior When parsing from HTTP fields, implementations MUST have behavior
that is indistinguishable from following the algorithms. If there is that is indistinguishable from following the algorithms. If there is
disagreement between the parsing algorithms and ABNF, the specified disagreement between the parsing algorithms and ABNF, the specified
algorithms take precedence. algorithms take precedence.
For serialization to HTTP fields, the ABNF illustrates their expected For serialization to HTTP fields, the ABNF illustrates their expected
wire representations, and the algorithms define the recommended way wire representations, and the algorithms define the recommended way
to produce them. Implementations MAY vary from the specified to produce them. Implementations MAY vary from the specified
behavior so long as the output is still correctly handled by the behavior so long as the output is still correctly handled by the
parsing algorithm. parsing algorithm described in Section 4.2.
2. Defining New Structured Fields 2. Defining New Structured Fields
To specify a HTTP field as a Structured Field, its authors needs to: To specify an HTTP field as a Structured Field, its authors need to:
o Normatively reference this specification. Recipients and o Normatively reference this specification. Recipients and
generators of the field need to know that the requirements of this generators of the field need to know that the requirements of this
document are in effect. document are in effect.
o Identify whether the field is a Structured Header (i.e., it can o Identify whether the field is a Structured Header (i.e., it can
only be used in the header section - the common case), a only be used in the header section -- the common case), a
Structured Trailer (only in the trailer section), or a Structured Structured Trailer (only in the trailer section), or a Structured
Field (both). Field (both).
o Specify the type of the field value; either List (Section 3.1), o Specify the type of the field value; either List (Section 3.1),
Dictionary (Section 3.2), or Item (Section 3.3). Dictionary (Section 3.2), or Item (Section 3.3).
o Define the semantics of the field value. o Define the semantics of the field value.
o Specify any additional constraints upon the field value, as well o Specify any additional constraints upon the field value, as well
as the consequences when those constraints are violated. as the consequences when those constraints are violated.
Typically, this means that a field definition will specify the top- Typically, this means that a field definition will specify the top-
level type - List, Dictionary or Item - and then define its allowable level type -- List, Dictionary, or Item -- and then define its
types, and constraints upon them. For example, a header defined as a allowable types and constraints upon them. For example, a header
List might have all Integer members, or a mix of types; a header defined as a List might have all Integer members, or a mix of types;
defined as an Item might allow only Strings, and additionally only a header defined as an Item might allow only Strings, and
strings beginning with the letter "Q", or strings in lowercase. additionally only strings beginning with the letter "Q", or strings
Likewise, Inner Lists (Section 3.1.1) are only valid when a field in lowercase. Likewise, Inner Lists (Section 3.1.1) are only valid
definition explicitly allows them. when a field definition explicitly allows them.
When parsing fails, the entire field is ignored (see Section 4.2); in When parsing fails, the entire field is ignored (see Section 4.2); in
most situations, violating field-specific constraints should have the most situations, violating field-specific constraints should have the
same effect. Thus, if a header is defined as an Item and required to same effect. Thus, if a header is defined as an Item and required to
be an Integer, but a String is received, the field will by default be be an Integer, but a String is received, the field will by default be
ignored. If the field requires different error handling, this should ignored. If the field requires different error handling, this should
be explicitly specified. be explicitly specified.
Both Items and Inner Lists allow parameters as an extensibility Both Items and Inner Lists allow parameters as an extensibility
mechanism; this means that values can later be extended to mechanism; this means that values can later be extended to
accommodate more information, if need be. To preserve forward accommodate more information, if need be. To preserve forward
compatibility, field specifications are discouraged from defining the compatibility, field specifications are discouraged from defining the
presence of an unrecognized Parameter as an error condition. presence of an unrecognized parameter as an error condition.
To further assure that this extensibility is available in the future, To further assure that this extensibility is available in the future,
and to encourage consumers to use a complete parser implementation, a and to encourage consumers to use a complete parser implementation, a
field definition can specify that "grease" Parameters be added by field definition can specify that "grease" parameters be added by
senders. A specification could stipulate that all Parameters that senders. A specification could stipulate that all parameters that
fit a defined pattern are reserved for this use and then encourage fit a defined pattern are reserved for this use and then encourage
them to be sent on some portion of requests. This helps to them to be sent on some portion of requests. This helps to
discourage recipients from writing a parser that does not account for discourage recipients from writing a parser that does not account for
Parameters. Parameters.
Specifications that use Dictionaries can also allow for forward Specifications that use Dictionaries can also allow for forward
compatibility by requiring that the presence of - as well as value compatibility by requiring that the presence of -- as well as value
and type associated with - unknown members be ignored. Later and type associated with -- unknown members be ignored. Subsequent
specifications can then add additional members, specifying specifications can then add additional members, specifying
constraints on them as appropriate. constraints on them as appropriate.
An extension to a structured field can then require that an entire An extension to a Structured Field can then require that an entire
field value be ignored by a recipient that understands the extension field value be ignored by a recipient that understands the extension
if constraints on the value it defines are not met. if constraints on the value it defines are not met.
A field definition cannot relax the requirements of this A field definition cannot relax the requirements of this
specification because doing so would preclude handling by generic specification because doing so would preclude handling by generic
software; they can only add additional constraints (for example, on software; they can only add additional constraints (for example, on
the numeric range of Integers and Decimals, the format of Strings and the numeric range of Integers and Decimals, the format of Strings and
Tokens, the types allowed in a Dictionary's values, or the number of Tokens, the types allowed in a Dictionary's values, or the number of
Items in a List). Likewise, field definitions can only use this Items in a List). Likewise, field definitions can only use this
specification for the entire field value, not a portion thereof. specification for the entire field value, not a portion thereof.
This specification defines minimums for the length or number of This specification defines minimums for the length or number of
various structures supported by implementations. It does not specify various structures supported by implementations. It does not specify
maximum sizes in most cases, but authors should be aware that HTTP maximum sizes in most cases, but authors should be aware that HTTP
implementations do impose various limits on the size of individual implementations do impose various limits on the size of individual
fields, the total number of fields, and/or the size of the entire fields, the total number of fields, and/or the size of the entire
header or trailer section. header or trailer section.
Specifications can refer to a field name as a "structured header Specifications can refer to a field name as a "structured header
name", "structured trailer name" or "structured field name" as name", "structured trailer name", or "structured field name" as
appropriate. Likewise, they can refer its field value as a appropriate. Likewise, they can refer its field value as a
"structured header value", "structured trailer value" or "structured "structured header value", "structured trailer value", or "structured
field value" as necessary. Field definitions are encouraged to use field value" as necessary. Field definitions are encouraged to use
the ABNF rules beginning with "sf-" defined in this specification; the ABNF rules beginning with "sf-" defined in this specification;
other rules in this specification are not intended for their use. other rules in this specification are not intended to be used in
field definitions.
For example, a fictitious Foo-Example header field might be specified For example, a fictitious Foo-Example header field might be specified
as: as:
--8<-- 42. Foo-Example Header
42. Foo-Example Header
The Foo-Example HTTP header field conveys information about how The Foo-Example HTTP header field conveys information about how
much Foo the message has. much Foo the message has.
Foo-Example is a Item Structured Header [RFCxxxx]. Its value MUST be Foo-Example is an Item Structured Header [RFC8941]. Its value
an Integer (Section Y.Y of [RFCxxxx]). Its ABNF is: MUST be an Integer (Section 3.3.1 of [RFC8941]). Its ABNF is:
Foo-Example = sf-integer Foo-Example = sf-integer
Its value indicates the amount of Foo in the message, and it MUST
be between 0 and 10, inclusive; other values MUST cause the entire
header field to be ignored.
Its value indicates the amount of Foo in the message, and MUST The following parameter is defined:
be between 0 and 10, inclusive; other values MUST cause
the entire header field to be ignored.
The following parameters are defined: * A parameter whose key is "foourl", and whose value is a String
* A Parameter whose name is "foourl", and whose value is a String (Section 3.3.3 of [RFC8941]), conveying the Foo URL for the
(Section Y.Y of [RFCxxxx]), conveying the Foo URL message. See below for processing requirements.
for the message. See below for processing requirements.
"foourl" contains a URI-reference (Section 4.1 of [RFC3986]). If "foourl" contains a URI-reference (Section 4.1 of [RFC3986]). If
its value is not a valid URI-reference, the entire header field its value is not a valid URI-reference, the entire header field
MUST be ignored. If its value is a relative reference (Section 4.2 MUST be ignored. If its value is a relative reference
of [RFC3986]), it MUST be resolved (Section 5 of [RFC3986]) before (Section 4.2 of [RFC3986]), it MUST be resolved (Section 5 of
being used. [RFC3986]) before being used.
For example: For example:
Foo-Example: 2; foourl="https://foo.example.com/" Foo-Example: 2; foourl="https://foo.example.com/"
3. Structured Data Types 3. Structured Data Types
This section defines the abstract types for Structured Fields. The This section defines the abstract types for Structured Fields. The
ABNF provided represents the on-wire format in HTTP field values. ABNF provided represents the on-wire format in HTTP field values.
In summary: In summary:
o There are three top-level types that a HTTP field can be defined o There are three top-level types that an HTTP field can be defined
as: Lists, Dictionaries, and Items. as: Lists, Dictionaries, and Items.
o Lists and Dictionaries are containers; their members can be Items o Lists and Dictionaries are containers; their members can be Items
or Inner Lists (which are themselves arrays of Items). or Inner Lists (which are themselves arrays of Items).
o Both Items and Inner Lists can be parameterized with key/value o Both Items and Inner Lists can be Parameterized with key/value
pairs. pairs.
3.1. Lists 3.1. Lists
Lists are arrays of zero or more members, each of which can be an Lists are arrays of zero or more members, each of which can be an
Item (Section 3.3) or an Inner List (Section 3.1.1), both of which Item (Section 3.3) or an Inner List (Section 3.1.1), both of which
can be Parameterized (Section 3.1.2). can be Parameterized (Section 3.1.2).
The ABNF for Lists in HTTP fields is: The ABNF for Lists in HTTP fields is:
sf-list = list-member *( OWS "," OWS list-member ) sf-list = list-member *( OWS "," OWS list-member )
list-member = sf-item / inner-list list-member = sf-item / inner-list
Each member is separated by a comma and optional whitespace. For Each member is separated by a comma and optional whitespace. For
example, a field whose value is defined as a List of Strings could example, a field whose value is defined as a List of Tokens could
look like: look like:
Example-StrList: "foo", "bar", "It was the best of times." Example-List: sugar, tea, rum
An empty List is denoted by not serializing the field at all. This An empty List is denoted by not serializing the field at all. This
implies that fields defined as Lists have a default empty value. implies that fields defined as Lists have a default empty value.
Note that Lists can have their members split across multiple lines Note that Lists can have their members split across multiple lines of
inside a header or trailer section, as per Section 3.2.2 of the same header or trailer section, as per Section 3.2.2 of
[RFC7230]; for example, the following are equivalent: [RFC7230]; for example, the following are equivalent:
Example-Hdr: foo, bar Example-List: sugar, tea, rum
and and
Example-Hdr: foo Example-List: sugar, tea
Example-Hdr: bar Example-List: rum
However, individual members of a List cannot be safely split between However, individual members of a List cannot be safely split between
across lines; see Section 4.2 for details. lines; see Section 4.2 for details.
Parsers MUST support Lists containing at least 1024 members. Field Parsers MUST support Lists containing at least 1024 members. Field
specifications can constrain the types and cardinality of individual specifications can constrain the types and cardinality of individual
List values as they require. List values as they require.
3.1.1. Inner Lists 3.1.1. Inner Lists
An Inner List is an array of zero or more Items (Section 3.3). Both An Inner List is an array of zero or more Items (Section 3.3). Both
the individual Items and the Inner List itself can be Parameterized the individual Items and the Inner List itself can be Parameterized
(Section 3.1.2). (Section 3.1.2).
The ABNF for Inner Lists is: The ABNF for Inner Lists is:
inner-list = "(" *SP [ sf-item *( 1*SP sf-item ) *SP ] ")" inner-list = "(" *SP [ sf-item *( 1*SP sf-item ) *SP ] ")"
parameters parameters
Inner Lists are denoted by surrounding parenthesis, and have their Inner Lists are denoted by surrounding parenthesis, and their values
values delimited by one or more spaces. A field whose value is are delimited by one or more spaces. A field whose value is defined
defined as a List of Inner Lists of Strings could look like: as a List of Inner Lists of Strings could look like:
Example-StrListList: ("foo" "bar"), ("baz"), ("bat" "one"), () Example-List: ("foo" "bar"), ("baz"), ("bat" "one"), ()
Note that the last member in this example is an empty Inner List. Note that the last member in this example is an empty Inner List.
A header field whose value is defined as a List of Inner Lists with A header field whose value is defined as a List of Inner Lists with
Parameters at both levels could look like: Parameters at both levels could look like:
Example-ListListParam: ("foo"; a=1;b=2);lvl=5, ("bar" "baz");lvl=1 Example-List: ("foo"; a=1;b=2);lvl=5, ("bar" "baz");lvl=1
Parsers MUST support Inner Lists containing at least 256 members. Parsers MUST support Inner Lists containing at least 256 members.
Field specifications can constrain the types and cardinality of Field specifications can constrain the types and cardinality of
individual Inner List members as they require. individual Inner List members as they require.
3.1.2. Parameters 3.1.2. Parameters
Parameters are an ordered map of key-value pairs that are associated Parameters are an ordered map of key-value pairs that are associated
with an Item (Section 3.3) or Inner List (Section 3.1.1). The keys with an Item (Section 3.3) or Inner List (Section 3.1.1). The keys
are unique within the scope the Parameters they occur within, and the are unique within the scope of the Parameters they occur within, and
values are bare items (i.e., they themselves cannot be parameterized; the values are bare items (i.e., they themselves cannot be
see Section 3.3). parameterized; see Section 3.3).
Implementations MUST provide access to Parameters both by index and
by key. Specifications MAY use either means of accessing them.
The ABNF for Parameters is: The ABNF for Parameters is:
parameters = *( ";" *SP parameter ) parameters = *( ";" *SP parameter )
parameter = param-name [ "=" param-value ] parameter = param-key [ "=" param-value ]
param-name = key param-key = key
key = ( lcalpha / "*" ) key = ( lcalpha / "*" )
*( lcalpha / DIGIT / "_" / "-" / "." / "*" ) *( lcalpha / DIGIT / "_" / "-" / "." / "*" )
lcalpha = %x61-7A ; a-z lcalpha = %x61-7A ; a-z
param-value = bare-item param-value = bare-item
Note that Parameters are ordered as serialized, and Parameter keys Note that parameters are ordered as serialized, and parameter keys
cannot contain uppercase letters. A parameter is separated from its cannot contain uppercase letters. A parameter is separated from its
Item or Inner List and other parameters by a semicolon. For example: Item or Inner List and other parameters by a semicolon. For example:
Example-ParamList: abc;a=1;b=2; cde_456, (ghi;jk=4 l);q="9";r=w Example-List: abc;a=1;b=2; cde_456, (ghi;jk=4 l);q="9";r=w
Parameters whose value is Boolean (see Section 3.3.6) true MUST omit Parameters whose value is Boolean (see Section 3.3.6) true MUST omit
that value when serialized. For example, the "a" parameter here is that value when serialized. For example, the "a" parameter here is
true, while the "b" parameter is false: true, while the "b" parameter is false:
Example-Int: 1; a; b=?0 Example-Integer: 1; a; b=?0
Note that this requirement is only on serialization; parsers are Note that this requirement is only on serialization; parsers are
still required to correctly handle the true value when it appears in still required to correctly handle the true value when it appears in
a parameter. a parameter.
Parsers MUST support at least 256 parameters on an Item or Inner Parsers MUST support at least 256 parameters on an Item or Inner
List, and support parameter keys with at least 64 characters. Field List, and support parameter keys with at least 64 characters. Field
specifications can constrain the order of individual Parameters, as specifications can constrain the order of individual parameters, as
well as their values' types as required. well as their values' types as required.
3.2. Dictionaries 3.2. Dictionaries
Dictionaries are ordered maps of name-value pairs, where the names Dictionaries are ordered maps of key-value pairs, where the keys are
are short textual strings and the values are Items (Section 3.3) or short textual strings and the values are Items (Section 3.3) or
arrays of Items, both of which can be Parameterized (Section 3.1.2). arrays of Items, both of which can be Parameterized (Section 3.1.2).
There can be zero or more members, and their names are unique in the There can be zero or more members, and their keys are unique in the
scope of the Dictionary they occur within. scope of the Dictionary they occur within.
Implementations MUST provide access to Dictionaries both by index and Implementations MUST provide access to Dictionaries both by index and
by name. Specifications MAY use either means of accessing the by key. Specifications MAY use either means of accessing the
members. members.
The ABNF for Dictionaries is: The ABNF for Dictionaries is:
sf-dictionary = dict-member *( OWS "," OWS dict-member ) sf-dictionary = dict-member *( OWS "," OWS dict-member )
dict-member = member-name [ "=" member-value ] dict-member = member-key ( parameters / ( "=" member-value ))
member-name = key member-key = key
member-value = sf-item / inner-list member-value = sf-item / inner-list
Members are ordered as serialized, and separated by a comma with Members are ordered as serialized and separated by a comma with
optional whitespace. Member names cannot contain uppercase optional whitespace. Member keys cannot contain uppercase
characters. Names and values are separated by "=" (without characters. Keys and values are separated by "=" (without
whitespace). For example: whitespace). For example:
Example-Dict: en="Applepie", da=:w4ZibGV0w6ZydGU=: Example-Dict: en="Applepie", da=:w4ZibGV0w6ZydGU=:
Note that in this example, the final "=" is due to the inclusion of a Note that in this example, the final "=" is due to the inclusion of a
Byte Sequence; see Section 3.3.5. Byte Sequence; see Section 3.3.5.
Members whose value is Boolean (see Section 3.3.6) true MUST omit Members whose value is Boolean (see Section 3.3.6) true MUST omit
that value when serialized. For example, here both "b" and "c" are that value when serialized. For example, here both "b" and "c" are
true: true:
Example-Dict: a=?0, b, c; foo=bar Example-Dict: a=?0, b, c; foo=bar
Note that this requirement is only on serialization; parsers are Note that this requirement is only on serialization; parsers are
still required to correctly handle the true Boolean value when it still required to correctly handle the true Boolean value when it
appears in Dictionary values. appears in Dictionary values.
A Dictionary with a member whose value is an Inner List of Tokens: A Dictionary with a member whose value is an Inner List of Tokens:
Example-DictList: rating=1.5, feelings=(joy sadness) Example-Dict: rating=1.5, feelings=(joy sadness)
A Dictionary with a mix of Items and Inner Lists, some with A Dictionary with a mix of Items and Inner Lists, some with
Parameters: parameters:
Example-MixDict: a=(1 2), b=3, c=4;aa=bb, d=(5 6);valid Example-Dict: a=(1 2), b=3, c=4;aa=bb, d=(5 6);valid
As with lists, an empty Dictionary is represented by omitting the As with Lists, an empty Dictionary is represented by omitting the
entire field. This implies that fields defined as Dictionaries have entire field. This implies that fields defined as Dictionaries have
a default empty value. a default empty value.
Typically, a field specification will define the semantics of Typically, a field specification will define the semantics of
Dictionaries by specifying the allowed type(s) for individual members Dictionaries by specifying the allowed type(s) for individual members
by their names, as well as whether their presence is required or by their keys, as well as whether their presence is required or
optional. Recipients MUST ignore names that are undefined or optional. Recipients MUST ignore members whose keys that are
unknown, unless the field's specification specifically disallows undefined or unknown, unless the field's specification specifically
them. disallows them.
Note that Dictionaries can have their members split across multiple Note that Dictionaries can have their members split across multiple
lines inside a header or trailer section; for example, the following lines of the same header or trailer section; for example, the
are equivalent: following are equivalent:
Example-Hdr: foo=1, bar=2 Example-Dict: foo=1, bar=2
and and
Example-Hdr: foo=1 Example-Dict: foo=1
Example-Hdr: bar=2 Example-Dict: bar=2
However, individual members of a Dictionary cannot be safely split However, individual members of a Dictionary cannot be safely split
between lines; see Section 4.2 for details. between lines; see Section 4.2 for details.
Parsers MUST support Dictionaries containing at least 1024 name/value Parsers MUST support Dictionaries containing at least 1024 key/value
pairs, and names with at least 64 characters. Field specifications pairs and keys with at least 64 characters. Field specifications can
can constrain the order of individual Dictionary members, as well as constrain the order of individual Dictionary members, as well as
their values' types as required. their values' types as required.
3.3. Items 3.3. Items
An Item can be a Integer (Section 3.3.1), Decimal (Section 3.3.2), An Item can be an Integer (Section 3.3.1), a Decimal (Section 3.3.2),
String (Section 3.3.3), Token (Section 3.3.4), Byte Sequence a String (Section 3.3.3), a Token (Section 3.3.4), a Byte Sequence
(Section 3.3.5), or Boolean (Section 3.3.6). It can have associated (Section 3.3.5), or a Boolean (Section 3.3.6). It can have
Parameters (Section 3.1.2). associated parameters (Section 3.1.2).
The ABNF for Items is: The ABNF for Items is:
sf-item = bare-item parameters sf-item = bare-item parameters
bare-item = sf-integer / sf-decimal / sf-string / sf-token bare-item = sf-integer / sf-decimal / sf-string / sf-token
/ sf-binary / sf-boolean / sf-binary / sf-boolean
For example, a header field that is defined to be an Item that is an For example, a header field that is defined to be an Item that is an
Integer might look like: Integer might look like:
Example-IntItemHeader: 5 Example-Integer: 5
or with Parameters: or with parameters:
Example-IntItem: 5; foo=bar Example-Integer: 5; foo=bar
3.3.1. Integers 3.3.1. Integers
Integers have a range of -999,999,999,999,999 to 999,999,999,999,999 Integers have a range of -999,999,999,999,999 to 999,999,999,999,999
inclusive (i.e., up to fifteen digits, signed), for IEEE 754 inclusive (i.e., up to fifteen digits, signed), for IEEE 754
compatibility ([IEEE754]). compatibility [IEEE754].
The ABNF for Integers is: The ABNF for Integers is:
sf-integer = ["-"] 1*15DIGIT sf-integer = ["-"] 1*15DIGIT
For example: For example:
Example-Integer: 42 Example-Integer: 42
Integers larger than 15 digits can be supported in a variety of ways; Integers larger than 15 digits can be supported in a variety of ways;
for example, by using a String (Section 3.3.3), Byte Sequence for example, by using a String (Section 3.3.3), a Byte Sequence
(Section 3.3.5), or a parameter on an Integer that acts as a scaling (Section 3.3.5), or a parameter on an Integer that acts as a scaling
factor. factor.
While it is possible to serialise Integers with leading zeros (e.g., While it is possible to serialize Integers with leading zeros (e.g.,
"0002", "-01") and signed zero ("-0"), these distinctions may not be "0002", "-01") and signed zero ("-0"), these distinctions may not be
preserved by implementations. preserved by implementations.
Note that commas in Integers are used in this section's prose only Note that commas in Integers are used in this section's prose only
for readability; they are not valid in the wire format. for readability; they are not valid in the wire format.
3.3.2. Decimals 3.3.2. Decimals
Decimals are numbers with an integer and a fractional component. The Decimals are numbers with an integer and a fractional component. The
integer component has at most 12 digits; the fractional component has integer component has at most 12 digits; the fractional component has
skipping to change at page 14, line 4 skipping to change at page 13, line 46
3.3.2. Decimals 3.3.2. Decimals
Decimals are numbers with an integer and a fractional component. The Decimals are numbers with an integer and a fractional component. The
integer component has at most 12 digits; the fractional component has integer component has at most 12 digits; the fractional component has
at most three digits. at most three digits.
The ABNF for decimals is: The ABNF for decimals is:
sf-decimal = ["-"] 1*12DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT sf-decimal = ["-"] 1*12DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT
For example, a header whose value is defined as a Decimal could look For example, a header whose value is defined as a Decimal could look
like: like:
Example-Decimal: 4.5 Example-Decimal: 4.5
While it is possible to serialize Decimals with leading zeros (e.g.,
While it is possible to serialise Decimals with leading zeros (e.g.,
"0002.5", "-01.334"), trailing zeros (e.g., "5.230", "-0.40"), and "0002.5", "-01.334"), trailing zeros (e.g., "5.230", "-0.40"), and
signed zero (e.g., "-0.0"), these distinctions may not be preserved signed zero (e.g., "-0.0"), these distinctions may not be preserved
by implementations. by implementations.
Note that the serialisation algorithm (Section 4.1.5) rounds input Note that the serialization algorithm (Section 4.1.5) rounds input
with more than three digits of precision in the fractional component. with more than three digits of precision in the fractional component.
If an alternative rounding strategy is desired, this should be If an alternative rounding strategy is desired, this should be
specified by the header definition to occur before serialisation. specified by the header definition to occur before serialization.
3.3.3. Strings 3.3.3. Strings
Strings are zero or more printable ASCII [RFC0020] characters (i.e., Strings are zero or more printable ASCII [RFC0020] characters (i.e.,
the range %x20 to %x7E). Note that this excludes tabs, newlines, the range %x20 to %x7E). Note that this excludes tabs, newlines,
carriage returns, etc. carriage returns, etc.
The ABNF for Strings is: The ABNF for Strings is:
sf-string = DQUOTE *chr DQUOTE sf-string = DQUOTE *chr DQUOTE
skipping to change at page 14, line 42 skipping to change at page 14, line 37
Strings are delimited with double quotes, using a backslash ("\") to Strings are delimited with double quotes, using a backslash ("\") to
escape double quotes and backslashes. For example: escape double quotes and backslashes. For example:
Example-String: "hello world" Example-String: "hello world"
Note that Strings only use DQUOTE as a delimiter; single quotes do Note that Strings only use DQUOTE as a delimiter; single quotes do
not delimit Strings. Furthermore, only DQUOTE and "\" can be not delimit Strings. Furthermore, only DQUOTE and "\" can be
escaped; other characters after "\" MUST cause parsing to fail. escaped; other characters after "\" MUST cause parsing to fail.
Unicode is not directly supported in Strings, because it causes a Unicode is not directly supported in Strings, because it causes a
number of interoperability issues, and - with few exceptions - field number of interoperability issues, and -- with few exceptions --
values do not require it. field values do not require it.
When it is necessary for a field value to convey non-ASCII content, a When it is necessary for a field value to convey non-ASCII content, a
Byte Sequence (Section 3.3.5) can be specified, along with a Byte Sequence (Section 3.3.5) can be specified, along with a
character encoding (preferably [UTF-8]). character encoding (preferably UTF-8 [STD63]).
Parsers MUST support Strings (after any decoding) with at least 1024 Parsers MUST support Strings (after any decoding) with at least 1024
characters. characters.
3.3.4. Tokens 3.3.4. Tokens
Tokens are short textual words; their abstract model is identical to Tokens are short textual words; their abstract model is identical to
their expression in the HTTP field value serialization. their expression in the HTTP field value serialization.
The ABNF for Tokens is: The ABNF for Tokens is:
skipping to change at page 15, line 37 skipping to change at page 15, line 32
Byte Sequences can be conveyed in Structured Fields. Byte Sequences can be conveyed in Structured Fields.
The ABNF for a Byte Sequence is: The ABNF for a Byte Sequence is:
sf-binary = ":" *(base64) ":" sf-binary = ":" *(base64) ":"
base64 = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/" / "=" base64 = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/" / "="
A Byte Sequence is delimited with colons and encoded using base64 A Byte Sequence is delimited with colons and encoded using base64
([RFC4648], Section 4). For example: ([RFC4648], Section 4). For example:
Example-Binary: :cHJldGVuZCB0aGlzIGlzIGJpbmFyeSBjb250ZW50Lg==: Example-ByteSequence: :cHJldGVuZCB0aGlzIGlzIGJpbmFyeSBjb250ZW50Lg==:
Parsers MUST support Byte Sequences with at least 16384 octets after Parsers MUST support Byte Sequences with at least 16384 octets after
decoding. decoding.
3.3.6. Booleans 3.3.6. Booleans
Boolean values can be conveyed in Structured Fields. Boolean values can be conveyed in Structured Fields.
The ABNF for a Boolean is: The ABNF for a Boolean is:
sf-boolean = "?" boolean sf-boolean = "?" boolean
boolean = "0" / "1" boolean = "0" / "1"
A Boolean is indicated with a leading "?" character followed by a "1" A Boolean is indicated with a leading "?" character followed by a "1"
for a true value or "0" for false. For example: for a true value or "0" for false. For example:
Example-Bool: ?1 Example-Boolean: ?1
Note that in Dictionary (Section 3.2) and Parameter (Section 3.1.2) Note that in Dictionary (Section 3.2) and Parameter (Section 3.1.2)
values, Boolean true is indicated by omitting the value. values, Boolean true is indicated by omitting the value.
4. Working With Structured Fields in HTTP 4. Working with Structured Fields in HTTP
This section defines how to serialize and parse Structured Fields in This section defines how to serialize and parse Structured Fields in
textual HTTP field values and other encodings compatible with them textual HTTP field values and other encodings compatible with them
(e.g., in HTTP/2 [RFC7540] before compression with HPACK [RFC7541]). (e.g., in HTTP/2 [RFC7540] before compression with HPACK [RFC7541]).
4.1. Serializing Structured Fields 4.1. Serializing Structured Fields
Given a structure defined in this specification, return an ASCII Given a structure defined in this specification, return an ASCII
string suitable for use in a HTTP field value. string suitable for use in an HTTP field value.
1. If the structure is a Dictionary or List and its value is empty 1. If the structure is a Dictionary or List and its value is empty
(i.e., it has no members), do not serialize the field at all (i.e., it has no members), do not serialize the field at all
(i.e., omit both the field-name and field-value). (i.e., omit both the field-name and field-value).
2. If the structure is a List, let output_string be the result of 2. If the structure is a List, let output_string be the result of
running Serializing a List (Section 4.1.1) with the structure. running Serializing a List (Section 4.1.1) with the structure.
3. Else if the structure is a Dictionary, let output_string be the 3. Else, if the structure is a Dictionary, let output_string be the
result of running Serializing a Dictionary (Section 4.1.2) with result of running Serializing a Dictionary (Section 4.1.2) with
the structure. the structure.
4. Else if the structure is an Item, let output_string be the result 4. Else, if the structure is an Item, let output_string be the
of running Serializing an Item (Section 4.1.3) with the result of running Serializing an Item (Section 4.1.3) with the
structure. structure.
5. Else, fail serialization. 5. Else, fail serialization.
6. Return output_string converted into an array of bytes, using 6. Return output_string converted into an array of bytes, using
ASCII encoding [RFC0020]. ASCII encoding [RFC0020].
4.1.1. Serializing a List 4.1.1. Serializing a List
Given an array of (member_value, parameters) tuples as input_list, Given an array of (member_value, parameters) tuples as input_list,
return an ASCII string suitable for use in a HTTP field value. return an ASCII string suitable for use in an HTTP field value.
1. Let output be an empty string. 1. Let output be an empty string.
2. For each (member_value, parameters) of input_list: 2. For each (member_value, parameters) of input_list:
1. If member_value is an array, append the result of running 1. If member_value is an array, append the result of running
Serializing an Inner List (Section with Serializing an Inner List (Section with
(member_value, parameters) to output. (member_value, parameters) to output.
2. Otherwise, append the result of running Serializing an Item 2. Otherwise, append the result of running Serializing an Item
skipping to change at page 17, line 20 skipping to change at page 17, line 15
1. Append "," to output. 1. Append "," to output.
2. Append a single SP to output. 2. Append a single SP to output.
3. Return output. 3. Return output. Serializing an Inner List Serializing an Inner List
Given an array of (member_value, parameters) tuples as inner_list, Given an array of (member_value, parameters) tuples as inner_list,
and parameters as list_parameters, return an ASCII string suitable and parameters as list_parameters, return an ASCII string suitable
for use in a HTTP field value. for use in an HTTP field value.
1. Let output be the string "(". 1. Let output be the string "(".
2. For each (member_value, parameters) of inner_list: 2. For each (member_value, parameters) of inner_list:
1. Append the result of running Serializing an Item 1. Append the result of running Serializing an Item
(Section 4.1.3) with (member_value, parameters) to output. (Section 4.1.3) with (member_value, parameters) to output.
2. If more values remain in inner_list, append a single SP to 2. If more values remain in inner_list, append a single SP to
output. output.
skipping to change at page 17, line 42 skipping to change at page 17, line 37
3. Append ")" to output. 3. Append ")" to output.
4. Append the result of running Serializing Parameters 4. Append the result of running Serializing Parameters
(Section with list_parameters to output. (Section with list_parameters to output.
5. Return output. 5. Return output. Serializing Parameters Serializing Parameters
Given an ordered Dictionary as input_parameters (each member having a Given an ordered Dictionary as input_parameters (each member having a
param_name and a param_value), return an ASCII string suitable for param_key and a param_value), return an ASCII string suitable for use
use in a HTTP field value. in an HTTP field value.
1. Let output be an empty string. 1. Let output be an empty string.
2. For each param_name with a value of param_value in 2. For each param_key with a value of param_value in
input_parameters: input_parameters:
1. Append ";" to output. 1. Append ";" to output.
2. Append the result of running Serializing a Key 2. Append the result of running Serializing a Key
(Section with param_name to output. (Section with param_key to output.
3. If param_value is not Boolean true: 3. If param_value is not Boolean true:
1. Append "=" to output. 1. Append "=" to output.
2. Append the result of running Serializing a bare Item 2. Append the result of running Serializing a bare Item
(Section with param_value to output. (Section with param_value to output.
3. Return output. 3. Return output. Serializing a Key Serializing a Key
Given a key as input_key, return an ASCII string suitable for use in Given a key as input_key, return an ASCII string suitable for use in
a HTTP field value. an HTTP field value.
1. Convert input_key into a sequence of ASCII characters; if 1. Convert input_key into a sequence of ASCII characters; if
conversion fails, fail serialization. conversion fails, fail serialization.
2. If input_key contains characters not in lcalpha, DIGIT, "_", "-", 2. If input_key contains characters not in lcalpha, DIGIT, "_", "-",
".", or "*" fail serialization. ".", or "*", fail serialization.
3. If the first character of input_key is not lcalpha or "*", fail 3. If the first character of input_key is not lcalpha or "*", fail
serialization. serialization.
4. Let output be an empty string. 4. Let output be an empty string.
5. Append input_key to output. 5. Append input_key to output.
6. Return output. 6. Return output.
4.1.2. Serializing a Dictionary 4.1.2. Serializing a Dictionary
Given an ordered Dictionary as input_dictionary (each member having a Given an ordered Dictionary as input_dictionary (each member having a
member_name and a tuple value of (member_value, parameters)), return member_key and a tuple value of (member_value, parameters)), return
an ASCII string suitable for use in a HTTP field value. an ASCII string suitable for use in an HTTP field value.
1. Let output be an empty string. 1. Let output be an empty string.
2. For each member_name with a value of (member_value, parameters) 2. For each member_key with a value of (member_value, parameters) in
in input_dictionary: input_dictionary:
1. Append the result of running Serializing a Key 1. Append the result of running Serializing a Key
(Section with member's member_name to output. (Section with member's member_key to output.
2. If member_value is Boolean true: 2. If member_value is Boolean true:
1. Append the result of running Serializing Parameters 1. Append the result of running Serializing Parameters
(Section with parameters to output. (Section with parameters to output.
3. Otherwise: 3. Otherwise:
1. Append "=" to output. 1. Append "=" to output.
skipping to change at page 19, line 31 skipping to change at page 19, line 24
1. Append "," to output. 1. Append "," to output.
2. Append a single SP to output. 2. Append a single SP to output.
3. Return output. 3. Return output.
4.1.3. Serializing an Item 4.1.3. Serializing an Item
Given an Item as bare_item and Parameters as item_parameters, return Given an Item as bare_item and Parameters as item_parameters, return
an ASCII string suitable for use in a HTTP field value. an ASCII string suitable for use in an HTTP field value.
1. Let output be an empty string. 1. Let output be an empty string.
2. Append the result of running Serializing a Bare Item 2. Append the result of running Serializing a Bare Item
Section with bare_item to output. (Section with bare_item to output.
3. Append the result of running Serializing Parameters 3. Append the result of running Serializing Parameters
Section with item_parameters to output. (Section with item_parameters to output.
4. Return output. 4. Return output. Serializing a Bare Item Serializing a Bare Item
Given an Item as input_item, return an ASCII string suitable for use Given an Item as input_item, return an ASCII string suitable for use
in a HTTP field value. in an HTTP field value.
1. If input_item is an Integer, return the result of running 1. If input_item is an Integer, return the result of running
Serializing an Integer (Section 4.1.4) with input_item. Serializing an Integer (Section 4.1.4) with input_item.
2. If input_item is a Decimal, return the result of running 2. If input_item is a Decimal, return the result of running
Serializing a Decimal (Section 4.1.5) with input_item. Serializing a Decimal (Section 4.1.5) with input_item.
3. If input_item is a String, return the result of running 3. If input_item is a String, return the result of running
Serializing a String (Section 4.1.6) with input_item. Serializing a String (Section 4.1.6) with input_item.
4. If input_item is a Token, return the result of running 4. If input_item is a Token, return the result of running
Serializing a Token (Section 4.1.7) with input_item. Serializing a Token (Section 4.1.7) with input_item.
5. If input_item is a Boolean, return the result of running 5. If input_item is a Byte Sequence, return the result of running
Serializing a Boolean (Section 4.1.9) with input_item.
6. If input_item is a Byte Sequence, return the result of running
Serializing a Byte Sequence (Section 4.1.8) with input_item. Serializing a Byte Sequence (Section 4.1.8) with input_item.
6. If input_item is a Boolean, return the result of running
Serializing a Boolean (Section 4.1.9) with input_item.
7. Otherwise, fail serialization. 7. Otherwise, fail serialization.
4.1.4. Serializing an Integer 4.1.4. Serializing an Integer
Given an Integer as input_integer, return an ASCII string suitable Given an Integer as input_integer, return an ASCII string suitable
for use in a HTTP field value. for use in an HTTP field value.
1. If input_integer is not an integer in the range of 1. If input_integer is not an integer in the range of
-999,999,999,999,999 to 999,999,999,999,999 inclusive, fail -999,999,999,999,999 to 999,999,999,999,999 inclusive, fail
serialization. serialization.
2. Let output be an empty string. 2. Let output be an empty string.
3. If input_integer is less than (but not equal to) 0, append "-" to 3. If input_integer is less than (but not equal to) 0, append "-" to
output. output.
4. Append input_integer's numeric value represented in base 10 using 4. Append input_integer's numeric value represented in base 10 using
only decimal digits to output. only decimal digits to output.
5. Return output. 5. Return output.
4.1.5. Serializing a Decimal 4.1.5. Serializing a Decimal
Given a decimal number as input_decimal, return an ASCII string Given a decimal number as input_decimal, return an ASCII string
suitable for use in a HTTP field value. suitable for use in an HTTP field value.
1. If input_decimal is not a decimal number, fail serialization. 1. If input_decimal is not a decimal number, fail serialization.
2. If input_decimal has more than three significant digits to the 2. If input_decimal has more than three significant digits to the
right of the decimal point, round it to three decimal places, right of the decimal point, round it to three decimal places,
rounding the final digit to the nearest value, or to the even rounding the final digit to the nearest value, or to the even
value if it is equidistant. value if it is equidistant.
3. If input_decimal has more than 12 significant digits to the left 3. If input_decimal has more than 12 significant digits to the left
of the decimal point after rounding, fail serialization. of the decimal point after rounding, fail serialization.
skipping to change at page 21, line 28 skipping to change at page 21, line 23
9. Otherwise, append the significant digits of input_decimal's 9. Otherwise, append the significant digits of input_decimal's
fractional component represented in base 10 (using only decimal fractional component represented in base 10 (using only decimal
digits) to output. digits) to output.
10. Return output. 10. Return output.
4.1.6. Serializing a String 4.1.6. Serializing a String
Given a String as input_string, return an ASCII string suitable for Given a String as input_string, return an ASCII string suitable for
use in a HTTP field value. use in an HTTP field value.
1. Convert input_string into a sequence of ASCII characters; if 1. Convert input_string into a sequence of ASCII characters; if
conversion fails, fail serialization. conversion fails, fail serialization.
2. If input_string contains characters in the range %x00-1f or %x7f 2. If input_string contains characters in the range %x00-1f or %x7f-
(i.e., not in VCHAR or SP), fail serialization. ff (i.e., not in VCHAR or SP), fail serialization.
3. Let output be the string DQUOTE. 3. Let output be the string DQUOTE.
4. For each character char in input_string: 4. For each character char in input_string:
1. If char is "\" or DQUOTE: 1. If char is "\" or DQUOTE:
1. Append "\" to output. 1. Append "\" to output.
2. Append char to output. 2. Append char to output.
5. Append DQUOTE to output. 5. Append DQUOTE to output.
6. Return output. 6. Return output.
4.1.7. Serializing a Token 4.1.7. Serializing a Token
Given a Token as input_token, return an ASCII string suitable for use Given a Token as input_token, return an ASCII string suitable for use
in a HTTP field value. in an HTTP field value.
1. Convert input_token into a sequence of ASCII characters; if 1. Convert input_token into a sequence of ASCII characters; if
conversion fails, fail serialization. conversion fails, fail serialization.
2. If the first character of input_token is not ALPHA or "*", or the 2. If the first character of input_token is not ALPHA or "*", or the
remaining portion contains a character not in tchar, ":" or "/", remaining portion contains a character not in tchar, ":", or "/",
fail serialization. fail serialization.
3. Let output be an empty string. 3. Let output be an empty string.
4. Append input_token to output. 4. Append input_token to output.
5. Return output. 5. Return output.
4.1.8. Serializing a Byte Sequence 4.1.8. Serializing a Byte Sequence
Given a Byte Sequence as input_bytes, return an ASCII string suitable Given a Byte Sequence as input_bytes, return an ASCII string suitable
for use in a HTTP field value. for use in an HTTP field value.
1. If input_bytes is not a sequence of bytes, fail serialization. 1. If input_bytes is not a sequence of bytes, fail serialization.
2. Let output be an empty string. 2. Let output be an empty string.
3. Append ":" to output. 3. Append ":" to output.
4. Append the result of base64-encoding input_bytes as per 4. Append the result of base64-encoding input_bytes as per
[RFC4648], Section 4, taking account of the requirements below. [RFC4648], Section 4, taking account of the requirements below.
skipping to change at page 22, line 51 skipping to change at page 22, line 43
The encoded data is required to be padded with "=", as per [RFC4648], The encoded data is required to be padded with "=", as per [RFC4648],
Section 3.2. Section 3.2.
Likewise, encoded data SHOULD have pad bits set to zero, as per Likewise, encoded data SHOULD have pad bits set to zero, as per
[RFC4648], Section 3.5, unless it is not possible to do so due to [RFC4648], Section 3.5, unless it is not possible to do so due to
implementation constraints. implementation constraints.
4.1.9. Serializing a Boolean 4.1.9. Serializing a Boolean
Given a Boolean as input_boolean, return an ASCII string suitable for Given a Boolean as input_boolean, return an ASCII string suitable for
use in a HTTP field value. use in an HTTP field value.
1. If input_boolean is not a boolean, fail serialization. 1. If input_boolean is not a boolean, fail serialization.
2. Let output be an empty string. 2. Let output be an empty string.
3. Append "?" to output. 3. Append "?" to output.
4. If input_boolean is true, append "1" to output. 4. If input_boolean is true, append "1" to output.
5. If input_boolean is false, append "0" to output. 5. If input_boolean is false, append "0" to output.
skipping to change at page 23, line 25 skipping to change at page 23, line 17
6. Return output. 6. Return output.
4.2. Parsing Structured Fields 4.2. Parsing Structured Fields
When a receiving implementation parses HTTP fields that are known to When a receiving implementation parses HTTP fields that are known to
be Structured Fields, it is important that care be taken, as there be Structured Fields, it is important that care be taken, as there
are a number of edge cases that can cause interoperability or even are a number of edge cases that can cause interoperability or even
security problems. This section specifies the algorithm for doing security problems. This section specifies the algorithm for doing
so. so.
Given an array of bytes input_bytes that represents the chosen Given an array of bytes as input_bytes that represent the chosen
field's field-value (which is empty if that field is not present), field's field-value (which is empty if that field is not present) and
and field_type (one of "dictionary", "list", or "item"), return the field_type (one of "dictionary", "list", or "item"), return the
parsed header value. parsed header value.
1. Convert input_bytes into an ASCII string input_string; if 1. Convert input_bytes into an ASCII string input_string; if
conversion fails, fail parsing. conversion fails, fail parsing.
2. Discard any leading SP characters from input_string. 2. Discard any leading SP characters from input_string.
3. If field_type is "list", let output be the result of running 3. If field_type is "list", let output be the result of running
Parsing a List (Section 4.2.1) with input_string. Parsing a List (Section 4.2.1) with input_string.
skipping to change at page 24, line 4 skipping to change at page 23, line 45
6. Discard any leading SP characters from input_string. 6. Discard any leading SP characters from input_string.
7. If input_string is not empty, fail parsing. 7. If input_string is not empty, fail parsing.
8. Otherwise, return output. 8. Otherwise, return output.
When generating input_bytes, parsers MUST combine all field lines in When generating input_bytes, parsers MUST combine all field lines in
the same section (header or trailer) that case-insensitively match the same section (header or trailer) that case-insensitively match
the field name into one comma-separated field-value, as per the field name into one comma-separated field-value, as per
[RFC7230], Section 3.2.2; this assures that the entire field value is [RFC7230], Section 3.2.2; this assures that the entire field value is
processed correctly. processed correctly.
For Lists and Dictionaries, this has the effect of correctly For Lists and Dictionaries, this has the effect of correctly
concatenating all of the field's lines, as long as individual members concatenating all of the field's lines, as long as individual members
of the top-level data structure are not split across multiple header of the top-level data structure are not split across multiple header
instances. The parsing algorithms for both types allow tab instances. The parsing algorithms for both types allow tab
characters, since these might be used to combine field lines by some characters, since these might be used to combine field lines by some
implementations. implementations.
Strings split across multiple field lines will have unpredictable Strings split across multiple field lines will have unpredictable
results, because comma(s) and whitespace inserted upon combination results, because one or more commas (with optional whitespace) will
will become part of the string output by the parser. Since become part of the string output by the parser. Since concatenation
concatenation might be done by an upstream intermediary, the results might be done by an upstream intermediary, the results are not under
are not under the control of the serializer or the parser, even when the control of the serializer or the parser, even when they are both
they are both under the control of the same party. under the control of the same party.
Tokens, Integers, Decimals and Byte Sequences cannot be split across Tokens, Integers, Decimals, and Byte Sequences cannot be split across
multiple field lines because the inserted commas will cause parsing multiple field lines because the inserted commas will cause parsing
to fail. to fail.
Parsers MAY fail when processing a field value spread across multiple Parsers MAY fail when processing a field value spread across multiple
field lines, when one of those lines does not parse as that field. field lines, when one of those lines does not parse as that field.
For example, a parsing handling an Example-String field that's For example, a parsing handling an Example-String field that's
defined as a sf-string is allowed to fail when processing this field defined as an sf-string is allowed to fail when processing this field
section: section:
Example-String: "foo Example-String: "foo
Example-String: bar" Example-String: bar"
If parsing fails - including when calling another algorithm - the If parsing fails -- including when calling another algorithm -- the
entire field value MUST be ignored (i.e., treated as if the field entire field value MUST be ignored (i.e., treated as if the field
were not present in the section). This is intentionally strict, to were not present in the section). This is intentionally strict, to
improve interoperability and safety, and specifications referencing improve interoperability and safety, and specifications referencing
this document are not allowed to loosen this requirement. this document are not allowed to loosen this requirement.
Note that this requirement does not apply to an implementation that Note that this requirement does not apply to an implementation that
is not parsing the field; for example, an intermediary is not is not parsing the field; for example, an intermediary is not
required to strip a failing field from a message before forwarding required to strip a failing field from a message before forwarding
it. it.
skipping to change at page 25, line 29 skipping to change at page 25, line 22
6. If input_string is empty, there is a trailing comma; fail 6. If input_string is empty, there is a trailing comma; fail
parsing. parsing.
3. No structured data has been found; return members (which is 3. No structured data has been found; return members (which is
empty). empty). Parsing an Item or Inner List Parsing an Item or Inner List
Given an ASCII string as input_string, return the tuple Given an ASCII string as input_string, return the tuple
(item_or_inner_list, parameters), where item_or_inner_list can be (item_or_inner_list, parameters), where item_or_inner_list can be
either a single bare item, or an array of (bare_item, parameters) either a single bare item or an array of (bare_item, parameters)
tuples. input_string is modified to remove the parsed value. tuples. input_string is modified to remove the parsed value.
1. If the first character of input_string is "(", return the result 1. If the first character of input_string is "(", return the result
of running Parsing an Inner List (Section with of running Parsing an Inner List (Section with
input_string. input_string.
2. Return the result of running Parsing an Item (Section 4.2.3) with 2. Return the result of running Parsing an Item (Section 4.2.3) with
input_string. input_string. Parsing an Inner List Parsing an Inner List
skipping to change at page 26, line 22 skipping to change at page 26, line 15
3. Return the tuple (inner_list, parameters). 3. Return the tuple (inner_list, parameters).
3. Let item be the result of running Parsing an Item 3. Let item be the result of running Parsing an Item
(Section 4.2.3) with input_string. (Section 4.2.3) with input_string.
4. Append item to inner_list. 4. Append item to inner_list.
5. If the first character of input_string is not SP or ")", fail 5. If the first character of input_string is not SP or ")", fail
parsing. parsing.
4. The end of the inner list was not found; fail parsing. 4. The end of the Inner List was not found; fail parsing.
4.2.2. Parsing a Dictionary 4.2.2. Parsing a Dictionary
Given an ASCII string as input_string, return an ordered map whose Given an ASCII string as input_string, return an ordered map whose
values are (item_or_inner_list, parameters) tuples. input_string is values are (item_or_inner_list, parameters) tuples. input_string is
modified to remove the parsed value. modified to remove the parsed value.
1. Let dictionary be an empty, ordered map. 1. Let dictionary be an empty, ordered map.
2. While input_string is not empty: 2. While input_string is not empty:
1. Let this_key be the result of running Parsing a Key 1. Let this_key be the result of running Parsing a Key
(Section with input_string. (Section with input_string.
2. If the first character of input_string is "=": 2. If the first character of input_string is "=":
1. Consume the first character of input_string. 1. Consume the first character of input_string.
2. Let member be the result of running Parsing an Item or 2. Let member be the result of running Parsing an Item or
Inner List (Section with input_string. Inner List (Section with input_string.
3. Otherwise: 3. Otherwise:
1. Let value be Boolean true. 1. Let value be Boolean true.
2. Let parameters be the result of running Parsing 2. Let parameters be the result of running Parsing
Parameters Section with input_string. Parameters (Section with input_string.
3. Let member be the tuple (value, parameters). 3. Let member be the tuple (value, parameters).
4. Add name this_key with value member to dictionary. If 4. If dictionary already contains a key this_key (comparing
dictionary already contains a name this_key (comparing character for character), overwrite its value with member.
character-for-character), overwrite its value.
5. Discard any leading OWS characters from input_string. 5. Otherwise, append key this_key with value member to
6. If input_string is empty, return dictionary. 6. Discard any leading OWS characters from input_string.
7. Consume the first character of input_string; if it is not 7. If input_string is empty, return dictionary.
",", fail parsing.
8. Discard any leading OWS characters from input_string. 8. Consume the first character of input_string; if it is not
",", fail parsing.
9. If input_string is empty, there is a trailing comma; fail 9. Discard any leading OWS characters from input_string.
10. If input_string is empty, there is a trailing comma; fail
3. No structured data has been found; return dictionary (which is 3. No structured data has been found; return dictionary (which is
empty). empty).
Note that when duplicate Dictionary keys are encountered, this has Note that when duplicate Dictionary keys are encountered, all but the
the effect of ignoring all but the last instance. last instance are ignored.
4.2.3. Parsing an Item 4.2.3. Parsing an Item
Given an ASCII string as input_string, return a (bare_item, Given an ASCII string as input_string, return a (bare_item,
parameters) tuple. input_string is modified to remove the parsed parameters) tuple. input_string is modified to remove the parsed
value. value.
1. Let bare_item be the result of running Parsing a Bare Item 1. Let bare_item be the result of running Parsing a Bare Item
(Section with input_string. (Section with input_string.
skipping to change at page 28, line 5 skipping to change at page 27, line 48
input_string is modified to remove the parsed value. input_string is modified to remove the parsed value.
1. If the first character of input_string is a "-" or a DIGIT, 1. If the first character of input_string is a "-" or a DIGIT,
return the result of running Parsing an Integer or Decimal return the result of running Parsing an Integer or Decimal
(Section 4.2.4) with input_string. (Section 4.2.4) with input_string.
2. If the first character of input_string is a DQUOTE, return the 2. If the first character of input_string is a DQUOTE, return the
result of running Parsing a String (Section 4.2.5) with result of running Parsing a String (Section 4.2.5) with
input_string. input_string.
3. If the first character of input_string is ":", return the result 3. If the first character of input_string is an ALPHA or "*", return
the result of running Parsing a Token (Section 4.2.6) with
4. If the first character of input_string is ":", return the result
of running Parsing a Byte Sequence (Section 4.2.7) with of running Parsing a Byte Sequence (Section 4.2.7) with
input_string. input_string.
4. If the first character of input_string is "?", return the result 5. If the first character of input_string is "?", return the result
of running Parsing a Boolean (Section 4.2.8) with input_string. of running Parsing a Boolean (Section 4.2.8) with input_string.
5. If the first character of input_string is an ALPHA or "*", return
the result of running Parsing a Token (Section 4.2.6) with
6. Otherwise, the item type is unrecognized; fail parsing. 6. Otherwise, the item type is unrecognized; fail parsing. Parsing Parameters Parsing Parameters
Given an ASCII string as input_string, return an ordered map whose Given an ASCII string as input_string, return an ordered map whose
values are bare Items. input_string is modified to remove the parsed values are bare Items. input_string is modified to remove the parsed
value. value.
1. Let parameters be an empty, ordered map. 1. Let parameters be an empty, ordered map.
2. While input_string is not empty: 2. While input_string is not empty:
1. If the first character of input_string is not ";", exit the 1. If the first character of input_string is not ";", exit the
loop. loop.
2. Consume a ";" character from the beginning of input_string. 2. Consume the ";" character from the beginning of input_string.
3. Discard any leading SP characters from input_string. 3. Discard any leading SP characters from input_string.
4. let param_name be the result of running Parsing a Key 4. Let param_key be the result of running Parsing a Key
(Section with input_string. (Section with input_string.
5. Let param_value be Boolean true. 5. Let param_value be Boolean true.
6. If the first character of input_string is "=": 6. If the first character of input_string is "=":
1. Consume the "=" character at the beginning of 1. Consume the "=" character at the beginning of
input_string. input_string.
2. Let param_value be the result of running Parsing a Bare 2. Let param_value be the result of running Parsing a Bare
Item (Section with input_string. Item (Section with input_string.
7. Append key param_name with value param_value to parameters. 7. If parameters already contains a key param_key (comparing
If parameters already contains a name param_name (comparing character for character), overwrite its value with
character-for-character), overwrite its value. param_value.
8. Otherwise, append key param_key with value param_value to
3. Return parameters. 3. Return parameters.
Note that when duplicate Parameter keys are encountered, this has the Note that when duplicate parameter keys are encountered, all but the
effect of ignoring all but the last instance. last instance are ignored. Parsing a Key Parsing a Key
Given an ASCII string as input_string, return a key. input_string is Given an ASCII string as input_string, return a key. input_string is
modified to remove the parsed value. modified to remove the parsed value.
1. If the first character of input_string is not lcalpha or "*", 1. If the first character of input_string is not lcalpha or "*",
fail parsing. fail parsing.
2. Let output_string be an empty string. 2. Let output_string be an empty string.
skipping to change at page 30, line 33 skipping to change at page 30, line 33
characters, fail parsing. characters, fail parsing.
6. If type is "decimal" and input_number contains more than 16 6. If type is "decimal" and input_number contains more than 16
characters, fail parsing. characters, fail parsing.
8. If type is "integer": 8. If type is "integer":
1. Parse input_number as an integer and let output_number be 1. Parse input_number as an integer and let output_number be
the product of the result and sign. the product of the result and sign.
2. If output_number is outside the range -999,999,999,999,999
to 999,999,999,999,999 inclusive, fail parsing.
9. Otherwise: 9. Otherwise:
1. If the final character of input_number is ".", fail parsing. 1. If the final character of input_number is ".", fail parsing.
2. If the number of characters after "." in input_number is 2. If the number of characters after "." in input_number is
greater than three, fail parsing. greater than three, fail parsing.
3. Parse input_number as a decimal number and let output_number 3. Parse input_number as a decimal number and let output_number
be the product of the result and sign. be the product of the result and sign.
skipping to change at page 31, line 30 skipping to change at page 31, line 28
2. Let next_char be the result of consuming the first 2. Let next_char be the result of consuming the first
character of input_string. character of input_string.
3. If next_char is not DQUOTE or "\", fail parsing. 3. If next_char is not DQUOTE or "\", fail parsing.
4. Append next_char to output_string. 4. Append next_char to output_string.
3. Else, if char is DQUOTE, return output_string. 3. Else, if char is DQUOTE, return output_string.
4. Else, if char is in the range %x00-1f or %x7f (i.e., is not 4. Else, if char is in the range %x00-1f or %x7f-ff (i.e., it is
in VCHAR or SP), fail parsing. not in VCHAR or SP), fail parsing.
5. Else, append char to output_string. 5. Else, append char to output_string.
5. Reached the end of input_string without finding a closing DQUOTE; 5. Reached the end of input_string without finding a closing DQUOTE;
fail parsing. fail parsing.
4.2.6. Parsing a Token 4.2.6. Parsing a Token
Given an ASCII string as input_string, return a Token. input_string Given an ASCII string as input_string, return a Token. input_string
is modified to remove the parsed value. is modified to remove the parsed value.
1. If the first character of input_string is not ALPHA or "*", fail 1. If the first character of input_string is not ALPHA or "*", fail
parsing. parsing.
2. Let output_string be an empty string. 2. Let output_string be an empty string.
3. While input_string is not empty: 3. While input_string is not empty:
1. If the first character of input_string is not in tchar, ":" 1. If the first character of input_string is not in tchar, ":",
or "/", return output_string. or "/", return output_string.
2. Let char be the result of consuming the first character of 2. Let char be the result of consuming the first character of
input_string. input_string.
3. Append char to output_string. 3. Append char to output_string.
4. Return output_string. 4. Return output_string.
4.2.7. Parsing a Byte Sequence 4.2.7. Parsing a Byte Sequence
skipping to change at page 32, line 31 skipping to change at page 32, line 28
3. If there is not a ":" character before the end of input_string, 3. If there is not a ":" character before the end of input_string,
fail parsing. fail parsing.
4. Let b64_content be the result of consuming content of 4. Let b64_content be the result of consuming content of
input_string up to but not including the first instance of the input_string up to but not including the first instance of the
character ":". character ":".
5. Consume the ":" character at the beginning of input_string. 5. Consume the ":" character at the beginning of input_string.
6. If b64_content contains a character not included in ALPHA, DIGIT, 6. If b64_content contains a character not included in ALPHA, DIGIT,
"+", "/" and "=", fail parsing. "+", "/", and "=", fail parsing.
7. Let binary_content be the result of Base 64 Decoding [RFC4648] 7. Let binary_content be the result of base64-decoding [RFC4648]
b64_content, synthesizing padding if necessary (note the b64_content, synthesizing padding if necessary (note the
requirements about recipient behavior below). requirements about recipient behavior below). If base64 decoding
fails, parsing fails.
8. Return binary_content. 8. Return binary_content.
Because some implementations of base64 do not allow rejection of Because some implementations of base64 do not allow rejection of
encoded data that is not properly "=" padded (see [RFC4648], encoded data that is not properly "=" padded (see [RFC4648],
Section 3.2), parsers SHOULD NOT fail when "=" padding is not Section 3.2, parsers SHOULD NOT fail when "=" padding is not present,
present, unless they cannot be configured to do so. unless they cannot be configured to do so.
Because some implementations of base64 do not allow rejection of Because some implementations of base64 do not allow rejection of
encoded data that has non-zero pad bits (see [RFC4648], Section 3.5), encoded data that has non-zero pad bits (see [RFC4648], Section 3.5),
parsers SHOULD NOT fail when non-zero pad bits are present, unless parsers SHOULD NOT fail when non-zero pad bits are present, unless
they cannot be configured to do so. they cannot be configured to do so.
This specification does not relax the requirements in [RFC4648], This specification does not relax the requirements in Sections 3.1
Section 3.1 and 3.3; therefore, parsers MUST fail on characters and 3.3 of [RFC4648]; therefore, parsers MUST fail on characters
outside the base64 alphabet, and on line feeds in encoded data. outside the base64 alphabet and on line feeds in encoded data.
4.2.8. Parsing a Boolean 4.2.8. Parsing a Boolean
Given an ASCII string as input_string, return a Boolean. input_string Given an ASCII string as input_string, return a Boolean. input_string
is modified to remove the parsed value. is modified to remove the parsed value.
1. If the first character of input_string is not "?", fail parsing. 1. If the first character of input_string is not "?", fail parsing.
2. Discard the first character of input_string. 2. Discard the first character of input_string.
3. If the first character of input_string matches "1", discard the 3. If the first character of input_string matches "1", discard the
first character, and return true. first character, and return true.
4. If the first character of input_string matches "0", discard the 4. If the first character of input_string matches "0", discard the
first character, and return false. first character, and return false.
5. No value has matched; fail parsing. 5. No value has matched; fail parsing.
5. IANA Considerations 5. IANA Considerations
This document has no actions for IANA. This document has no IANA actions.
6. Security Considerations 6. Security Considerations
The size of most types defined by Structured Fields is not limited; The size of most types defined by Structured Fields is not limited;
as a result, extremely large fields could be an attack vector (e.g., as a result, extremely large fields could be an attack vector (e.g.,
for resource consumption). Most HTTP implementations limit the sizes for resource consumption). Most HTTP implementations limit the sizes
of individual fields as well as the overall header or trailer section of individual fields as well as the overall header or trailer section
size to mitigate such attacks. size to mitigate such attacks.
It is possible for parties with the ability to inject new HTTP fields It is possible for parties with the ability to inject new HTTP fields
skipping to change at page 35, line 5 skipping to change at page 35, line 5
[RFC7541] Peon, R. and H. Ruellan, "HPACK: Header Compression for [RFC7541] Peon, R. and H. Ruellan, "HPACK: Header Compression for
HTTP/2", RFC 7541, DOI 10.17487/RFC7541, May 2015, HTTP/2", RFC 7541, DOI 10.17487/RFC7541, May 2015,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7541>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7541>.
[RFC8259] Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data [RFC8259] Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data
Interchange Format", STD 90, RFC 8259, Interchange Format", STD 90, RFC 8259,
DOI 10.17487/RFC8259, December 2017, DOI 10.17487/RFC8259, December 2017,
<https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8259>. <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8259>.
[UTF-8] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO [STD63] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, DOI 10.17487/RFC3629, November 10646", STD 63, RFC 3629, DOI 10.17487/RFC3629, November
2003, <http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/std63>. 2003, <http://www.rfc-editor.org/info/std63>.
7.3. URIs 7.3. URIs
[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/ [1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/
[2] https://httpwg.github.io/ [2] https://httpwg.github.io/
[3] https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/labels/header-structure [3] https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/labels/header-structure
[4] https://github.com/httpwg/structured-field-tests [4] https://github.com/httpwg/structured-field-tests
[5] https://github.com/httpwg/wiki/wiki/Structured-Headers [5] https://github.com/httpwg/wiki/wiki/Structured-Headers
[6] https://github.com/httpwg/structured-field-tests [6] https://github.com/httpwg/structured-field-tests
Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions
A.1. Why not JSON? A.1. Why Not JSON?
Earlier proposals for Structured Fields were based upon JSON Earlier proposals for Structured Fields were based upon JSON
[RFC8259]. However, constraining its use to make it suitable for [RFC8259]. However, constraining its use to make it suitable for
HTTP header fields required senders and recipients to implement HTTP header fields required senders and recipients to implement
specific additional handling. specific additional handling.
For example, JSON has specification issues around large numbers and For example, JSON has specification issues around large numbers and
objects with duplicate members. Although advice for avoiding these objects with duplicate members. Although advice for avoiding these
issues is available (e.g., [RFC7493]), it cannot be relied upon. issues is available (e.g., [RFC7493]), it cannot be relied upon.
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(e.g., in embedded and other limited server deployments), it's (e.g., in embedded and other limited server deployments), it's
necessary to limit it in some fashion; however, existing JSON necessary to limit it in some fashion; however, existing JSON
implementations have no such limits, and even if a limit is implementations have no such limits, and even if a limit is
specified, it's likely that some field definition will find a need to specified, it's likely that some field definition will find a need to
violate it. violate it.
Because of JSON's broad adoption and implementation, it is difficult Because of JSON's broad adoption and implementation, it is difficult
to impose such additional constraints across all implementations; to impose such additional constraints across all implementations;
some deployments would fail to enforce them, thereby harming some deployments would fail to enforce them, thereby harming
interoperability. In short, if it looks like JSON, people will be interoperability. In short, if it looks like JSON, people will be
tempted to use a JSON parser / serializer on field values. tempted to use a JSON parser/serializer on field values.
Since a major goal for Structured Fields is to improve Since a major goal for Structured Fields is to improve
interoperability and simplify implementation, these concerns led to a interoperability and simplify implementation, these concerns led to a
format that requires a dedicated parser and serializer. format that requires a dedicated parser and serializer.
Additionally, there were widely shared feelings that JSON doesn't Additionally, there were widely shared feelings that JSON doesn't
"look right" in HTTP fields. "look right" in HTTP fields.
Appendix B. Implementation Notes Appendix B. Implementation Notes
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They need not be functions; for example, it could be implemented as They need not be functions; for example, it could be implemented as
an object, with methods for each of the different top-level types. an object, with methods for each of the different top-level types.
For interoperability, it's important that generic implementations be For interoperability, it's important that generic implementations be
complete and follow the algorithms closely; see Section 1.1. To aid complete and follow the algorithms closely; see Section 1.1. To aid
this, a common test suite is being maintained by the community at this, a common test suite is being maintained by the community at
https://github.com/httpwg/structured-field-tests [6]. https://github.com/httpwg/structured-field-tests [6].
Implementers should note that Dictionaries and Parameters are order- Implementers should note that Dictionaries and Parameters are order-
preserving maps. Some fields may not convey meaning in the ordering preserving maps. Some fields may not convey meaning in the ordering
of these data types, but it should still be exposed so that of these data types, but it should still be exposed so that it will
applications which need to use it will have it available. be available to applications that need to use it.
Likewise, implementations should note that it's important to preserve Likewise, implementations should note that it's important to preserve
the distinction between Tokens and Strings. While most programming the distinction between Tokens and Strings. While most programming
languages have native types that map to the other types well, it may languages have native types that map to the other types well, it may
be necessary to create a wrapper "token" object or use a parameter on be necessary to create a wrapper "token" object or use a parameter on
functions to assure that these types remain separate. functions to assure that these types remain separate.
The serialization algorithm is defined in a way that it is not The serialization algorithm is defined in a way that it is not
strictly limited to the data types defined in Section 3 in every strictly limited to the data types defined in Section 3 in every
case. For example, Decimals are designed to take broader input and case. For example, Decimals are designed to take broader input and
round to allowed values. round to allowed values.
Implementations are allowed to limit the allowed size of different Implementations are allowed to limit the size of different
structures, subject to the minimums defined for each type. When a structures, subject to the minimums defined for each type. When a
structure exceeds an implementation limit, that structure fails structure exceeds an implementation limit, that structure fails
parsing or serialisation. parsing or serialization.
Appendix C. Changes Appendix C. Changes
_RFC Editor: Please remove this section before publication._ _RFC Editor: Please remove this section before publication._
C.1. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-18 C.1. Since draft-ietf-httpbis-header-structure-18
o Use "sf-" prefix for ABNF, not "sh-". o Use "sf-" prefix for ABNF, not "sh-".
o Fix indentation in Dictionary serialisation (#1164). o Fix indentation in Dictionary serialisation (#1164).
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consideration during the development of this specification. consideration during the development of this specification.
Thanks also to Ian Clelland, Roy Fielding, Anne van Kesteren, Kazuho Thanks also to Ian Clelland, Roy Fielding, Anne van Kesteren, Kazuho
Oku, Evert Pot, Julian Reschke, Martin Thomson, Mike West, and Oku, Evert Pot, Julian Reschke, Martin Thomson, Mike West, and
Jeffrey Yasskin for their contributions. Jeffrey Yasskin for their contributions.
Authors' Addresses Authors' Addresses
Mark Nottingham Mark Nottingham
Fastly Fastly
Prahran, VIC
Email: mnot@mnot.net Email: mnot@mnot.net
URI: https://www.mnot.net/ URI: https://www.mnot.net/
Poul-Henning Kamp Poul-Henning Kamp
The Varnish Cache Project The Varnish Cache Project
Email: phk@varnish-cache.org Email: phk@varnish-cache.org
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